/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/src/OrbitalInfoCore.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/src/OrbitalInfoCore.cpp

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Revision 1.93 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Dec 27 13:12:28 2018 UTC (6 years, 2 months ago) by mayorov
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.92: +879 -864 lines
Fixed bug with EXT track variables initialization

1 // C/C++ headers
2 //
3 #include <fstream>
4 #include <string.h>
5 #include <iostream>
6 #include <cstring>
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 //
9 // ROOT headers
10 //
11 //#include <TCanvas.h>
12 #include <TH2F.h> //for test only. Vitaly.
13 #include <TVector3.h>
14 //#include <TF1.h>
16 #include <TTree.h>
17 #include <TClassEdit.h>
18 #include <TObject.h>
19 #include <TList.h>
20 #include <TArrayI.h>
21 #include <TSystem.h>
22 #include <TSystemDirectory.h>
23 #include <TString.h>
24 #include <TFile.h>
25 #include <TClass.h>
26 #include <TSQLServer.h>
27 #include <TSQLRow.h>
28 #include <TSQLResult.h>
29 #include <TObjectTable.h>
30 //
31 // RunInfo header
32 //
33 #include <RunInfo.h>
34 #include <GLTables.h>
35 //
36 // YODA headers
37 //
38 #include <PamelaRun.h>
39 #include <PscuHeader.h>
40 #include <PscuEvent.h>
41 #include <EventHeader.h>
42 #include <mcmd/McmdEvent.h>
43 #include <mcmd/McmdRecord.h>
44 //
45 // This program headers
46 //
47 #include <OrbitalInfo.h>
48 #include <OrbitalInfoVerl2.h>
49 #include <OrbitalInfoCore.h>
50 #include <InclinationInfo.h>
52 //
53 // Tracker and ToF classes headers and definitions
54 //
55 #include <ToFLevel2.h>
56 #include <TrkLevel2.h>
57 #include <ExtTrack.h> // new tracking code
59 using namespace std;
61 //
63 //
64 //
65 int OrbitalInfoCore(UInt_t run, TFile *file, GL_TABLES *glt, Int_t OrbitalInfoargc, char *OrbitalInfoargv[]){
66 //
67 Int_t i = 0;
68 TString host = glt->CGetHost();
69 TString user = glt->CGetUser();
70 TString psw = glt->CGetPsw();
71 TSQLServer *dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data());
72 //
73 stringstream myquery;
74 myquery.str("");
75 myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00';";
76 delete dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
77 delete dbc->Query("SET sql_mode = 'NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION';");
78 //
79 TString processFolder = Form("OrbitalInfoFolder_%u",run);
80 //
81 // Set these to true to have a very verbose output.
82 //
83 Bool_t debug = false;
84 //
85 Bool_t verbose = false;
86 //
87 Bool_t standalone = false;
88 //
89 if ( OrbitalInfoargc > 0 ){
90 i = 0;
91 while ( i < OrbitalInfoargc ){
92 if ( !strcmp(OrbitalInfoargv[i],"-processFolder") ) {
93 if ( OrbitalInfoargc < i+1 ){
94 throw -3;
95 }
96 processFolder = (TString)OrbitalInfoargv[i+1];
97 i++;
98 }
99 if ( (!strcmp(OrbitalInfoargv[i],"--debug")) || (!strcmp(OrbitalInfoargv[i],"-g")) ) {
100 verbose = true;
101 debug = true;
102 }
103 if ( (!strcmp(OrbitalInfoargv[i],"--verbose")) || (!strcmp(OrbitalInfoargv[i],"-v")) ) {
104 verbose = true;
105 }
106 if ( (!strcmp(OrbitalInfoargv[i],"--standalone")) ) {
107 standalone = true;
108 }
109 if ( (!strcmp(OrbitalInfoargv[i],"--calculate-pitch")) ) {
110 standalone = false;
111 }
112 i++;
113 }
114 }
115 if ( debug ){
116 printf("START\n");
117 gObjectTable->Print();
118 }
119 //
120 const char* outDir = gSystem->DirName(gSystem->DirName(file->GetPath()));
121 //
122 TTree *OrbitalInfotr = 0;
123 UInt_t nevents = 0;
124 UInt_t neventsm = 0;
125 //
126 // variables needed to reprocess data
127 //
128 Long64_t maxsize = 10000000000LL;
129 TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(maxsize);
130 //
131 TString OrbitalInfoversion;
132 ItoRunInfo *runinfo = 0;
133 TArrayI *runlist = 0;
134 TTree *OrbitalInfotrclone = 0;
135 Bool_t reproc = false;
136 Bool_t reprocall = false;
137 Bool_t igrfloaded = false;
138 UInt_t nobefrun = 0;
139 UInt_t noaftrun = 0;
140 UInt_t numbofrun = 0;
141 stringstream ftmpname;
142 TString fname;
143 UInt_t totfileentries = 0;
144 UInt_t idRun = 0;
145 UInt_t anni5 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 5 ;//1576800
146 //
147 // My variables. Vitaly.
148 //
149 // UInt_t oi = 0;
150 Int_t tmpSize = 0;
151 //
152 // variables needed to handle error signals
153 //
154 Int_t code = 0;
155 Int_t sgnl;
156 //
157 // OrbitalInfo classes
158 //
159 OrbitalInfo *orbitalinfo = new OrbitalInfo();
160 OrbitalInfo *orbitalinfoclone = new OrbitalInfo();
162 //
163 // define variables for opening and reading level0 file
164 //
165 TFile *l0File = 0;
166 TTree *l0tr = 0;
167 // TTree *l0trm = 0;
168 TChain *ch = 0;
169 // EM: open also header branch
170 TBranch *l0head = 0;
171 pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0;
172 pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0;
173 pamela::McmdEvent *mcmdev = 0;
174 pamela::McmdRecord *mcmdrc = 0;
175 // end EM
177 // pamela::RunHeaderEvent *reh = new pamela::RunHeaderEvent;
178 // pamela::EventHeader *eH = new pamela::EventHeader;
180 //
181 // Define other basic variables
182 //
183 UInt_t procev = 0;
184 stringstream file2;
185 stringstream file3;
186 stringstream qy;
187 Int_t totevent = 0;
188 UInt_t atime = 0;
189 UInt_t re = 0;
190 UInt_t ik = 0;
192 // Position
193 Float_t lon, lat, alt;
195 //
196 // IGRF stuff
197 //
198 Float_t dimo = 0.0; // dipole moment (computed from dat files) // EM GCC 4.7
199 Float_t bnorth, beast, bdown, babs;
200 Float_t xl; // L value
201 Int_t icode; // code value for L accuracy (see fortran code)
202 Float_t bab1; // What's the difference with babs?
203 Float_t stps = 0.005; // step size for field line tracing
204 Float_t bdel = 0.01; // required accuracy
205 Float_t bequ; // equatorial b value (also called b_0)
206 Bool_t value = 0; // false if bequ is not the minimum b value
207 Float_t rr0; // equatorial radius normalized to earth radius
209 //
210 // Working filename
211 //
212 TString outputfile;
213 stringstream name;
214 name.str("");
215 name << outDir << "/";
216 //
217 // temporary file and folder
218 //
219 TFile *tempfile = 0;
220 TTree *tempOrbitalInfo = 0;
221 stringstream tempname;
222 stringstream OrbitalInfofolder;
223 Bool_t myfold = false;
224 tempname.str("");
225 tempname << outDir;
226 tempname << "/" << processFolder.Data();
227 OrbitalInfofolder.str("");
228 OrbitalInfofolder << tempname.str().c_str();
229 tempname << "/OrbitalInfotree_run";
230 tempname << run << ".root";
231 UInt_t totnorun = 0;
232 //
233 // DB classes
234 //
235 GL_ROOT *glroot = new GL_ROOT();
236 GL_TIMESYNC *dbtime = 0;
237 GL_TLE *gltle = new GL_TLE();
238 //
239 //Quaternions classes
240 //
241 Quaternions *L_QQ_Q_l_lower = 0;
242 InclinationInfo *RYPang_lower = 0;
243 Quaternions *L_QQ_Q_l_upper = 0;
244 InclinationInfo *RYPang_upper = 0;
246 cEci eCi;
248 // Initialize fortran routines!!!
249 Int_t ltp1 = 0;
250 Int_t ltp2 = 0;
251 GL_PARAM *glparam0 = new GL_PARAM();
252 GL_PARAM *glparam = new GL_PARAM();
253 GL_PARAM *glparam2 = new GL_PARAM();
255 //
256 // Orientation variables. Vitaly
257 //
259 UInt_t evfrom = 0;
260 UInt_t jumped = 0;
261 Int_t itr = -1;
262 // Double_t A1;
263 // Double_t A2;
264 // Double_t A3;
265 Double_t Px = 0;
266 Double_t Py = 0;
267 Double_t Pz = 0;
268 TTree *ttof = 0;
269 ToFLevel2 *tof = new ToFLevel2();
270 TTree *ttrke = 0;
271 TrkLevel2 *trke = new TrkLevel2();
272 OrientationInfo *PO = new OrientationInfo();
273 Int_t nz = 6;
274 Float_t zin[6];
275 Int_t nevtofl2 = 0;
276 Int_t nevtrkl2 = 0;
277 if ( verbose ) cout<<"Reading quaternions external file"<<endl;
278 cout.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield);
279 /******Reading recovered quaternions...*********/
280 vector<Double_t> recqtime;
281 vector<Float_t> recq0;
282 vector<Float_t> recq1;
283 vector<Float_t> recq2;
284 vector<Float_t> recq3;
285 Float_t Norm = 1;
286 recqtime.reserve(1500000);
287 recq0.reserve(1500000);
288 recq1.reserve(1500000);
289 recq2.reserve(1500000);
290 recq3.reserve(1500000);
292 vector<UInt_t> RTtime1;
293 vector<UInt_t> RTtime2;
294 vector<Double_t> RTbank1;
295 vector<Double_t> RTbank2;
296 vector<Double_t> RTbpluto1;
297 vector<Double_t> RTbpluto2;
298 vector<Int_t> RTazim;
299 vector<UInt_t> RTstart;
300 vector<UInt_t> RTpluto2;
301 vector<UInt_t> RTpluto1;
302 vector<Int_t> RTerrq;
303 vector<Int_t> RTqual;
304 RTtime1.reserve(200000);
305 RTtime2.reserve(200000);
306 RTbank1.reserve(200000);
307 RTbank2.reserve(200000);
308 RTbpluto1.reserve(200000);
309 RTbpluto2.reserve(200000);
310 RTazim.reserve(200000);
311 RTstart.reserve(200000);
312 RTpluto1.reserve(200000);
313 RTpluto2.reserve(200000);
314 RTerrq.reserve(200000);
315 RTqual.reserve(200000);
317 TClonesArray *tcNucleiTrk = NULL;
318 TClonesArray *tcExtNucleiTrk = NULL;
319 TClonesArray *tcExtTrk = NULL;
320 TClonesArray *tcNucleiTof = NULL;
321 TClonesArray *tcExtNucleiTof = NULL;
322 TClonesArray *tcExtTof = NULL;
323 TClonesArray *torbNucleiTrk = NULL;
324 TClonesArray *torbExtNucleiTrk = NULL;
325 TClonesArray *torbExtTrk = NULL;
326 Bool_t hasNucleiTrk = false;
327 Bool_t hasExtNucleiTrk = false;
328 Bool_t hasExtTrk = false;
329 Bool_t hasNucleiTof = false;
330 Bool_t hasExtNucleiTof = false;
331 Bool_t hasExtTof = false;
333 ifstream in;
334 ifstream an;
335 // ofstream mc;
336 // TString gr;
337 Int_t parerror2=0;
339 Int_t parerror=glparam0->Query_GL_PARAM(1,303,dbc); // parameters stored in DB in GL_PRAM table
340 if ( verbose ) cout<<parerror<<"\t"<<(char*)(glparam0->PATH+glparam0->NAME).Data()<<endl;
341 if ( parerror<0 ) {
342 code = parerror;
343 goto closeandexit;
344 }
345 in.open((char*)(glparam0->PATH+glparam0->NAME).Data(),ios::in);
346 while(!in.eof()){
347 recqtime.resize(recqtime.size()+1);
348 Int_t sizee = recqtime.size();
349 recq0.resize(sizee);
350 recq1.resize(sizee);
351 recq2.resize(sizee);
352 recq3.resize(sizee);
353 in>>recqtime[sizee-1];
354 in>>recq0[sizee-1];
355 in>>recq1[sizee-1];
356 in>>recq2[sizee-1];
357 in>>recq3[sizee-1];
358 in>>Norm;
360 if(recqtime[sizee-1]>=1160987921.75 && recqtime[sizee-1]<=1160987932.00){
361 cout<<"We found it at start"<<"\t"<<recqtime[sizee-1]<<endl;
362 } */
363 }
364 in.close();
365 if ( verbose ) cout<<"We have read recovered data"<<endl;
366 if (debug) cout << "size of recovered quaterions data set is " << recqtime.size() << endl;
367 if ( debug ) printf(" RQ size %i RQ capacity %i \n",(int)recqtime.size(),(int)recqtime.capacity());
369 if ( verbose ) cout<<"read Rotation Table"<<endl;
371 parerror2=glparam0->Query_GL_PARAM(1,305,dbc);
373 if ( verbose ) cout<<parerror2<<"\t"<<(char*)(glparam0->PATH+glparam0->NAME).Data()<<endl;
374 if ( parerror2<0 ) {
375 code = parerror;
376 goto closeandexit;
377 }
378 an.open((char*)(glparam0->PATH+glparam0->NAME).Data(),ios::in);
379 while(!an.eof()){
380 RTtime1.resize(RTtime1.size()+1);
381 Int_t sizee = RTtime1.size();
382 RTbank1.resize(sizee+1);
383 RTazim.resize(sizee+1);
384 RTerrq.resize(sizee+1);
385 RTstart.resize(sizee+1);
386 RTpluto1.resize(sizee+1);
387 RTbpluto1.resize(sizee+1);
388 RTqual.resize(sizee+1);
389 an>>RTtime1[sizee-1];
390 an>>RTbank1[sizee-1];
391 an>>RTstart[sizee-1];
392 an>>RTpluto1[sizee-1];
393 an>>RTbpluto1[sizee-1];
394 an>>RTazim[sizee-1];
395 an>>RTerrq[sizee-1];
396 an>>RTqual[sizee-1];
397 if(sizee>1) {
398 RTtime2.resize(sizee+1);
399 RTbank2.resize(sizee+1);
400 RTpluto2.resize(sizee+1);
401 RTbpluto2.resize(sizee+1);
402 RTtime2[sizee-2]=RTtime1[sizee-1];
403 RTpluto2[sizee-2]=RTpluto1[sizee-1];
404 RTbank2[sizee-2]=RTbank1[sizee-1];
405 RTbpluto2[sizee-2]=RTbpluto1[sizee-1];
406 }
407 }
408 an.close();
409 //cout<<"put some number here"<<endl;
410 //Int_t yupi;
411 //cin>>yupi;
413 if ( verbose ) cout<<"We have read Rotation Table"<<endl;
414 //Geomagnetic coordinates calculations staff
416 if ( debug ) printf(" RT size %i RT capacity %i \n",(int)RTtime2.size(),(int)RTtime2.capacity());
418 GMtype_CoordGeodetic location;
419 // GMtype_CoordDipole GMlocation;
420 GMtype_Ellipsoid Ellip;
421 GMtype_Data G0, G1, H1;
423 // { // this braces is necessary to avoid jump to label 'closeandexit' error // but it is wrong since the variable "igpath" will not exist outside. To overcome the "jump to label 'closeandexit' error" it is necessary to set the "igpath" before line 276
424 // TString igpath="/data03/Malakhov/pam9Malakhov/installed10/calib/orb-param/";
425 // }
427 //cout << G0.element[0] << "\t" << G1.element[0] << "\t" << H1.element[0] << endl;
428 //cout << G0.element[5] << "\t" << G1.element[5] << "\t" << H1.element[5] << endl;
430 GM_SetEllipsoid(&Ellip);
432 // IGRF stuff moved inside run loop!
434 for (Int_t ip=0;ip<nz;ip++){
435 zin[ip] = tof->GetZTOF(tof->GetToFPlaneID(ip));
436 };
437 //
438 if ( !standalone ){
439 //
440 // Does it contain the Tracker and ToF trees?
441 //
442 ttof = (TTree*)file->Get("ToF");
443 if ( !ttof ) {
444 if ( verbose ) printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: no tof tree\n");
445 code = -900;
446 goto closeandexit;
447 }
448 ttof->SetBranchAddress("ToFLevel2",&tof);
449 nevtofl2 = ttof->GetEntries();
451 //
452 // Look for extended tracking algorithm
453 //
454 if ( verbose ) printf("Look for extended and nuclei tracking algorithms in ToF\n");
455 // Nuclei tracking algorithm
456 Int_t checkAlgo = 0;
457 tcNucleiTof = new TClonesArray("ToFTrkVar");
458 checkAlgo = ttof->SetBranchAddress("TrackNuclei",&tcNucleiTof);
459 if ( !checkAlgo ){
460 if ( verbose ) printf(" Nuclei tracking algorithm ToF branch found! :D \n");
461 hasNucleiTof = true;
462 } else {
463 if ( verbose ) printf(" Nuclei tracking algorithm ToF branch not found :( !\n");
464 printf(" ok, this is not a problem (it depends on tracker settings) \n");
465 delete tcNucleiTof;
466 tcNucleiTof=NULL; // 10RED reprocessing bug
467 }
468 // Nuclei tracking algorithm using calorimeter points
469 tcExtNucleiTof = new TClonesArray("ToFTrkVar");
470 checkAlgo = ttof->SetBranchAddress("RecoveredTrackNuclei",&tcExtNucleiTof);
471 if ( !checkAlgo ){
472 if ( verbose ) printf(" Recovered nuclei tracking algorithm ToF branch found! :D \n");
473 hasExtNucleiTof = true;
474 } else {
475 if ( verbose ) printf(" Recovered nuclei tracking algorithm ToF branch not found :( !\n");
476 printf(" ok, this is not a problem (it depends on tracker settings) \n");
477 delete tcExtNucleiTof;
478 tcExtNucleiTof=NULL; // 10RED reprocessing bug
479 }
480 // Tracking algorithm using calorimeter points
481 tcExtTof = new TClonesArray("ToFTrkVar");
482 checkAlgo = ttof->SetBranchAddress("RecoveredTrack",&tcExtTof);
483 if ( !checkAlgo ){
484 if ( verbose ) printf(" Recovered track algorithm ToF branch found! :D \n");
485 hasExtTof = true;
486 } else {
487 if ( verbose ) printf(" Recovered track algorithm ToF branch not found :( !\n");
488 printf(" ok, this is not a problem (it depends on tracker settings) \n");
489 delete tcExtTof;
490 tcExtTof=NULL; // 10RED reprocessing bug
491 }
493 ttrke = (TTree*)file->Get("Tracker");
494 if ( !ttrke ) {
495 if ( verbose ) printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: no trk tree\n");
496 code = -903;
497 goto closeandexit;
498 }
499 ttrke->SetBranchAddress("TrkLevel2",&trke);
500 nevtrkl2 = ttrke->GetEntries();
502 //
503 // Look for extended tracking algorithm
504 //
505 if ( verbose ) printf("Look for extended and nuclei tracking algorithms\n");
506 // Nuclei tracking algorithm
507 checkAlgo = 0;
508 tcNucleiTrk = new TClonesArray("TrkTrack");
509 checkAlgo = ttrke->SetBranchAddress("TrackNuclei",&tcNucleiTrk);
510 if ( !checkAlgo ){
511 if ( verbose ) printf(" Nuclei tracking algorithm branch found! :D \n");
512 hasNucleiTrk = true;
513 } else {
514 if ( verbose ) printf(" Nuclei tracking algorithm branch not found :( !\n");
515 printf(" ok, this is not a problem (it depends on tracker settings) \n");
516 delete tcNucleiTrk;
517 tcNucleiTrk=NULL; // 10RED reprocessing bug
518 }
519 // Nuclei tracking algorithm using calorimeter points
520 tcExtNucleiTrk = new TClonesArray("ExtTrack");
521 checkAlgo = ttrke->SetBranchAddress("RecoveredTrackNuclei",&tcExtNucleiTrk);
522 if ( !checkAlgo ){
523 if ( verbose ) printf(" Recovered nuclei tracking algorithm branch found! :D \n");
524 hasExtNucleiTrk = true;
525 } else {
526 if ( verbose ) printf(" Recovered nuclei tracking algorithm branch not found :( !\n");
527 printf(" ok, this is not a problem (it depends on tracker settings) \n");
528 delete tcExtNucleiTrk;
529 tcExtNucleiTrk=NULL; // 10RED reprocessing bug
530 }
531 // Tracking algorithm using calorimeter points
532 tcExtTrk = new TClonesArray("ExtTrack");
533 checkAlgo = ttrke->SetBranchAddress("RecoveredTrack",&tcExtTrk);
534 if ( !checkAlgo ){
535 if ( verbose ) printf(" Recovered track algorithm branch found! :D \n");
536 hasExtTrk = true;
537 } else {
538 if ( verbose ) printf(" Recovered track algorithm branch not found :( !\n");
539 printf(" ok, this is not a problem (it depends on tracker settings) \n");
540 delete tcExtTrk;
541 tcExtTrk=NULL; // 10RED reprocessing bug
542 }
544 if ( (hasNucleiTrk && !hasNucleiTof) || (!hasNucleiTrk && hasNucleiTof) ||
545 (hasExtNucleiTrk && !hasExtNucleiTof) || (!hasExtNucleiTrk && hasExtNucleiTof) ||
546 (hasExtTrk && !hasExtTof) || (!hasExtTrk && hasExtTof)
547 ){
548 if ( verbose ) printf(" ERROR: Mismatch between tracker and tof tree branches concerning extended tracking algorithm(s)\n");
549 if ( debug ) printf("hasNucleiTrk %i hasExtNucleiTrk %i hasExtTrk %i \n",hasNucleiTrk,hasExtNucleiTrk,hasExtTrk);
550 if ( debug ) printf("hasNucleiTof %i hasExtNucleiTof %i hasExtTof %i \n",hasNucleiTof,hasExtNucleiTof,hasExtTof);
551 throw -901;
552 }
554 }
555 //
556 // Let's start!
557 //
558 // As a first thing we must check what we have to do: if run = 0 we must process all events in the file has been passed
559 // if run != 0 we must process only that run but first we have to check if the tree MyDetector2 already exist in the file
560 // if it exists we are reprocessing data and we must delete that entries, if not we must create it.
561 //
562 if ( run == 0 ) reproc = true;
563 //
564 //
565 // Output file is "outputfile"
566 //
567 if ( !file->IsOpen() ){
568 //printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: cannot open file for writing\n");
569 throw -901;
570 };
571 //
572 // Retrieve GL_RUN variables from the level2 file
573 //
574 OrbitalInfoversion = OrbitalInfoInfo(false); // we should decide how to handle versioning system
575 //
576 // create an interface to RunInfo called "runinfo"
577 //
578 runinfo = new ItoRunInfo(file);
579 //
580 // open "Run" tree in level2 file, if not existing return an error (sngl != 0)
581 //
582 sgnl = 0;
583 sgnl = runinfo->Update(run, "ORB", OrbitalInfoversion);
584 //sgnl = runinfo->Read(run);
586 if ( sgnl ){
587 //printf("OrbitalInfo - ERROR: RunInfo exited with non-zero status\n");
588 code = sgnl;
589 goto closeandexit;
590 } else {
591 sgnl = 0;
592 };
593 //
594 // number of events in the file BEFORE the first event of our run
595 //
596 nobefrun = runinfo->GetFirstEntry();
597 //
598 // total number of events in the file
599 //
600 totfileentries = runinfo->GetFileEntries();
601 //
602 // first file entry AFTER the last event of our run
603 //
604 noaftrun = runinfo->GetLastEntry() + 1;
605 //
606 // number of run to be processed
607 //
608 numbofrun = runinfo->GetNoRun();
609 totnorun = runinfo->GetRunEntries();
610 //
611 // Try to access the OrbitalInfo tree in the file, if it exists we are reprocessing data if not we are processing a new run
612 //
613 OrbitalInfotrclone = (TTree*)file->Get("OrbitalInfo");
614 //
615 if ( !OrbitalInfotrclone ){
616 //
617 // tree does not exist, we are not reprocessing
618 //
619 reproc = false;
620 if ( run == 0 ){
621 if (verbose) printf(" OrbitalInfo - WARNING: you are reprocessing data but OrbitalInfo tree does not exist!\n");
622 }
623 if ( runinfo->IsReprocessing() && run != 0 ) {
624 if (verbose) printf(" OrbitalInfo - WARNING: it seems you are not reprocessing data but OrbitalInfo\n versioning information already exists in RunInfo.\n");
625 }
626 } else {
627 //
628 // tree exists, we are reprocessing data. Are we reprocessing a single run or all the file?
629 //
630 OrbitalInfotrclone->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL);
631 reproc = true;
632 //
633 //
634 if (verbose) printf("\n Preparing the pre-processing...\n");
635 //
636 if ( run == 0 || totnorun == 1 ){
637 //
638 // we are reprocessing all the file
639 // if we are reprocessing everything we don't need to copy any old event and we can just work with the new tree and delete the old one immediately
640 //
641 reprocall = true;
642 //
643 if (verbose) printf("\n OrbitalInfo - WARNING: Reprocessing all runs\n Deleting old tree...\n");
644 //
645 } else {
646 //
647 // we are reprocessing a single run, we must copy to the new tree the events in the file which preceed the first event of the run
648 //
649 reprocall = false;
650 //
651 if (verbose) printf("\n OrbitalInfo - WARNING: Reprocessing run number %u \n",run);
652 //
653 // copying old tree to a new file
654 //
655 gSystem->MakeDirectory(OrbitalInfofolder.str().c_str());
656 myfold = true;
657 tempfile = new TFile(tempname.str().c_str(),"RECREATE");
658 tempOrbitalInfo = OrbitalInfotrclone->CloneTree(-1,"fast");
659 tempOrbitalInfo->SetName("OrbitalInfo-old");
660 tempfile->Write();
661 tempOrbitalInfo->Delete();
662 tempfile->Close();
663 }
664 //
665 // Delete the old tree from old file and memory
666 //
667 OrbitalInfotrclone->Clear();
668 OrbitalInfotrclone->Delete("all");
669 //
670 if (verbose) printf(" ...done!\n");
671 //
672 };
673 //
674 // create mydetector tree mydect
675 //
676 file->cd();
677 OrbitalInfotr = new TTree("OrbitalInfo-new","PAMELA OrbitalInfo data");
678 OrbitalInfotr->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL);
679 orbitalinfo->Set();//ELENA **TEMPORANEO?**
680 OrbitalInfotr->Branch("OrbitalInfo","OrbitalInfo",&orbitalinfo);
681 //
682 // create new branches for new tracking algorithms
683 //
684 if ( hasNucleiTrk ){
685 torbNucleiTrk = new TClonesArray("OrbitalInfoTrkVar",1);
686 OrbitalInfotr->Branch("TrackNuclei",&torbNucleiTrk);
687 }
688 if ( hasExtNucleiTrk ){
689 torbExtNucleiTrk = new TClonesArray("OrbitalInfoTrkVar",1);
690 OrbitalInfotr->Branch("RecoveredTrackNuclei",&torbExtNucleiTrk);
691 }
692 if ( hasExtTrk ){
693 torbExtTrk = new TClonesArray("OrbitalInfoTrkVar",1);
694 OrbitalInfotr->Branch("RecoveredTrack",&torbExtTrk);
695 }
697 //
698 if ( reproc && !reprocall ){
699 //
700 // open new file and retrieve also tree informations
701 //
702 tempfile = new TFile(tempname.str().c_str(),"READ");
703 OrbitalInfotrclone = (TTree*)tempfile->Get("OrbitalInfo-old");
704 OrbitalInfotrclone->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL);
705 OrbitalInfotrclone->SetBranchAddress("OrbitalInfo",&orbitalinfoclone);
706 //
707 if ( nobefrun > 0 ){
708 if (verbose){
709 printf("\n Pre-processing: copying events from the old tree before the processed run\n");
710 printf(" Copying %u events in the file which are before the beginning of the run %u \n",nobefrun,run);
711 printf(" Start copying at event number 0, end copying at event number %u \n",nobefrun);
712 }
713 for (UInt_t j = 0; j < nobefrun; j++){
714 //
715 if ( OrbitalInfotrclone->GetEntry(j) <= 0 ) throw -36;
716 //
717 // copy orbitalinfoclone to mydec
718 //
719 // orbitalinfo->Clear();
720 //
721 memcpy(&orbitalinfo,&orbitalinfoclone,sizeof(orbitalinfoclone));
722 //
723 // Fill entry in the new tree
724 //
725 OrbitalInfotr->Fill();
726 //
727 };
728 if (verbose) printf(" Finished successful copying!\n");
729 };
730 };
731 //
732 //
733 // Get the list of run to be processed, if only one run has to be processed the list will contain one entry only.
734 //
735 runlist = runinfo->GetRunList();
736 if ( debug ){
737 printf("BEFORE LOOP ON RUN\n");
738 gObjectTable->Print();
739 }
740 //
741 // Loop over the run to be processed
742 //
743 for (UInt_t irun=0; irun < numbofrun; irun++){ //===>
745 L_QQ_Q_l_lower = new Quaternions();
746 RYPang_lower = new InclinationInfo();
747 L_QQ_Q_l_upper = new Quaternions();
748 RYPang_upper = new InclinationInfo();
750 //
751 // retrieve the first run ID to be processed using the RunInfo list
752 //
754 idRun = runlist->At(irun);
755 if (verbose){
756 printf("\n\n\n ####################################################################### \n");
757 printf(" PROCESSING RUN NUMBER %i \n",(int)idRun);
758 printf(" ####################################################################### \n\n\n");
759 }
760 //
761 runinfo->ID_ROOT_L0 = 0;
762 //
763 // store in the runinfo class the GL_RUN variables for our run
764 //
765 sgnl = 0;
766 sgnl = runinfo->GetRunInfo(idRun);
767 if ( sgnl ){
768 if ( debug ) printf("\n OrbitalInfo - ERROR: RunInfo exited with non-zero status\n");
769 code = sgnl;
770 goto closeandexit;
771 } else {
772 sgnl = 0;
773 };
774 //
775 // now you can access that variables using the RunInfo class this way runinfo->ID_REG_RUN
776 //
777 if ( runinfo->ID_ROOT_L0 == 0 ){
778 if ( debug ) printf("\n OrbitalInfo - ERROR: no run with ID_RUN = %u \n\n Exiting... \n\n",idRun);
779 code = -5;
780 goto closeandexit;
781 };
782 //
783 // prepare the timesync for the db
784 //
785 dbtime = new GL_TIMESYNC(runinfo->ID_ROOT_L0,"ID",dbc);
787 //
788 // Search in the DB the path and name of the LEVEL0 file to be processed.
789 //
790 glroot->Query_GL_ROOT(runinfo->ID_ROOT_L0,dbc);
791 //
792 ftmpname.str("");
793 ftmpname << glroot->PATH.Data() << "/";
794 ftmpname << glroot->NAME.Data();
795 fname = ftmpname.str().c_str();
796 ftmpname.str("");
797 //
798 // print nout informations
799 //
800 totevent = runinfo->NEVENTS;
801 evfrom = runinfo->EV_FROM;
802 //cout<<"totevents = "<<totevent<<"\n";
803 if (verbose){
804 printf("\n LEVEL0 data file: %s \n",fname.Data());
805 printf(" RUN HEADER absolute time is: %u \n",runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME);
806 printf(" RUN TRAILER absolute time is: %u \n",runinfo->RUNTRAILER_TIME);
807 printf(" %i events to be processed for run %u: from %i to %i \n\n",totevent,idRun,runinfo->EV_FROM+1,runinfo->EV_FROM+totevent);
808 }//
809 //
810 // if ( !totevent ) goto closeandexit;
811 // Open Level0 file
812 if ( l0File ) l0File->Close();
813 l0File = new TFile(fname.Data());
814 if ( !l0File ) {
815 if ( debug ) printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: problems opening Level0 file\n");
816 code = -6;
817 goto closeandexit;
818 };
819 l0tr = (TTree*)l0File->Get("Physics");
820 if ( !l0tr ) {
821 if ( debug ) printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: no Physics tree in Level0 file\n");
822 l0File->Close();
823 code = -7;
824 goto closeandexit;
825 };
826 // EM: open header branch as well
827 l0head = l0tr->GetBranch("Header");
828 if ( !l0head ) {
829 if ( debug ) printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: no Header branch in Level0 tree\n");
830 l0File->Close();
831 code = -8;
832 goto closeandexit;
833 };
834 l0tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
835 // end EM
836 nevents = l0head->GetEntries();
837 //
838 if ( nevents < 1 && totevent ) {
839 if ( debug ) printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: Level0 file is empty\n\n");
840 l0File->Close();
841 code = -11;
842 goto closeandexit;
843 };
844 //
845 if ( runinfo->EV_TO > nevents-1 && totevent ) {
846 if ( debug ) printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: too few entries in the registry tree\n");
847 l0File->Close();
848 code = -12;
849 goto closeandexit;
850 };
852 ULong_t TimeSync = (ULong_t)dbtime->GetTimesync();
853 ULong_t ObtSync = (ULong_t)(dbtime->GetObt0()/1000);
854 ULong_t DeltaOBT = TimeSync - ObtSync;
856 if ( debug ) printf(" 2 TimeSync %lu ObtSync %lu DeltaOBT %lu\n",(ULong_t)(dbtime->GetTimesync()/1000),(ULong_t)dbtime->GetObt0(),TimeSync-ObtSync);
857 //
858 // Read MCMDs from up to 11 files, 5 before and 5 after the present one in order to have some kind of inclination information
859 //
860 ch = new TChain("Mcmd","Mcmd");
861 //
862 // look in the DB to find the closest files to this run
863 //
864 TSQLResult *pResult = 0;
865 TSQLRow *Row = 0;
866 stringstream myquery;
867 UInt_t l0fid[10];
868 Int_t i = 0;
869 memset(l0fid,0,10*sizeof(Int_t));
870 //
871 myquery.str("");
872 myquery << "select ID_ROOT_L0 from GL_RUN where RUNHEADER_TIME<=" << runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME << " group by ID_ROOT_L0 order by RUNHEADER_TIME desc limit 5;";
873 //
874 pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
875 //
876 i = 9;
877 if( pResult ){
878 //
879 Row = pResult->Next();
880 //
881 while ( Row ){
882 //
883 // store infos and exit
884 //
885 l0fid[i] = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0));
886 i--;
887 if (Row){ // memleak!
888 delete Row;
889 Row = 0;
890 }
891 Row = pResult->Next();
892 //
893 }
894 if (Row) delete Row;
895 pResult->Delete();
896 }
897 //
898 myquery.str("");
899 myquery << "select ID_ROOT_L0 from GL_RUN where RUNHEADER_TIME>" << runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME << " group by ID_ROOT_L0 order by RUNHEADER_TIME asc limit 5;";
900 //
901 pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
902 //
903 i = 0;
904 if( pResult ){
905 //
906 Row = pResult->Next();
907 //
908 while ( Row ){
909 //
910 // store infos and exit
911 //
912 l0fid[i] = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0));
913 i++;
914 if (Row){ // memleak!
915 delete Row;
916 Row = 0;
917 }
918 Row = pResult->Next();
919 //
920 }
921 if (Row) delete Row;
922 pResult->Delete();
923 }
924 //
925 i = 0;
926 UInt_t previd = 0;
927 while ( i < 10 ){
928 if ( l0fid[i] && previd != l0fid[i] ){
929 previd = l0fid[i];
930 myquery.str("");
931 myquery << "select PATH,NAME from GL_ROOT where ID=" << l0fid[i] << " ;";
932 //
933 pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
934 //
935 if( pResult ){
936 //
937 Row = pResult->Next();
938 //
939 if ( debug ) printf(" Using inclination informations from file: %s \n",(((TString)gSystem->ExpandPathName(Row->GetField(0)))+"/"+(TString)Row->GetField(1)).Data());
940 ch->Add(((TString)gSystem->ExpandPathName(Row->GetField(0)))+"/"+(TString)Row->GetField(1));
941 //
942 if (Row) delete Row;
943 pResult->Delete();
944 }
945 }
946 i++;
947 }
948 //
949 ch->SetBranchAddress("Mcmd",&mcmdev);
950 neventsm = ch->GetEntries();
951 if ( debug ) printf(" entries %u \n", neventsm);
952 //
953 if (neventsm == 0){
954 if ( debug ) printf("InclinationInfo - WARNING: No quaternions in this File");
955 code = 900;
956 }
957 //
958 Double_t lowerqtime = 0;
959 //
960 // init quaternions information from mcmd-packets
961 //
962 Bool_t isf = true;
964 vector<Float_t> q0;
965 vector<Float_t> q1;
966 vector<Float_t> q2;
967 vector<Float_t> q3;
968 vector<Double_t> qtime;
969 vector<Float_t> qPitch;
970 vector<Float_t> qRoll;
971 vector<Float_t> qYaw;
972 vector<Int_t> qmode;
974 q0.reserve(4096);
975 q1.reserve(4096);
976 q2.reserve(4096);
977 q3.reserve(4096);
978 qtime.reserve(4096);
979 qPitch.reserve(4096);
980 qRoll.reserve(4096);
981 qYaw.reserve(4096);
982 qmode.reserve(4096);
983 if ( debug ) printf(" q0 capa %i \n",(int)q0.capacity());
984 Int_t nt = 0;
985 UInt_t must = 0;
987 Int_t currentYear = 0;
988 Int_t previousYear = 0;
990 //
991 // run over all the events of the run
992 //
993 if (verbose) printf("\n Ready to start! \n\n Processed events: \n\n");
994 if ( debug ){
995 printf("BEFORE LOOP ON EVENTS\n");
996 gObjectTable->Print();
997 }
998 //
999 //
1000 for ( re = runinfo->EV_FROM; re < (runinfo->EV_FROM+runinfo->NEVENTS); re++){
1001 //for ( re = runinfo->EV_FROM; re < (runinfo->EV_FROM+10); re++){
1003 //
1004 if ( procev%1000 == 0 && procev > 0 && verbose ) printf(" %iK \n",procev/1000);
1005 if ( debug ) printf(" %i \n",procev);
1006 //
1007 if ( l0head->GetEntry(re) <= 0 ) throw -36;
1008 //
1009 // absolute time of this event
1010 //
1011 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
1012 atime = dbtime->DBabsTime(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
1013 if ( debug ) printf(" %i absolute time \n",procev);
1014 //
1015 // paranoid check
1016 //
1017 if ( (atime > (runinfo->RUNTRAILER_TIME+1)) || (atime < (runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME-1)) ) {
1018 if (verbose) printf(" OrbitalInfo - WARNING: event at time outside the run time window, skipping it\n");
1019 jumped++;
1020 // debug = true;
1021 continue;
1022 }
1024 // just for testing:
1025 // if (re >= 5+runinfo->EV_FROM) atime += anni5;
1026 // if (re >= 7+runinfo->EV_FROM) atime += anni5;
1027 // if (re >= 9+runinfo->EV_FROM) atime += anni5;
1029 //
1030 // open IGRF files and do it only once if we are processing a full level2 file
1031 //
1032 Float_t kkyear;
1033 UInt_t kyear, kmonth, kday, khour, kmin, ksec;
1034 //
1035 TTimeStamp kt = TTimeStamp(atime, kTRUE);
1036 kt.GetDate(kTRUE, 0, &kyear, &kmonth, &kday);
1037 kt.GetTime(kTRUE, 0, &khour, &kmin, &ksec);
1038 kkyear = (float) kyear
1039 + (kmonth*31.+ (float) kday)/365.
1040 + (khour*3600.+kmin*60.+(float)ksec)/(24.*3600.*365.);
1041 currentYear = int(kkyear/5.) * 5;
1042 if ( debug ) printf(" prevy %i curry %i igrfloaded %i \n",previousYear,currentYear,igrfloaded);
1043 if ( currentYear != previousYear ) igrfloaded = false;
1044 previousYear = currentYear;
1045 if ( debug ) printf(" prevy %i curry %i igrfloaded %i \n",previousYear,currentYear,igrfloaded);
1046 //
1047 if ( !igrfloaded ){
1049 igrfloaded = true;
1051 parerror=glparam->Query_GL_PARAM(atime,302,dbc); // parameters stored in DB in GL_PRAM table
1052 if ( parerror<0 ) {
1053 code = parerror;
1054 goto closeandexit;
1055 }
1056 ltp1 = (Int_t)(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Length();
1057 if ( verbose ) printf(" Reading Earth's Magnetic Field parameter file: %s \n",(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Data());
1058 //
1059 if ( glparam->NAME.EndsWith("s.txt") || glparam->NAME.EndsWith("s.dat") ){
1060 if ( verbose ) printf("ERROR: Current date is beyond the latest secular variation file time span. Please update IGRF files to process data\n");
1061 throw -906;
1062 }
1063 //
1064 int isSecular = false;
1065 //
1066 parerror=glparam2->Query_GL_PARAM(atime+anni5,302,dbc); // parameters stored in DB in GL_PRAM table
1067 if ( parerror<0 ) {
1068 code = parerror;
1069 goto closeandexit;
1070 }
1071 ltp2 = (Int_t)(glparam2->PATH+glparam2->NAME).Length();
1072 if ( verbose ) printf(" Reading Earth's Magnetic Field parameter file: %s \n",(glparam2->PATH+glparam2->NAME).Data());
1073 if ( glparam2->NAME.EndsWith("s.txt") || glparam2->NAME.EndsWith("s.dat") ){
1074 isSecular = true;
1075 if ( verbose ) printf(" Using secular variation file and hence fortran subroutine 'extrapolation'\n");
1076 } else {
1077 if ( verbose ) printf(" Using two field measurement files and hence fortran subroutine 'interpolation'\n");
1078 }
1079 //
1080 initize_(&isSecular,(char *)(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Data(),&ltp1,(char *)(glparam2->PATH+glparam2->NAME).Data(),&ltp2);
1081 //
1082 if (debug) cout<<"initize: "<<(char *)(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Data()<<"\t"<<(char *)(glparam2->PATH+glparam2->NAME).Data()<<"\t isSecular? "<<isSecular<<endl;
1084 // GM_ScanIGRF(dbc, &G0, &G1, &H1);
1085 TString igrfFile1 = glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME;
1086 TString igrfFile2 = glparam2->PATH+glparam2->NAME;
1087 GM_SetIGRF(isSecular,igrfFile1,igrfFile2, &G0, &G1, &H1);
1088 }
1089 //
1090 // End IGRF stuff//
1091 //
1093 //
1094 // retrieve tof informations
1095 //
1096 if ( !reprocall ){
1097 itr = nobefrun + (re - evfrom - jumped);
1098 //itr = re-(46438+200241);
1099 } else {
1100 itr = runinfo->GetFirstEntry() + (re - evfrom - jumped);
1101 };
1102 //
1103 if ( !standalone ){
1104 if ( itr > nevtofl2 ){
1105 if ( verbose ) printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: no tof events with entry = %i in Level2 file\n",itr);
1106 if ( debug ) printf(" nobefrun %u re %u evfrom %u jumped %u reprocall %i \n",nobefrun,re,evfrom,jumped,reprocall);
1107 l0File->Close();
1108 code = -904;
1109 goto closeandexit;
1110 };
1111 //
1112 tof->Clear();
1113 //
1114 // Clones array must be cleared before going on
1115 //
1116 if ( hasNucleiTof ){
1117 tcNucleiTof->Delete();
1118 }
1119 if ( hasExtNucleiTof ){
1120 tcExtNucleiTof->Delete();
1121 }
1122 if ( hasExtTof ){
1123 tcExtTof->Delete();
1124 }
1125 //
1126 if ( verbose ) printf(" get tof tree entries... entry = %i in Level2 file\n",itr);
1127 if ( ttof->GetEntry(itr) <= 0 ){
1128 if ( verbose ) printf(" problems with tof tree entries... entry = %i in Level2 file\n",itr);
1129 if ( verbose ) printf(" nobefrun %u re %u evfrom %u jumped %u reprocall %i \n",nobefrun,re,evfrom,jumped,reprocall);
1130 throw -36;
1131 }
1132 if ( verbose ) printf(" gat0\n");
1133 //
1134 }
1135 //
1136 // retrieve tracker informations
1137 //
1138 if ( !standalone ){
1139 if ( itr > nevtrkl2 ){
1140 if ( verbose ) printf(" OrbitalInfo - ERROR: no trk events with entry = %i in Level2 file\n",itr);
1141 if ( debug ) printf(" nobefrun %u re %u evfrom %u jumped %u reprocall %i \n",nobefrun,re,evfrom,jumped,reprocall);
1142 l0File->Close();
1143 code = -905;
1144 goto closeandexit;
1145 }
1146 //
1147 if ( verbose ) printf(" gat1\n");
1148 trke->Clear();
1149 //
1150 // Clones array must be cleared before going on
1151 //
1152 if ( hasNucleiTrk ){
1153 if ( verbose ) printf(" gat2\n");
1154 tcNucleiTrk->Delete();
1155 if ( verbose ) printf(" gat3\n");
1156 torbNucleiTrk->Delete();
1157 }
1158 if ( hasExtNucleiTrk ){
1159 if ( verbose ) printf(" gat4\n");
1160 tcExtNucleiTrk->Delete();
1161 if ( verbose ) printf(" gat5\n");
1162 torbExtNucleiTrk->Delete();
1163 }
1164 if ( hasExtTrk ){
1165 if ( verbose ) printf(" gat6\n");
1166 tcExtTrk->Delete();
1167 if ( verbose ) printf(" gat7\n");
1168 torbExtTrk->Delete();
1169 }
1170 //
1171 if ( verbose ) printf(" get trk tree entries... entry = %i in Level2 file\n",itr);
1172 if ( ttrke->GetEntry(itr) <= 0 ) throw -36;
1173 //
1174 }
1176 //
1177 procev++;
1178 //
1179 // start processing
1180 //
1181 if ( debug ) printf(" %i start processing \n",procev);
1182 orbitalinfo->Clear();
1184 //
1185 OrbitalInfoTrkVar *t_orb = new OrbitalInfoTrkVar();
1186 if( !(orbitalinfo->OrbitalInfoTrk) ) orbitalinfo->OrbitalInfoTrk = new TClonesArray("OrbitalInfoTrkVar",2);
1187 TClonesArray &tor = *orbitalinfo->OrbitalInfoTrk;
1189 // Geomagnetic coordinates calculation variables
1190 GMtype_CoordSpherical CoordSpherical, DipoleSpherical;
1191 GMtype_CoordCartesian CoordCartesian, DipoleCartesian;
1192 GMtype_Model Model;
1193 GMtype_Pole Pole;
1195 //
1196 // Fill OBT, pkt_num and absTime
1197 //
1198 orbitalinfo->pkt_num = ph->GetCounter();
1199 orbitalinfo->OBT = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
1200 orbitalinfo->absTime = atime;
1201 if ( debug ) printf(" %i pktnum obt abstime \n",procev);
1202 //
1203 // Propagate the orbit from the tle time to atime, using SGP(D)4.
1204 //
1205 if ( debug ) printf(" %i sgp4 \n",procev);
1206 cCoordGeo coo;
1207 Float_t jyear=0.;
1208 //
1209 if(atime >= gltle->GetToTime() || atime < gltle->GetFromTime() ) { // AGH! bug when reprocessing??
1211 if ( !gltle->Query(atime, dbc) ){
1212 //
1213 // Compute the magnetic dipole moment.
1214 //
1215 if ( debug ) printf(" %i compute magnetic dipole moment \n",procev);
1216 UInt_t year, month, day, hour, min, sec;
1217 //
1218 TTimeStamp t = TTimeStamp(atime, kTRUE);
1219 t.GetDate(kTRUE, 0, &year, &month, &day);
1220 t.GetTime(kTRUE, 0, &hour, &min, &sec);
1221 jyear = (float) year
1222 + (month*31.+ (float) day)/365.
1223 + (hour*3600.+min*60.+(float)sec)/(24.*3600.*365.);
1224 //
1225 if ( debug ) printf(" %i compute magnetic dipole moment get dipole moment for year\n",procev);
1226 if ( debug ) printf(" %i jyear %f dimo %f \n",procev,jyear,dimo);
1227 feldcof_(&jyear, &dimo); // get dipole moment for year
1228 if ( debug ) printf(" %i compute magnetic dipole moment end\n",procev);
1230 // GM_TimeAdjustCoefs(year, jyear, G0, G1, H1, &Model);
1231 GM_TimeAdjustCoefs(GM_STARTYEAR, (jyear-currentYear+GM_STARTYEAR), G0, G1, H1, &Model); // EM: input this way due to the new way of storing data into Gn,H1 and to avoid changing GM_Time...
1232 GM_PoleLocation(Model, &Pole);
1233 } else {
1234 code = -56;
1235 goto closeandexit;
1236 };
1237 }
1238 coo = getCoo(atime, gltle->GetFromTime(), gltle->GetTle());
1239 //
1240 cOrbit orbits(*gltle->GetTle());
1241 //
1242 // synchronize with quaternions data
1243 //
1244 if ( isf && neventsm>0 ){
1245 //
1246 // First event
1247 //
1248 isf = false;
1249 // upperqtime = atime;
1250 lowerqtime = runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME;
1251 for ( ik = 0; ik < neventsm; ik++){ //number of macrocommad packets
1252 if ( ch->GetEntry(ik) <= 0 ) throw -36;
1253 tmpSize = mcmdev->Records->GetEntries();
1254 // numrec = tmpSize;
1255 if ( debug ) cout << "packet number " << ik <<"\tnumber of subpackets is " << tmpSize << endl;
1256 for (Int_t j3 = 0;j3<tmpSize;j3++){ //number of subpackets
1257 mcmdrc = (pamela::McmdRecord*)mcmdev->Records->At(j3);
1258 if ( mcmdrc ){ // missing inclination bug [8RED 090116]
1259 if ( debug ) printf(" pluto \n");
1260 if ((int)mcmdrc->ID1 == 226 && mcmdrc->Mcmd_Block_crc_ok == 1){ //Check that it is Inclination Packet
1261 L_QQ_Q_l_upper->fill(mcmdrc->McmdData);
1262 for (UInt_t ui = 0; ui < 6; ui++){
1263 if (ui>0){
1264 if (L_QQ_Q_l_upper->time[ui]>L_QQ_Q_l_upper->time[0]){
1265 Double_t u_time = dbtime->DBabsTime((UInt_t)(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->time[ui]*1000-DeltaOBT*1000));
1266 Int_t recSize = recqtime.size();
1267 if(lowerqtime > recqtime[recSize-1]){
1268 // to avoid interpolation between bad quaternions arrays
1269 if(sqrt(pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][0],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][1],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][2],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][3],2))>0.99999){
1270 Int_t sizeqmcmd = qtime.size();
1271 inclresize(qtime,q0,q1,q2,q3,qmode,qRoll,qPitch,qYaw);
1272 qtime[sizeqmcmd]=u_time;
1273 q0[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][0];
1274 q1[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][1];
1275 q2[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][2];
1276 q3[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][3];
1277 qmode[sizeqmcmd]=holeq(lowerqtime,qtime[sizeqmcmd],L_QQ_Q_l_lower,L_QQ_Q_l_upper,ui);
1278 lowerqtime = u_time;
1279 orbits.getPosition((double) (u_time - gltle->GetFromTime())/60., &eCi);
1280 RYPang_upper->TransAngle(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z,eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z,L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][0],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][1],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][2],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][3]);
1281 qRoll[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Kren;
1282 qYaw[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Ryskanie;
1283 qPitch[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Tangazh;
1284 }
1285 }
1286 for(Int_t mu = nt;mu<recSize;mu++){
1287 if(recqtime[mu]>lowerqtime && recqtime[mu]<u_time){
1288 if(sqrt(pow(recq0[mu],2)+pow(recq1[mu],2)+pow(recq2[mu],2)+pow(recq3[mu],2))>0.99999){
1289 nt=mu;
1290 Int_t sizeqmcmd = qtime.size();
1291 inclresize(qtime,q0,q1,q2,q3,qmode,qRoll,qPitch,qYaw);
1292 qtime[sizeqmcmd]=recqtime[mu];
1293 q0[sizeqmcmd]=recq0[mu];
1294 q1[sizeqmcmd]=recq1[mu];
1295 q2[sizeqmcmd]=recq2[mu];
1296 q3[sizeqmcmd]=recq3[mu];
1297 qmode[sizeqmcmd]=-10;
1298 orbits.getPosition((double) (qtime[sizeqmcmd] - gltle->GetFromTime())/60., &eCi);
1299 RYPang_upper->TransAngle(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z,eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z,recq0[mu],recq1[mu],recq2[mu],recq3[mu]);
1300 qRoll[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Kren;
1301 qYaw[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Ryskanie;
1302 qPitch[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Tangazh;
1303 }
1304 }
1305 if(recqtime[mu]>=u_time){
1306 if(sqrt(pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][0],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][1],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][2],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][3],2))>0.99999){
1307 Int_t sizeqmcmd = qtime.size();
1308 inclresize(qtime,q0,q1,q2,q3,qmode,qRoll,qPitch,qYaw);
1309 qtime[sizeqmcmd]=u_time;
1310 q0[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][0];
1311 q1[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][1];
1312 q2[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][2];
1313 q3[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][3];
1314 qmode[sizeqmcmd]=holeq(lowerqtime,qtime[sizeqmcmd],L_QQ_Q_l_lower,L_QQ_Q_l_upper,ui);
1315 lowerqtime = u_time;
1316 orbits.getPosition((double) (u_time - gltle->GetFromTime())/60., &eCi);
1317 RYPang_upper->TransAngle(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z,eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z,L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][0],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][1],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][2],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][3]);
1318 qRoll[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Kren;
1319 qYaw[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Ryskanie;
1320 qPitch[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Tangazh;
1321 break;
1322 }
1323 }
1324 }
1325 }
1326 }else{
1327 //if ( debug ) printf(" here2 %i \n",ui);
1328 Double_t u_time = dbtime->DBabsTime((UInt_t)(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->time[0]*1000-DeltaOBT*1000));
1329 if(lowerqtime>u_time)nt=0;
1330 Int_t recSize = recqtime.size();
1331 if(lowerqtime > recqtime[recSize-1]){
1332 if(sqrt(pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][0],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][1],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][2],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[ui][3],2))>0.99999){
1333 Int_t sizeqmcmd = qtime.size();
1334 inclresize(qtime,q0,q1,q2,q3,qmode,qRoll,qPitch,qYaw);
1335 qtime[sizeqmcmd]=u_time;
1336 q0[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][0];
1337 q1[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][1];
1338 q2[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][2];
1339 q3[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][3];
1340 qmode[sizeqmcmd]=holeq(lowerqtime,qtime[sizeqmcmd],L_QQ_Q_l_lower,L_QQ_Q_l_upper,ui);
1341 lowerqtime = u_time;
1342 orbits.getPosition((double) (u_time - gltle->GetFromTime())/60., &eCi);
1343 RYPang_upper->TransAngle(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z,eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z,L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][0],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][1],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][2],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][3]);
1344 qRoll[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Kren;
1345 qYaw[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Ryskanie;
1346 qPitch[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Tangazh;
1347 }
1348 }
1349 for(Int_t mu = nt;mu<recSize;mu++){
1350 if(recqtime[mu]>lowerqtime && recqtime[mu]<u_time){
1351 if(sqrt(pow(recq0[mu],2)+pow(recq1[mu],2)+pow(recq2[mu],2)+pow(recq3[mu],2))>0.99999){
1352 Int_t sizeqmcmd = qtime.size();
1353 inclresize(qtime,q0,q1,q2,q3,qmode,qRoll,qPitch,qYaw);
1354 qtime[sizeqmcmd]=recqtime[mu];
1355 q0[sizeqmcmd]=recq0[mu];
1356 q1[sizeqmcmd]=recq1[mu];
1357 q2[sizeqmcmd]=recq2[mu];
1358 q3[sizeqmcmd]=recq3[mu];
1359 qmode[sizeqmcmd]=-10;
1360 orbits.getPosition((double) (qtime[sizeqmcmd] - gltle->GetFromTime())/60., &eCi);
1361 RYPang_upper->TransAngle(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z,eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z,recq0[mu],recq1[mu],recq2[mu],recq3[mu]);
1362 qRoll[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Kren;
1363 qYaw[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Ryskanie;
1364 qPitch[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Tangazh;
1365 }
1366 }
1367 if(recqtime[mu]>=u_time){
1368 if(sqrt(pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][0],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][1],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][2],2)+pow(L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][3],2))>0.99999){
1369 Int_t sizeqmcmd = qtime.size();
1370 inclresize(qtime,q0,q1,q2,q3,qmode,qRoll,qPitch,qYaw);
1371 qtime[sizeqmcmd]=u_time;
1372 q0[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][0];
1373 q1[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][1];
1374 q2[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][2];
1375 q3[sizeqmcmd]=L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][3];
1376 qmode[sizeqmcmd]=holeq(lowerqtime,qtime[sizeqmcmd],L_QQ_Q_l_lower,L_QQ_Q_l_upper,ui);
1377 lowerqtime = u_time;
1378 orbits.getPosition((double) (u_time - gltle->GetFromTime())/60., &eCi);
1379 RYPang_upper->TransAngle(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z,eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z,L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][0],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][1],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][2],L_QQ_Q_l_upper->quat[0][3]);
1380 qRoll[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Kren;
1381 qYaw[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Ryskanie;
1382 qPitch[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Tangazh;
1383 CopyQ(L_QQ_Q_l_lower,L_QQ_Q_l_upper);
1384 break;
1385 }
1386 }
1387 }
1388 }
1389 }
1390 }
1391 }
1392 }
1393 }
1395 if(qtime.size()==0){ // in case if no orientation information in data
1396 if ( debug ) cout << "qtime.size() = 0" << endl;
1397 for(UInt_t my=0;my<recqtime.size();my++){
1398 if(sqrt(pow(recq0[my],2)+pow(recq1[my],2)+pow(recq2[my],2)+pow(recq3[my],2))>0.99999){
1399 Int_t sizeqmcmd = qtime.size();
1400 inclresize(qtime,q0,q1,q2,q3,qmode,qRoll,qPitch,qYaw);
1401 qtime[sizeqmcmd]=recqtime[my];
1402 q0[sizeqmcmd]=recq0[my];
1403 q1[sizeqmcmd]=recq1[my];
1404 q2[sizeqmcmd]=recq2[my];
1405 q3[sizeqmcmd]=recq3[my];
1406 qmode[sizeqmcmd]=-10;
1407 orbits.getPosition((double) (qtime[sizeqmcmd] - gltle->GetFromTime())/60., &eCi);
1408 RYPang_upper->TransAngle(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z,eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z,recq0[my],recq1[my],recq2[my],recq3[my]);
1409 qRoll[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Kren;
1410 qYaw[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Ryskanie;
1411 qPitch[sizeqmcmd]=RYPang_upper->Tangazh;
1412 }
1413 }
1414 }
1415 //if ( debug ) printf(" puffi \n");
1416 Double_t tmin = 9999999999.;
1417 Double_t tmax = 0.;
1418 for(UInt_t tre = 0;tre<qtime.size();tre++){
1419 if(qtime[tre]>tmax)tmax = qtime[tre];
1420 if(qtime[tre]<tmin)tmin = qtime[tre];
1421 }
1422 // sorting quaternions by time
1423 Bool_t t = true;
1424 while(t){
1425 t=false;
1426 for(UInt_t i=0;i<qtime.size()-1;i++){
1427 if(qtime[i]>qtime[i+1]){
1428 Double_t tmpr = qtime[i];
1429 qtime[i]=qtime[i+1];
1430 qtime[i+1] = tmpr;
1431 tmpr = q0[i];
1432 q0[i]=q0[i+1];
1433 q0[i+1] = tmpr;
1434 tmpr = q1[i];
1435 q1[i]=q1[i+1];
1436 q1[i+1] = tmpr;
1437 tmpr = q2[i];
1438 q2[i]=q2[i+1];
1439 q2[i+1] = tmpr;
1440 tmpr = q3[i];
1441 q3[i]=q3[i+1];
1442 q3[i+1] = tmpr;
1443 tmpr = qRoll[i];
1444 qRoll[i]=qRoll[i+1];
1445 qRoll[i+1] = tmpr;
1446 tmpr = qYaw[i];
1447 qYaw[i]=qYaw[i+1];
1448 qYaw[i+1] = tmpr;
1449 tmpr = qPitch[i];
1450 qPitch[i]=qPitch[i+1];
1451 qPitch[i+1] = tmpr;
1452 t=true;
1453 }
1454 }
1455 }
1456 if ( debug ){
1457 cout << "we have loaded quaternions: size of quaternions set is "<< qtime.size() << endl;
1458 for(UInt_t i=0;i<qtime.size();i++) cout << qtime[i] << "\t";
1459 cout << endl << endl;
1460 Int_t lopu;
1461 cin >> lopu;
1462 }
1463 } // if we processed first event
1465 //Filling Inclination information
1466 Double_t incli = 0;
1467 if ( qtime.size() > 1 ){
1468 if(atime<qtime[0]){
1469 for(UInt_t mu = 1;mu<qtime.size()-1;mu++){
1470 if(qtime[mu]>qtime[0]){
1471 incli = (qPitch[mu]-qPitch[0])/(qtime[mu]-qtime[0]);
1472 orbitalinfo->theta = incli*atime+qPitch[mu]-incli*qtime[mu];
1473 incli = (qRoll[mu]-qRoll[0])/(qtime[mu]-qtime[0]);
1474 orbitalinfo->etha = incli*atime+qRoll[mu]-incli*qtime[mu];
1475 incli = (qYaw[mu]-qYaw[0])/(qtime[mu]-qtime[0]);
1476 orbitalinfo->phi = incli*atime+qYaw[mu]-incli*qtime[mu];
1478 incli = (q0[mu]-q0[0])/(qtime[mu]-qtime[0]);
1479 orbitalinfo->q0 = incli*atime+q0[mu]-incli*qtime[mu];
1480 incli = (q1[mu]-q1[0])/(qtime[mu]-qtime[0]);
1481 orbitalinfo->q1 = incli*atime+q1[mu]-incli*qtime[mu];
1482 incli = (q2[mu]-q2[0])/(qtime[mu]-qtime[0]);
1483 orbitalinfo->q2 = incli*atime+q2[mu]-incli*qtime[mu];
1484 incli = (q3[mu]-q3[0])/(qtime[mu]-qtime[0]);
1485 orbitalinfo->q3 = incli*atime+q3[mu]-incli*qtime[mu];
1486 orbitalinfo->TimeGap=qtime[0]-atime;
1487 break;
1488 }
1489 }
1490 }
1491 Float_t eend=qtime.size()-1;
1492 if(atime>qtime[eend]){
1493 for(UInt_t mu=eend-1;mu>=0;mu--){
1494 if(qtime[mu]<qtime[eend]){
1495 incli = (qPitch[eend]-qPitch[mu])/(qtime[eend]-qtime[mu]);
1496 orbitalinfo->theta = incli*atime+qPitch[eend]-incli*qtime[eend];
1497 incli = (qRoll[eend]-qRoll[mu])/(qtime[eend]-qtime[mu]);
1498 orbitalinfo->etha = incli*atime+qRoll[eend]-incli*qtime[eend];
1499 incli = (qYaw[eend]-qYaw[mu])/(qtime[eend]-qtime[mu]);
1500 orbitalinfo->phi = incli*atime+qYaw[eend]-incli*qtime[eend];
1502 incli = (q0[eend]-q0[mu])/(qtime[eend]-qtime[mu]);
1503 orbitalinfo->q0 = incli*atime+q0[eend]-incli*qtime[eend];
1504 incli = (q1[eend]-q1[mu])/(qtime[eend]-qtime[mu]);
1505 orbitalinfo->q1 = incli*atime+q1[eend]-incli*qtime[eend];
1506 incli = (q2[eend]-q2[mu])/(qtime[eend]-qtime[mu]);
1507 orbitalinfo->q2 = incli*atime+q2[eend]-incli*qtime[eend];
1508 incli = (q3[eend]-q3[mu])/(qtime[eend]-qtime[mu]);
1509 orbitalinfo->q3 = incli*atime+q3[eend]-incli*qtime[eend];
1510 break;
1511 }
1512 }
1513 }
1514 for(UInt_t mu = must;mu<qtime.size()-1;mu++){
1515 if ( debug ) printf(" ??grfuffi %i sixe %i must %i \n",mu,qtime.size()-1,must);
1516 if(qtime[mu+1]>qtime[mu]){
1517 if ( debug ) cout << "qtime[" << mu << "] = " << qtime[mu] << "\tqtime[" << mu+1 << "] = " << qtime[mu+1] << "\tatime = " << atime << endl;
1518 if(atime<=qtime[mu+1] && atime>=qtime[mu]){
1519 if ( debug ) cout << "here we have found proper quaternions for interpolation: mu = "<<mu<<endl;
1520 must = mu;
1521 incli = (qPitch[mu+1]-qPitch[mu])/(qtime[mu+1]-qtime[mu]);
1522 orbitalinfo->theta = incli*atime+qPitch[mu+1]-incli*qtime[mu+1];
1523 incli = (qRoll[mu+1]-qRoll[mu])/(qtime[mu+1]-qtime[mu]);
1524 orbitalinfo->etha = incli*atime+qRoll[mu+1]-incli*qtime[mu+1];
1525 incli = (qYaw[mu+1]-qYaw[mu])/(qtime[mu+1]-qtime[mu]);
1526 orbitalinfo->phi = incli*atime+qYaw[mu+1]-incli*qtime[mu+1];
1528 incli = (q0[mu+1]-q0[mu])/(qtime[mu+1]-qtime[mu]);
1529 orbitalinfo->q0 = incli*atime+q0[mu+1]-incli*qtime[mu+1];
1530 incli = (q1[mu+1]-q1[mu])/(qtime[mu+1]-qtime[mu]);
1531 orbitalinfo->q1 = incli*atime+q1[mu+1]-incli*qtime[mu+1];
1532 incli = (q2[mu+1]-q2[mu])/(qtime[mu+1]-qtime[mu]);
1533 orbitalinfo->q2 = incli*atime+q2[mu+1]-incli*qtime[mu+1];
1534 incli = (q3[mu+1]-q3[mu])/(qtime[mu+1]-qtime[mu]);
1535 orbitalinfo->q3 = incli*atime+q3[mu+1]-incli*qtime[mu+1];
1536 Float_t tg = (qtime[mu+1]-qtime[mu])/1000.0;
1537 if(tg>=1) tg=0.00;
1538 orbitalinfo->TimeGap = TMath::Min(TMath::Abs(qtime[mu+1]-atime),TMath::Abs(atime-qtime[mu]))+tg;//qtime[mu+1]-qtime[mu];
1539 orbitalinfo->mode = qmode[mu+1];
1540 //if(atime==qtime[mu] || atime==qtime[mu+1]) orbitalinfo->qkind = 0; else orbitalinfo->qkind=1;
1541 //if(qmode[mu+1]==-10) orbitalinfo->R10r = true;else orbitalinfo->R10r = false;
1542 if ( debug ) printf(" grfuffi4 %i \n",mu);
1543 break;
1544 }
1545 }
1546 }
1547 }
1548 if ( debug ) printf(" grfuffi5 \n");
1549 //
1550 // ops no inclination information
1551 //
1553 if ( orbitalinfo->q0< -999 || orbitalinfo->q1 < -999 || orbitalinfo->q2 < -999 || orbitalinfo->q3 < -999 || orbitalinfo->q0 != orbitalinfo->q0 || orbitalinfo->q1 != orbitalinfo->q1 || orbitalinfo->q2 != orbitalinfo->q2 || orbitalinfo->q3 != orbitalinfo->q3 ){
1554 if (debug) cout << "Warning: no iclination information "<< endl;
1555 orbitalinfo->mode = 10;
1556 orbitalinfo->q0 = -1000.;
1557 orbitalinfo->q1 = -1000.;
1558 orbitalinfo->q2 = -1000.;
1559 orbitalinfo->q3 = -1000.;
1560 orbitalinfo->etha = -1000.;
1561 orbitalinfo->phi = -1000.;
1562 orbitalinfo->theta = -1000.;
1563 orbitalinfo->TimeGap = -1000.;
1564 TMatrixD Iij(3,3);
1565 Iij(0,0)=0; Iij(0,1)=0; Iij(0,2)=0;
1566 Iij(1,0)=0; Iij(1,1)=0; Iij(1,2)=0;
1567 Iij(2,0)=0; Iij(2,1)=0; Iij(2,2)=0;
1568 Iij.Zero();
1569 orbitalinfo->Iij.ResizeTo(Iij);
1570 orbitalinfo->Iij = Iij;
1571 //orbitalinfo->qkind = -1000;
1573 // if ( debug ){
1574 // Int_t lopu;
1575 // cin >> lopu;
1576 // }
1577 if ( debug ) printf(" grfuffi6 \n");
1578 }
1579 //
1580 if ( debug ) printf(" filling \n");
1581 // #########################################################################################################################
1582 //
1583 // fill orbital positions
1584 //
1585 // Build coordinates in the right range. We want to convert,
1586 // longitude from (0, 2*pi) to (-180deg, 180deg). Altitude is
1587 // in meters.
1588 lon = (coo.m_Lon > M_PI) ? rad2deg(coo.m_Lon - 2*M_PI) : rad2deg(coo.m_Lon);
1589 lat = rad2deg(coo.m_Lat);
1590 alt = coo.m_Alt;
1592 cOrbit orbits2(*gltle->GetTle());
1593 orbits2.getPosition((double) (atime - gltle->GetFromTime())/60., &eCi);
1594 // Float_t x=eCi.getPos().m_x;
1595 // Float_t y=eCi.getPos().m_y;
1596 // Float_t z=eCi.getPos().m_z;
1598 TVector3 V(eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z);
1599 TVector3 Pos(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z);
1601 Float_t dlon=Pos.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg()-lon;
1603 Pos.RotateZ(-dlon*TMath::DegToRad());
1604 V.RotateZ(-dlon*TMath::DegToRad());
1605 Float_t diro;
1606 if(V.Z()>0) diro=1; else diro=-1;
1608 // 10REDNEW
1609 Int_t errq=0;
1610 Int_t azim=0;
1611 Int_t qual=0;
1612 Int_t MU=0;
1613 for(UInt_t mu = 0;mu<RTtime2.size()-1;mu++){
1614 if(atime<RTstart[mu+1] && atime>=RTstart[mu]){
1615 errq=RTerrq[mu];
1616 azim=RTazim[mu];
1617 qual=RTqual[mu];
1618 MU=mu;
1619 break;
1620 }
1621 }
1622 orbitalinfo->errq = errq;
1623 orbitalinfo->azim = azim;
1624 orbitalinfo->rtqual=qual;
1625 orbitalinfo->qkind = 0;
1627 if ( debug ) printf(" coord done \n");
1628 if( lon<180 && lon>-180 && lat<90 && lat>-90 && alt>0 ){
1629 orbitalinfo->lon = lon;
1630 orbitalinfo->lat = lat;
1631 orbitalinfo->alt = alt;
1632 orbitalinfo->V = V;
1634 // GMtype_CoordGeodetic location;
1635 location.lambda = lon;
1636 location.phi = lat;
1637 location.HeightAboveEllipsoid = alt;
1639 GM_GeodeticToSpherical(Ellip, location, &CoordSpherical);
1640 GM_SphericalToCartesian(CoordSpherical, &CoordCartesian);
1641 GM_EarthCartToDipoleCartCD(Pole, CoordCartesian, &DipoleCartesian);
1642 GM_CartesianToSpherical(DipoleCartesian, &DipoleSpherical);
1643 orbitalinfo->londip = DipoleSpherical.lambda;
1644 orbitalinfo->latdip = DipoleSpherical.phig;
1646 if(debug)cout<<"geodetic:\t"<<lon<<"\t"<<lat<<"\tgeomagnetic:\t"<<orbitalinfo->londip<<"\t"<<orbitalinfo->latdip<<endl;
1648 //
1649 // compute mag field components and L shell.
1650 //
1651 if ( debug ) printf(" call igrf feldg \n");
1652 feldg_(&lat, &lon, &alt, &bnorth, &beast, &bdown, &babs);
1653 if ( debug ) printf(" call igrf shellg \n");
1654 shellg_(&lat, &lon, &alt, &dimo, &xl, &icode, &bab1);
1655 if ( debug ) printf(" call igrf findb \n");
1656 findb0_(&stps, &bdel, &value, &bequ, &rr0);
1657 //
1658 if ( debug ) printf(" done igrf \n");
1659 orbitalinfo->Bnorth = bnorth;
1660 orbitalinfo->Beast = beast;
1661 orbitalinfo->Bdown = bdown;
1662 orbitalinfo->Babs = babs;
1663 orbitalinfo->M = dimo;
1664 orbitalinfo->BB0 = babs/bequ;
1665 orbitalinfo->L = xl;
1666 // Set Stormer vertical cutoff using L shell.
1667 orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl = 14.295 / (xl*xl); //
1668 if(debug)cout << "L = " << xl << "\tM = " << dimo << "\tvertical cutoff: "<< orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl << endl;
1670 // ---------- Forwarded message ----------
1671 // Date: Wed, 09 May 2012 12:16:47 +0200
1672 // From: Alessandro Bruno <alessandro.bruno@ba.infn.it>
1673 // To: Mirko Boezio <mirko.boezio@ts.infn.it>
1674 // Cc: Francesco S. Cafagna <Francesco.Cafagna@ba.infn.it>
1675 // Subject: Störmer vertical cutoff
1677 // Ciao Mirko,
1678 // volevo segnalarti che il valore dello Störmer vertical cutoff nel Level2 è
1679 // sovrastimato di circa il 4%.
1680 // Dopo un'approfondita analisi con l'IGRF-05 abbiamo ricavano un valore pari
1681 // a: 14.295 / L^2 anzichè 14.9 / L^2, valore obsoleto in quanto riferito agli
1682 // anni '50.
1683 //
1684 // 14.9/(xl*xl);
1685 orbitalinfo->igrf_icode = (Float_t)icode;
1686 //
1687 } //check lon lat alt
1688 //
1689 if ( debug ) printf(" pitch angle \n");
1690 //
1691 // pitch angles
1692 //
1693 if( orbitalinfo->TimeGap>=0){
1694 //
1695 if ( debug ) printf(" timegap %f \n",orbitalinfo->TimeGap);
1696 Float_t Bx = -orbitalinfo->Bdown;
1697 Float_t By = orbitalinfo->Beast;
1698 Float_t Bz = orbitalinfo->Bnorth;
1700 // TMatrixD Qiji(3,3);
1701 TMatrixD Qij = PO->QuatoECI(orbitalinfo->q0,orbitalinfo->q1,orbitalinfo->q2,orbitalinfo->q3);
1702 TMatrixD Dij = PO->ECItoGEO(Qij,orbitalinfo->absTime,orbitalinfo->lat,orbitalinfo->lon);
1704 //10REDNEW
1705 // If initial orientation data have reason to be inaccurate
1706 Float_t tg = 0.00;
1707 Float_t tmptg;
1708 Bool_t tgpar=false;
1709 Bool_t tgpar0=false;
1710 if (orbitalinfo->TimeGap>10.0 || ((modf(orbitalinfo->TimeGap,&tmptg)*1000>10 || modf(orbitalinfo->TimeGap,&tmptg)*1000==0.0) && orbitalinfo->TimeGap>2.0)) tgpar=true;
1711 if (orbitalinfo->TimeGap>180.0) tgpar0=true;
1712 if(MU!=0){
1713 // if(orbitalinfo->TimeGap>0 && errq==0 && azim==0){ // 10RED CHECK (comparison between three metod of recovering orientation)
1714 if((atime>=RTstart[MU] && atime<RTstart[MU+1] && RTbank1[MU]==0 && RTbank2[MU]==0 && (TMath::Abs(orbitalinfo->etha)>0.1 || tgpar0)) || ((RTbank1[MU]!=0 || RTbank2[MU]!=0) && atime>=RTstart[MU] && atime<RTstart[MU+1] && azim==0 && (errq!=0 || tgpar))){
1715 //found in Rotation Table this data for this time interval
1716 if(atime<RTtime1[0])
1717 orbitalinfo->azim = 5; //means that RotationTable no started yet
1718 else{
1719 // search for angle betwean velosity and direction to north in tangential to Earth surfase plane in satellite position
1720 Double_t bank=RTstart[MU];
1721 Double_t tlat=orbitalinfo->lat;
1723 tg=modf(orbitalinfo->TimeGap,&tg)*1000;
1725 if(atime>=RTpluto1[MU] && atime<=RTpluto2[MU]){
1726 Double_t kar=(RTbank2[MU]-RTbank1[MU])/(RTtime2[MU]-RTtime1[MU]);
1727 Double_t bak=RTbank1[MU]-kar*RTtime1[MU];
1728 bank=kar*atime+bak;
1729 }
1730 if(atime>=RTstart[MU] && atime<RTpluto1[MU]){
1731 Double_t s_dBdt2=(RTbpluto1[MU]-RTbank1[MU])/(Int_t)(RTpluto1[MU]-RTstart[MU]);
1732 Double_t s_t2=((Double_t)RTpluto1[MU]+(Double_t)RTstart[MU])/2. - RTstart[MU];
1733 Double_t s_t1=RTstart[MU]-RTstart[MU];
1734 Double_t s_k=s_dBdt2/(s_t2-s_t1);
1735 Double_t s_b=-s_k*s_t1;
1736 Double_t s_t3=RTpluto1[MU]-RTstart[MU];
1737 Double_t s_b3=RTbpluto1[MU];
1738 Double_t s_c=s_b3-0.5*s_k*s_t3*s_t3 -s_b*s_t3;
1739 bank=0.5*s_k*(atime-RTstart[MU])*(atime-RTstart[MU]) + s_b*(atime-RTstart[MU]) + s_c;
1740 }
1741 if(atime>RTpluto2[MU] && atime<=RTstart[MU+1]){
1742 Double_t s_dBdt2=(RTbpluto2[MU] - RTbank2[MU])/(Int_t)(RTpluto2[MU]-RTstart[MU+1]);
1743 Double_t s_t2=((Double_t)RTpluto2[MU]+(Double_t)RTstart[MU+1])/2. - RTstart[MU];
1744 Double_t s_t1=RTstart[MU+1]-RTstart[MU];
1745 Double_t s_k=s_dBdt2/(s_t2-s_t1);
1746 Double_t s_b=-s_k*s_t1;
1747 Double_t s_t3=RTpluto2[MU]-RTstart[MU];
1748 Double_t s_b3=RTbpluto2[MU];
1749 Double_t s_c=s_b3-0.5*s_k*s_t3*s_t3 -s_b*s_t3;
1750 bank=0.5*s_k*(atime-RTstart[MU])*(atime-RTstart[MU]) + s_b*(atime-RTstart[MU]) + s_c;
1751 }
1752 if(TMath::Abs(orbitalinfo->etha-bank)>0.1){
1753 orbitalinfo->etha=bank;
1754 Double_t spitch = 0.00001; // temprary not zero to avoid problem with tranzition from Euler angles to orientation matrix
1756 //Estimations of pitch angle of satellite
1757 if(TMath::Abs(bank)>0.7){
1758 Float_t spitch1=TMath::DegToRad()*0.7*diro;//RTdir1[MU];
1759 Float_t spitch2=TMath::DegToRad()*0.7*diro;//RTdir2[MU];
1760 Float_t kva=(spitch2-spitch1)/(RTtime2[MU]-RTtime1[MU]);
1761 Float_t bva=spitch1-kva*RTtime1[MU];
1762 spitch=kva*atime+bva;
1763 }
1765 //Calculate Yaw angle accordingly with fit, see picture FitYaw.jpg
1766 Double_t yaw=0.00001; // temprary not zero to avoid problem with tranzition from Euler angles to orientation matrix
1767 if(TMath::Abs(tlat)<70)
1768 yaw = -3.7e-8*tlat*tlat*tlat*tlat + 1.4e-7*tlat*tlat*tlat - 0.0005*tlat*tlat - 0.00025*tlat + 3.6;
1769 yaw = diro*yaw; //because should be different sign for ascending and descending orbits!
1770 orbitalinfo->phi=yaw;
1772 if(TMath::Abs(bank)>0.5 && TMath::Abs(yaw-orbitalinfo->phi)<3.0) yaw=orbitalinfo->phi;
1774 //Qiji = PO->EulertoEci(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z,eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z,bank,yaw,spitch); // 10RED CHECK
1775 Qij = PO->EulertoEci(eCi.getPos().m_x,eCi.getPos().m_y,eCi.getPos().m_z,eCi.getVel().m_x,eCi.getVel().m_y,eCi.getVel().m_z,bank,yaw,spitch); // STANDARD
1776 orbitalinfo->qkind = 1;
1777 }
1778 //Qij = PO->GEOtoECI(Dij,orbitalinfo->absTime,orbitalinfo->lat,orbitalinfo->lon); // to convert from Dij to Qij
1779 } // end of if(atime<RTtime1[0]
1780 } // end of (((orbitalinfo->TimeGap>60.0 && TMath...
1781 } // end of MU~=0
1783 TMatrixD qij = PO->ColPermutation(Qij);
1784 TMatrixD Fij = PO->ECItoGreenwich(Qij,orbitalinfo->absTime);
1785 TMatrixD Gij = PO->ColPermutation(Fij);
1786 Dij = PO->ECItoGEO(Qij,orbitalinfo->absTime,orbitalinfo->lat,orbitalinfo->lon);
1787 TMatrixD Iij = PO->ColPermutation(Dij);
1789 TVector3 SP = PO->GetSunPosition(orbitalinfo->absTime);
1790 // go to Pamela reference frame from Resurs reference frame
1791 Float_t tmpy = SP.Y();
1792 SP.SetY(SP.Z());
1793 SP.SetZ(-tmpy);
1794 TVector3 SunZenith;
1795 SunZenith.SetMagThetaPhi(1,23.439281*TMath::DegToRad(),TMath::Pi()/2.);
1796 TVector3 SunMag = -SP;
1797 SunMag.Rotate(-45*TMath::DegToRad(),SunZenith);
1798 tmpy=SunMag.Y();
1799 SunMag.SetY(SunMag.Z());
1800 SunMag.SetZ(-tmpy);
1802 orbitalinfo->Iij.ResizeTo(Iij);
1803 orbitalinfo->Iij = Iij;
1805 Bool_t saso=true;
1806 if (orbitalinfo->qkind==1) saso=true;
1807 if (orbitalinfo->qkind==0 && orbitalinfo->azim>0 && orbitalinfo->azim!=5 && tgpar) saso=false;
1808 if (orbitalinfo->qkind==0 && orbitalinfo->azim==5 && TMath::Abs(orbitalinfo->etha)>0.1 && tgpar) saso=false;
1809 if (orbitalinfo->qkind==0 && orbitalinfo->azim==5 && TMath::Abs(orbitalinfo->etha)<=0.1 && tgpar0) saso=false;
1810 if (saso) orbitalinfo->mode=orbitalinfo->rtqual; else orbitalinfo->mode=2;
1812 //
1813 // A1 = Iij(0,2);
1814 // A2 = Iij(1,2);
1815 // A3 = Iij(2,2);
1816 //
1817 // orbitalinfo->pamzenitangle = (Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(1,0,0,A1,A2,A3); // Angle between zenit and Pamela's main axiz
1818 // orbitalinfo->pamBangle = (Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(A1,A2,A3,Bx,By,Bz); // Angle between Pamela's main axiz and B
1819 //
1820 if ( debug ) printf(" matrixes done \n");
1821 if ( !standalone ){
1822 if ( debug ) printf(" !standalone \n");
1823 //
1824 // Standard tracking algorithm
1825 //
1826 Int_t nn = 0;
1827 if ( verbose ) printf(" standard tracking \n");
1828 for(Int_t nt=0; nt < tof->ntrk(); nt++){
1829 //
1830 ToFTrkVar *ptt = tof->GetToFTrkVar(nt);
1831 if (debug) cout<<"tof->ntrk() = "<<tof->ntrk()<<"\tptt->trkseqno = "<<ptt->trkseqno<<"\ttrke->ntrk() = "<<trke->ntrk()<<endl;
1832 Double_t E11x = ptt->xtr_tof[0]; // tr->x[0];
1833 Double_t E11y = ptt->ytr_tof[0]; //tr->y[0];
1834 Double_t E11z = zin[0];
1835 Double_t E22x = ptt->xtr_tof[3];//tr->x[3];
1836 Double_t E22y = ptt->ytr_tof[3];//tr->y[3];
1837 Double_t E22z = zin[3];
1838 if ( (E11x < 100. && E11y < 100. && E22x < 100. && E22y < 100.) || ptt->trkseqno != -1 ){
1839 TrkTrack *mytrack = trke->GetStoredTrack(ptt->trkseqno);
1840 Float_t rig=1/mytrack->GetDeflection();
1841 Double_t norm = sqrt(pow(E22x-E11x,2)+pow(E22y-E11y,2)+pow(E22z-E11z,2));
1842 //
1843 Px = (E22x-E11x)/norm;
1844 Py = (E22y-E11y)/norm;
1845 Pz = (E22z-E11z)/norm;
1846 //
1847 t_orb->trkseqno = ptt->trkseqno;
1848 //
1849 TMatrixD Eij = PO->PamelatoGEO(Iij,Px,Py,Pz);
1850 t_orb->Eij.ResizeTo(Eij);
1851 t_orb->Eij = Eij;
1852 //
1853 TMatrixD Sij = PO->PamelatoGEO(Gij,Px,Py,Pz);
1854 t_orb->Sij.ResizeTo(Sij);
1855 t_orb->Sij = Sij;
1856 //
1857 t_orb->pitch = (Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Eij(0,0),Eij(1,0),Eij(2,0),Bx,By,Bz);
1858 //
1859 // SunPosition in instrumental reference frame
1860 TMatrixD Kij = PO->PamelatoGEO(qij,Px,Py,Pz);
1861 TMatrixD Lij = PO->PamelatoGEO(qij,0,0,1);
1862 t_orb->sunangle=(Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Kij(0,0),Kij(1,0),Kij(2,0),-SP.X(),-SP.Y(),-SP.Z());
1863 t_orb->sunmagangle=(Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Kij(0,0),Kij(1,0),Kij(2,0),SunMag.X(),SunMag.Y(),SunMag.Z());
1864 //
1865 //
1866 Double_t omega = PO->GetPitchAngle(-Eij(0,0),-Eij(1,0),-Eij(2,0),1,0,0) * TMath::DegToRad();
1867 TVector3 Bxy(0,By,Bz);
1868 TVector3 Exy(0,-Eij(1,0),-Eij(2,0));
1869 Double_t dzeta=Bxy.Angle(Exy);
1870 if (-Eij(1,0) < 0) dzeta=2.0*TMath::Pi() - dzeta;
1872 if(debug) cout << "omega = "<<omega*TMath::RadToDeg()<<"\tdzeta = "<<dzeta*TMath::RadToDeg()<<endl;
1874 // Formula from D.F. Smart *, M.A. Shea [2005]; A review of geomagnetic cutoff rigidities for earth-orbiting spacecraft
1875 if(rig>=0) t_orb->cutoff = 59.3/(pow(orbitalinfo->L,2)*pow(1+sqrt(1-sin(omega)*sin(dzeta)*pow(cos(orbitalinfo->lat*TMath::DegToRad()),3)),2));
1876 else t_orb->cutoff = 59.3/(pow(orbitalinfo->L,2)*pow(1+sqrt(1-sin(omega)*sin(TMath::Pi()+dzeta)*pow(cos(orbitalinfo->lat*TMath::DegToRad()),3)),2));
1877 if (debug) cout << "R = " << rig << "\tcutoff = " << t_orb->cutoff << endl;
1879 //
1880 if ( t_orb->pitch != t_orb->pitch ) t_orb->pitch = -1000.;
1881 if ( t_orb->cutoff != t_orb->cutoff ) t_orb->cutoff = -1000.;
1882 if ( t_orb->sunangle != t_orb->sunangle ) t_orb->sunangle = -1000.;
1883 if ( t_orb->sunmagangle != t_orb->sunmagangle ) t_orb->sunmagangle = -1000.;
1884 //
1885 if ( debug ) printf(" orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl %f vitaly %f \n",orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl,t_orb->cutoff);
1886 //
1887 new(tor[nn]) OrbitalInfoTrkVar(*t_orb);
1888 nn++;
1889 //
1890 t_orb->Clear();
1891 //
1892 }
1893 //
1894 } // end standard tracking algorithm
1896 //
1897 // Code for extended tracking algorithm:
1898 //
1899 if ( hasNucleiTrk ){
1900 Int_t ttentry = 0;
1901 if ( verbose ) printf(" hasNucleiTrk \n");
1902 for(Int_t nt=0; nt < tcNucleiTof->GetEntries() ; nt++){
1903 //
1904 if ( verbose ) printf(" got1\n");
1905 ToFTrkVar *ptt = (ToFTrkVar*)(tcNucleiTof->At(nt));
1906 if (verbose) cout<<" tcNucleiTof->GetEntries() = "<<tcNucleiTof->GetEntries()<<"\tptt->trkseqno = "<<ptt->trkseqno<<endl;
1907 Double_t E11x = ptt->xtr_tof[0]; // tr->x[0];
1908 Double_t E11y = ptt->ytr_tof[0]; //tr->y[0];
1909 Double_t E11z = zin[0];
1910 Double_t E22x = ptt->xtr_tof[3];//tr->x[3];
1911 Double_t E22y = ptt->ytr_tof[3];//tr->y[3];
1912 Double_t E22z = zin[3];
1913 if ( (E11x < 100. && E11y < 100. && E22x < 100. && E22y < 100.) || ptt->trkseqno != -1 ){
1914 TrkTrack *mytrack = (TrkTrack*)(tcNucleiTrk->At(ptt->trkseqno));
1915 if ( verbose ) printf(" got tcNucleiTrk \n");
1916 Float_t rig=1/mytrack->GetDeflection();
1917 Double_t norm = sqrt(pow(E22x-E11x,2)+pow(E22y-E11y,2)+pow(E22z-E11z,2));
1918 //
1919 Px = (E22x-E11x)/norm;
1920 Py = (E22y-E11y)/norm;
1921 Pz = (E22z-E11z)/norm;
1922 //
1923 t_orb->trkseqno = ptt->trkseqno;
1924 //
1925 TMatrixD Eij = PO->PamelatoGEO(Iij,Px,Py,Pz);
1926 t_orb->Eij.ResizeTo(Eij);
1927 t_orb->Eij = Eij;
1928 //
1929 TMatrixD Sij = PO->PamelatoGEO(Gij,Px,Py,Pz);
1930 t_orb->Sij.ResizeTo(Sij);
1931 t_orb->Sij = Sij;
1932 //
1933 t_orb->pitch = (Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Eij(0,0),Eij(1,0),Eij(2,0),Bx,By,Bz);
1934 //
1935 // SunPosition in instrumental reference frame
1936 TMatrixD Kij = PO->PamelatoGEO(qij,Px,Py,Pz);
1937 TMatrixD Lij = PO->PamelatoGEO(qij,0,0,1);
1938 t_orb->sunangle=(Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Kij(0,0),Kij(1,0),Kij(2,0),-SP.X(),-SP.Y(),-SP.Z());
1939 t_orb->sunmagangle=(Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Kij(0,0),Kij(1,0),Kij(2,0),SunMag.X(),SunMag.Y(),SunMag.Z());
1940 //
1941 //
1942 Double_t omega = PO->GetPitchAngle(-Eij(0,0),-Eij(1,0),-Eij(2,0),1,0,0) * TMath::DegToRad();
1943 TVector3 Bxy(0,By,Bz);
1944 TVector3 Exy(0,-Eij(1,0),-Eij(2,0));
1945 Double_t dzeta=Bxy.Angle(Exy);
1946 if (-Eij(1,0) < 0) dzeta=2.0*TMath::Pi() - dzeta;
1948 if(debug) cout << "omega = "<<omega*TMath::RadToDeg()<<"\tdzeta = "<<dzeta*TMath::RadToDeg()<<endl;
1950 // Formula from D.F. Smart *, M.A. Shea [2005]; A review of geomagnetic cutoff rigidities for earth-orbiting spacecraft
1951 if(rig>=0) t_orb->cutoff = 59.3/(pow(orbitalinfo->L,2)*pow(1+sqrt(1-sin(omega)*sin(dzeta)*pow(cos(orbitalinfo->lat*TMath::DegToRad()),3)),2));
1952 else t_orb->cutoff = 59.3/(pow(orbitalinfo->L,2)*pow(1+sqrt(1-sin(omega)*sin(TMath::Pi()+dzeta)*pow(cos(orbitalinfo->lat*TMath::DegToRad()),3)),2));
1953 if (debug) cout << "R = " << rig << "\tcutoff = " << t_orb->cutoff << endl;
1955 //
1956 if ( t_orb->pitch != t_orb->pitch ) t_orb->pitch = -1000.;
1957 if ( t_orb->cutoff != t_orb->cutoff ) t_orb->cutoff = -1000.;
1958 if ( t_orb->sunangle != t_orb->sunangle ) t_orb->sunangle = -1000.;
1959 if ( t_orb->sunmagangle != t_orb->sunmagangle ) t_orb->sunmagangle = -1000.;
1960 //
1961 if ( debug ) printf(" orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl %f vitaly %f \n",orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl,t_orb->cutoff);
1962 //
1963 TClonesArray &tt1 = *torbNucleiTrk;
1964 new(tt1[ttentry]) OrbitalInfoTrkVar(*t_orb);
1965 ttentry++;
1966 //
1967 t_orb->Clear();
1968 //
1969 }
1970 //
1971 }
1972 } // end standard tracking algorithm: nuclei
1973 if ( hasExtNucleiTrk ){
1974 Int_t ttentry = 0;
1975 if ( verbose ) printf(" hasExtNucleiTrk \n");
1976 for(Int_t nt=0; nt < tcExtNucleiTof->GetEntries() ; nt++){
1977 //
1978 if ( verbose ) printf(" got2\n");
1979 ToFTrkVar *ptt = (ToFTrkVar*)(tcExtNucleiTof->At(nt));
1980 if (verbose) cout<<" tcExtNucleiTof->GetEntries() = "<<tcExtNucleiTof->GetEntries()<<"\tptt->trkseqno = "<<ptt->trkseqno<<endl;
1981 Double_t E11x = ptt->xtr_tof[0]; // tr->x[0];
1982 Double_t E11y = ptt->ytr_tof[0]; //tr->y[0];
1983 Double_t E11z = zin[0];
1984 Double_t E22x = ptt->xtr_tof[3];//tr->x[3];
1985 Double_t E22y = ptt->ytr_tof[3];//tr->y[3];
1986 Double_t E22z = zin[3];
1987 if ( (E11x < 100. && E11y < 100. && E22x < 100. && E22y < 100.) || ptt->trkseqno != -1 ){
1988 ExtTrack *mytrack = (ExtTrack*)(tcExtNucleiTrk->At(ptt->trkseqno));
1989 if ( verbose ) printf(" got tcExtNucleiTrk \n");
1990 Float_t rig=1/mytrack->GetDeflection();
1991 Double_t norm = sqrt(pow(E22x-E11x,2)+pow(E22y-E11y,2)+pow(E22z-E11z,2));
1992 //
1993 Px = (E22x-E11x)/norm;
1994 Py = (E22y-E11y)/norm;
1995 Pz = (E22z-E11z)/norm;
1996 //
1997 t_orb->trkseqno = ptt->trkseqno;
1998 //
1999 TMatrixD Eij = PO->PamelatoGEO(Iij,Px,Py,Pz);
2000 t_orb->Eij.ResizeTo(Eij);
2001 t_orb->Eij = Eij;
2002 //
2003 TMatrixD Sij = PO->PamelatoGEO(Gij,Px,Py,Pz);
2004 t_orb->Sij.ResizeTo(Sij);
2005 t_orb->Sij = Sij;
2006 //
2007 t_orb->pitch = (Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Eij(0,0),Eij(1,0),Eij(2,0),Bx,By,Bz);
2008 //
2009 // SunPosition in instrumental reference frame
2010 TMatrixD Kij = PO->PamelatoGEO(qij,Px,Py,Pz);
2011 TMatrixD Lij = PO->PamelatoGEO(qij,0,0,1);
2012 t_orb->sunangle=(Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Kij(0,0),Kij(1,0),Kij(2,0),-SP.X(),-SP.Y(),-SP.Z());
2013 t_orb->sunmagangle=(Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Kij(0,0),Kij(1,0),Kij(2,0),SunMag.X(),SunMag.Y(),SunMag.Z());
2014 //
2015 //
2016 Double_t omega = PO->GetPitchAngle(-Eij(0,0),-Eij(1,0),-Eij(2,0),1,0,0) * TMath::DegToRad();
2017 TVector3 Bxy(0,By,Bz);
2018 TVector3 Exy(0,-Eij(1,0),-Eij(2,0));
2019 Double_t dzeta=Bxy.Angle(Exy);
2020 if (-Eij(1,0) < 0) dzeta=2.0*TMath::Pi() - dzeta;
2022 if(debug) cout << "omega = "<<omega*TMath::RadToDeg()<<"\tdzeta = "<<dzeta*TMath::RadToDeg()<<endl;
2024 // Formula from D.F. Smart *, M.A. Shea [2005]; A review of geomagnetic cutoff rigidities for earth-orbiting spacecraft
2025 if(rig>=0) t_orb->cutoff = 59.3/(pow(orbitalinfo->L,2)*pow(1+sqrt(1-sin(omega)*sin(dzeta)*pow(cos(orbitalinfo->lat*TMath::DegToRad()),3)),2));
2026 else t_orb->cutoff = 59.3/(pow(orbitalinfo->L,2)*pow(1+sqrt(1-sin(omega)*sin(TMath::Pi()+dzeta)*pow(cos(orbitalinfo->lat*TMath::DegToRad()),3)),2));
2027 if (debug) cout << "R = " << rig << "\tcutoff = " << t_orb->cutoff << endl;
2029 //
2030 if ( t_orb->pitch != t_orb->pitch ) t_orb->pitch = -1000.;
2031 if ( t_orb->cutoff != t_orb->cutoff ) t_orb->cutoff = -1000.;
2032 if ( t_orb->sunangle != t_orb->sunangle ) t_orb->sunangle = -1000.;
2033 if ( t_orb->sunmagangle != t_orb->sunmagangle ) t_orb->sunmagangle = -1000.;
2034 //
2035 if ( debug ) printf(" orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl %f vitaly %f \n",orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl,t_orb->cutoff);
2036 //
2037 TClonesArray &tt2 = *torbExtNucleiTrk;
2038 new(tt2[ttentry]) OrbitalInfoTrkVar(*t_orb);
2039 ttentry++;
2040 //
2041 t_orb->Clear();
2042 //
2043 }
2044 //
2045 }
2046 } // end standard tracking algorithm: nuclei extended
2047 if ( hasExtTrk ){
2048 Int_t ttentry = 0;
2049 if ( verbose ) printf(" hasExtTrk \n");
2050 for(Int_t nt=0; nt < tcExtTof->GetEntries() ; nt++){
2051 //
2052 if ( verbose ) printf(" got3\n");
2053 ToFTrkVar *ptt = (ToFTrkVar*)(tcExtTof->At(nt));
2054 if (verbose) cout<<" tcExtTof->GetEntries() = "<<tcExtTof->GetEntries()<<"\tptt->trkseqno = "<<ptt->trkseqno<<endl;
2055 Double_t E11x = ptt->xtr_tof[0]; // tr->x[0];
2056 Double_t E11y = ptt->ytr_tof[0]; //tr->y[0];
2057 Double_t E11z = zin[0];
2058 Double_t E22x = ptt->xtr_tof[3];//tr->x[3];
2059 Double_t E22y = ptt->ytr_tof[3];//tr->y[3];
2060 Double_t E22z = zin[3];
2061 if ( (E11x < 100. && E11y < 100. && E22x < 100. && E22y < 100.) || ptt->trkseqno != -1 ){
2062 ExtTrack *mytrack = (ExtTrack*)(tcExtTrk->At(ptt->trkseqno));
2063 if ( verbose ) printf(" got tcExtTrk \n");
2064 Float_t rig=1/mytrack->GetDeflection();
2065 Double_t norm = sqrt(pow(E22x-E11x,2)+pow(E22y-E11y,2)+pow(E22z-E11z,2));
2066 //
2067 Px = (E22x-E11x)/norm;
2068 Py = (E22y-E11y)/norm;
2069 Pz = (E22z-E11z)/norm;
2070 //
2071 t_orb->trkseqno = ptt->trkseqno;
2072 //
2073 TMatrixD Eij = PO->PamelatoGEO(Iij,Px,Py,Pz);
2074 t_orb->Eij.ResizeTo(Eij);
2075 t_orb->Eij = Eij;
2076 //
2077 TMatrixD Sij = PO->PamelatoGEO(Gij,Px,Py,Pz);
2078 t_orb->Sij.ResizeTo(Sij);
2079 t_orb->Sij = Sij;
2080 //
2081 t_orb->pitch = (Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Eij(0,0),Eij(1,0),Eij(2,0),Bx,By,Bz);
2082 //
2083 // SunPosition in instrumental reference frame
2084 TMatrixD Kij = PO->PamelatoGEO(qij,Px,Py,Pz);
2085 TMatrixD Lij = PO->PamelatoGEO(qij,0,0,1);
2086 t_orb->sunangle=(Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Kij(0,0),Kij(1,0),Kij(2,0),-SP.X(),-SP.Y(),-SP.Z());
2087 t_orb->sunmagangle=(Float_t)PO->GetPitchAngle(Kij(0,0),Kij(1,0),Kij(2,0),SunMag.X(),SunMag.Y(),SunMag.Z());
2088 //
2089 //
2090 Double_t omega = PO->GetPitchAngle(-Eij(0,0),-Eij(1,0),-Eij(2,0),1,0,0) * TMath::DegToRad();
2091 TVector3 Bxy(0,By,Bz);
2092 TVector3 Exy(0,-Eij(1,0),-Eij(2,0));
2093 Double_t dzeta=Bxy.Angle(Exy);
2094 if (-Eij(1,0) < 0) dzeta=2.0*TMath::Pi() - dzeta;
2096 if(debug) cout << "omega = "<<omega*TMath::RadToDeg()<<"\tdzeta = "<<dzeta*TMath::RadToDeg()<<endl;
2098 // Formula from D.F. Smart *, M.A. Shea [2005]; A review of geomagnetic cutoff rigidities for earth-orbiting spacecraft
2099 if(rig>=0) t_orb->cutoff = 59.3/(pow(orbitalinfo->L,2)*pow(1+sqrt(1-sin(omega)*sin(dzeta)*pow(cos(orbitalinfo->lat*TMath::DegToRad()),3)),2));
2100 else t_orb->cutoff = 59.3/(pow(orbitalinfo->L,2)*pow(1+sqrt(1-sin(omega)*sin(TMath::Pi()+dzeta)*pow(cos(orbitalinfo->lat*TMath::DegToRad()),3)),2));
2101 if (debug) cout << "R = " << rig << "\tcutoff = " << t_orb->cutoff << endl;
2103 //
2104 if ( t_orb->pitch != t_orb->pitch ) t_orb->pitch = -1000.;
2105 if ( t_orb->cutoff != t_orb->cutoff ) t_orb->cutoff = -1000.;
2106 if ( t_orb->sunangle != t_orb->sunangle ) t_orb->sunangle = -1000.;
2107 if ( t_orb->sunmagangle != t_orb->sunmagangle ) t_orb->sunmagangle = -1000.;
2108 //
2109 if ( debug ) printf(" orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl %f vitaly %f \n",orbitalinfo->cutoffsvl,t_orb->cutoff);
2110 //
2111 TClonesArray &tt3 = *torbExtTrk;
2112 new(tt3[ttentry]) OrbitalInfoTrkVar(*t_orb);
2113 ttentry++;
2114 //
2115 t_orb->Clear();
2116 //
2117 }
2118 //
2119 }
2120 } // end standard tracking algorithm: extended
2122 } else {
2123 if ( debug ) printf(" mmm... mode %u standalone \n",orbitalinfo->mode);
2124 }
2125 //
2127 if ( !standalone ){
2128 //
2129 if ( verbose ) printf(" no orb info for tracks \n");
2130 Int_t nn = 0;
2131 for(Int_t nt=0; nt < tof->ntrk(); nt++){
2132 //
2133 ToFTrkVar *ptt = tof->GetToFTrkVar(nt);
2134 if ( ptt->trkseqno != -1 ){
2135 //
2136 t_orb->trkseqno = ptt->trkseqno;
2137 //
2138 TMatrixD Iij(3,1);
2139 Iij(0,0)=0.; Iij(1,0)=0.; Iij(2,0)=1.;
2140 //Iij(1,0)=0; Iij(1,1)=0; Iij(1,2)=0;
2141 //Iij(2,0)=0; Iij(2,1)=0; Iij(2,2)=0;
2142 //Iij.Zero();
2143 t_orb->Eij.ResizeTo(Iij);
2144 t_orb->Sij.ResizeTo(Iij);
2145 t_orb->Eij = Iij;
2146 //
2147 t_orb->Sij = Iij;
2148 //
2149 t_orb->pitch = -1000.;
2150 //
2151 t_orb->sunangle = -1000.;
2152 //
2153 t_orb->sunmagangle = -1000;
2154 //
2155 t_orb->cutoff = -1000.;
2156 //
2157 new(tor[nn]) OrbitalInfoTrkVar(*t_orb);
2158 nn++;
2159 //
2160 t_orb->Clear();
2161 //
2162 }
2163 //
2164 }
2165 //
2166 // Code for extended tracking algorithm:
2167 //
2168 if ( hasNucleiTrk ){
2169 Int_t ttentry = 0;
2170 if ( verbose ) printf(" hasNucleiTrk \n");
2171 for(Int_t nt=0; nt < tcNucleiTof->GetEntries() ; nt++){
2172 //
2173 ToFTrkVar *ptt = (ToFTrkVar*)(tcNucleiTof->At(nt));
2174 if ( ptt->trkseqno != -1 ){
2175 //
2176 t_orb->trkseqno = ptt->trkseqno;
2177 //
2178 TMatrixD Iij(3,1);
2179 Iij(0,0)=0.; Iij(1,0)=0.; Iij(2,0)=1.;
2180 //Iij(1,0)=0; Iij(1,1)=0; Iij(1,2)=0;
2181 //Iij(2,0)=0; Iij(2,1)=0; Iij(2,2)=0;
2182 //Iij.Zero();
2183 t_orb->Eij.ResizeTo(Iij);
2184 t_orb->Sij.ResizeTo(Iij);
2185 t_orb->Eij = Iij;
2186 //
2187 t_orb->Sij = Iij;
2188 //
2189 t_orb->pitch = -1000.;
2190 //
2191 t_orb->sunangle = -1000.;
2192 //
2193 t_orb->sunmagangle = -1000;
2194 //
2195 t_orb->cutoff = -1000.;
2196 //
2197 TClonesArray &tz1 = *torbNucleiTrk;
2198 new(tz1[ttentry]) OrbitalInfoTrkVar(*t_orb);
2199 ttentry++;
2200 //
2201 t_orb->Clear();
2202 //
2203 }
2204 //
2205 }
2206 }
2207 if ( hasExtNucleiTrk ){
2208 Int_t ttentry = 0;
2209 if ( verbose ) printf(" hasExtNucleiTrk \n");
2210 for(Int_t nt=0; nt < tcExtNucleiTof->GetEntries() ; nt++){
2211 //
2212 if ( verbose ) printf(" got2\n");
2213 ToFTrkVar *ptt = (ToFTrkVar*)(tcExtNucleiTof->At(nt));
2214 if ( ptt->trkseqno != -1 ){
2215 //
2216 t_orb->trkseqno = ptt->trkseqno;
2217 //
2218 TMatrixD Iij(3,1);
2219 Iij(0,0)=0.; Iij(1,0)=0.; Iij(2,0)=1.;
2220 //Iij(1,0)=0; Iij(1,1)=0; Iij(1,2)=0;
2221 //Iij(2,0)=0; Iij(2,1)=0; Iij(2,2)=0;
2222 //Iij.Zero();
2223 t_orb->Eij.ResizeTo(Iij);
2224 t_orb->Sij.ResizeTo(Iij);
2225 t_orb->Eij = Iij;
2226 //
2227 t_orb->Sij = Iij;
2228 //
2229 t_orb->pitch = -1000.;
2230 //
2231 t_orb->sunangle = -1000.;
2232 //
2233 t_orb->sunmagangle = -1000;
2234 //
2235 t_orb->cutoff = -1000.;
2236 //
2237 TClonesArray &tz2 = *torbExtNucleiTrk;
2238 new(tz2[ttentry]) OrbitalInfoTrkVar(*t_orb);
2239 ttentry++;
2240 //
2241 t_orb->Clear();
2242 //
2243 }
2244 //
2245 }
2246 }
2247 if ( hasExtTrk ){
2248 Int_t ttentry = 0;
2249 if ( verbose ) printf(" hasExtTrk \n");
2250 for(Int_t nt=0; nt < tcExtTof->GetEntries() ; nt++){
2251 //
2252 if ( verbose ) printf(" got3\n");
2253 ToFTrkVar *ptt = (ToFTrkVar*)(tcExtTof->At(nt));
2254 if ( ptt->trkseqno != -1 ){
2255 //
2256 t_orb->trkseqno = ptt->trkseqno;
2257 //
2258 TMatrixD Iij(3,1);
2259 Iij(0,0)=0.; Iij(1,0)=0.; Iij(2,0)=1.;
2260 //Iij(1,0)=0; Iij(1,1)=0; Iij(1,2)=0;
2261 //Iij(2,0)=0; Iij(2,1)=0; Iij(2,2)=0;
2262 //Iij.Zero();
2263 t_orb->Eij.ResizeTo(Iij);
2264 t_orb->Sij.ResizeTo(Iij);
2265 t_orb->Eij = Iij;
2266 //
2267 t_orb->Sij = Iij;
2268 //
2269 t_orb->pitch = -1000.;
2270 //
2271 t_orb->sunangle = -1000.;
2272 //
2273 t_orb->sunmagangle = -1000;
2274 //
2275 t_orb->cutoff = -1000.;
2276 //
2277 TClonesArray &tz3 = *torbExtTrk;
2278 new(tz3[ttentry]) OrbitalInfoTrkVar(*t_orb);
2279 ttentry++;
2280 //
2281 t_orb->Clear();
2282 //
2283 }
2284 //
2285 }
2286 }
2287 }
2288 } // if( orbitalinfo->TimeGap>0){
2289 //
2290 // Fill the class
2291 //
2292 OrbitalInfotr->Fill();
2293 //
2294 // tor.Clear("C"); // memory leak?
2295 tor.Delete(); // memory leak?
2296 delete t_orb;
2297 //
2298 // printf(" q0 size %i q0 capacity %i \n",(int)q0.size(),(int)q0.capacity());
2299 } // loop over the events in the run
2302 //
2303 // Here you may want to clear some variables before processing another run
2304 //
2306 // OrbitalInfotr->FlushBaskets();
2308 if ( verbose ) printf(" Clear before new run \n");
2309 delete dbtime;
2311 if ( mcmdrc ) mcmdrc->Clear();
2312 mcmdrc = 0;
2314 if ( verbose ) printf(" Clear before new run1 \n");
2315 if ( L_QQ_Q_l_lower ) delete L_QQ_Q_l_lower;
2316 if ( verbose ) printf(" Clear before new run2 \n");
2317 if ( L_QQ_Q_l_upper ) delete L_QQ_Q_l_upper;
2318 if ( verbose ) printf(" Clear before new run3 \n");
2319 if ( RYPang_upper ) delete RYPang_upper;
2320 if ( verbose ) printf(" Clear before new run4 \n");
2321 if ( RYPang_lower ) delete RYPang_lower;
2324 if ( l0tr ){
2325 if ( verbose ) printf(" delete l0tr\n");
2326 l0tr->Delete();
2327 l0tr = 0;
2328 }
2329 // if ( l0head ){
2330 // printf(" delete l0head\n");
2331 // l0head->Reset();
2332 // delete l0head;
2333 // printf(" delete l0head done\n");
2334 // l0head = 0;
2335 // }
2336 if (eh) {
2337 if ( verbose ) printf(" delete eh\n");
2338 delete eh;
2339 eh = 0;
2340 }
2342 if ( verbose ) printf(" close file \n");
2343 if ( l0File ) l0File->Close("R");
2344 if ( verbose ) printf(" End run \n");
2346 q0.clear();
2347 q1.clear();
2348 q2.clear();
2349 q3.clear();
2350 qtime.clear();
2351 qPitch.clear();
2352 qRoll.clear();
2353 qYaw.clear();
2354 qmode.clear();
2356 if (ch){
2357 if ( verbose ) printf(" delete ch\n");
2358 ch->Delete();
2359 ch = 0;
2360 }
2361 } // process all the runs <===
2362 if ( debug ){
2363 printf("AFTER LOOP ON RUNs\n");
2364 gObjectTable->Print();
2365 }
2366 //
2367 if (verbose) printf("\n Finished processing data \n");
2368 //
2369 closeandexit:
2370 //
2371 // we have finished processing the run(s). If we processed a single run now we must copy all the events after our run from the old tree to the new one and delete the old tree.
2372 //
2373 if ( !reprocall && reproc && code >= 0 ){
2374 if ( totfileentries > noaftrun ){
2375 if (verbose){
2376 printf("\n Post-processing: copying events from the old tree after the processed run\n");
2377 printf(" Copying %i events in the file which are after the end of the run %i \n",(int)(totfileentries-noaftrun),(int)run);
2378 printf(" Start copying at event number %i end copying at event number %i \n",(int)noaftrun,(int)totfileentries);
2379 }
2380 for (UInt_t j = noaftrun; j < totfileentries; j++ ){
2381 //
2382 // Get entry from old tree
2383 //
2384 if ( OrbitalInfotrclone->GetEntry(j) <= 0 ) throw -36;
2385 //
2386 // copy orbitalinfoclone to OrbitalInfo
2387 //
2388 // orbitalinfo->Clear();
2389 //
2390 memcpy(&orbitalinfo,&orbitalinfoclone,sizeof(orbitalinfoclone));
2391 //
2392 // Fill entry in the new tree
2393 //
2394 OrbitalInfotr->Fill();
2395 };
2396 if (verbose) printf(" Finished successful copying!\n");
2397 };
2398 //if ( OrbitalInfotrclone ) OrbitalInfotrclone->Clear();
2399 //if ( OrbitalInfotrclone ) OrbitalInfotrclone->Delete();
2400 };
2401 //
2402 // Close files, delete old tree(s), write and close level2 file
2403 //
2405 if ( l0File ) l0File->Close();
2406 if ( myfold ) gSystem->Unlink(tempname.str().c_str());
2407 //
2408 if ( OrbitalInfotr ) OrbitalInfotr->SetName("OrbitalInfo");
2409 //
2410 if ( file ){
2411 file->cd();
2412 if ( OrbitalInfotr ) OrbitalInfotr->Write("OrbitalInfo", TObject::kOverwrite); // 10 RED bug fixed
2413 };
2414 //
2415 if (verbose) printf("\n Exiting...\n");
2417 if ( myfold ) gSystem->Unlink(OrbitalInfofolder.str().c_str());
2418 //
2419 // the end
2420 //
2421 if ( dbc ){
2422 dbc->Close();
2423 delete dbc;
2424 };
2425 //
2426 if (verbose) printf("\n Exiting...\n");
2427 if ( tempfile ) tempfile->Close();
2429 if ( PO ) delete PO;
2430 if ( gltle ) delete gltle;
2431 if ( glparam ) delete glparam;
2432 if ( glparam2 ) delete glparam2;
2433 if (verbose) printf("\n Exiting3...\n");
2434 if ( glroot ) delete glroot;
2435 if (verbose) printf("\n Exiting4...\n");
2436 if ( runinfo ) runinfo->Close();
2437 if ( runinfo ) delete runinfo;
2439 if ( tcNucleiTrk ){
2440 tcNucleiTrk->Delete();
2441 delete tcNucleiTrk;
2442 tcNucleiTrk = NULL;
2443 }
2444 if ( tcExtNucleiTrk ){
2445 tcExtNucleiTrk->Delete();
2446 delete tcExtNucleiTrk;
2447 tcExtNucleiTrk = NULL;
2448 }
2449 if ( tcExtTrk ){
2450 tcExtTrk->Delete();
2451 delete tcExtTrk;
2452 tcExtTrk = NULL;
2453 }
2455 if ( tcNucleiTof ){
2456 tcNucleiTof->Delete();
2457 delete tcNucleiTof;
2458 tcNucleiTof = NULL;
2459 }
2460 if ( tcExtNucleiTof ){
2461 tcExtNucleiTof->Delete();
2462 delete tcExtNucleiTof;
2463 tcExtNucleiTof = NULL;
2464 }
2465 if ( tcExtTof ){
2466 tcExtTof->Delete();
2467 delete tcExtTof;
2468 tcExtTrk = NULL;
2469 }
2472 if ( tof ) delete tof;
2473 if ( trke ) delete trke;
2475 if ( debug ){
2476 cout << "1 0x" << OrbitalInfotr << endl;
2477 cout << "2 0x" << OrbitalInfotrclone << endl;
2478 cout << "3 0x" << l0tr << endl;
2479 cout << "4 0x" << tempOrbitalInfo << endl;
2480 cout << "5 0x" << ttof << endl;
2481 }
2482 //
2483 if ( debug ) file->ls();
2484 //
2485 if ( debug ){
2486 printf("BEFORE EXITING\n");
2487 gObjectTable->Print();
2488 }
2489 if(code < 0) throw code;
2490 return(code);
2491 }
2494 //
2495 // Returns the cCoordGeo structure holding the geographical
2496 // coordinates for the event (see sgp4.h).
2497 //
2498 // atime is the abstime of the event in UTC unix time.
2499 // tletime is the time of the tle in UTC unix time.
2500 // tle is the previous and nearest tle (compared to atime).
2501 cCoordGeo getCoo(UInt_t atime, UInt_t tletime, cTle *tle)
2502 {
2503 cEci eci;
2504 cOrbit orbit(*tle);
2505 orbit.getPosition((double) (atime - tletime)/60., &eci);
2507 return eci.toGeo();
2508 }
2510 // function of copyng of quatrnions classes
2512 void CopyQ(Quaternions *Q1, Quaternions *Q2){
2513 for(UInt_t i = 0; i < 6; i++){
2514 Q1->time[i]=Q2->time[i];
2515 for (UInt_t j = 0; j < 4; j++)Q1->quat[i][j]=Q2->quat[i][j];
2516 }
2517 return;
2518 }
2520 // functions of copyng InclinationInfo classes
2522 void CopyAng(InclinationInfo *A1, InclinationInfo *A2){
2523 A1->Tangazh = A2->Tangazh;
2524 A1->Ryskanie = A2->Ryskanie;
2525 A1->Kren = A2->Kren;
2526 return;
2527 }
2529 UInt_t holeq(Double_t lower,Double_t upper,Quaternions *Qlower, Quaternions *Qupper, UInt_t f){
2531 UInt_t hole = 10;
2532 Bool_t R10l = false; // Sign of R10 mode in lower quaternions array
2533 Bool_t R10u = false; // Sign of R10 mode in upper quaternions array
2534 Bool_t insm = false; // Sign that we inside quaternions array
2535 // Bool_t mxtml = false; // Sign of mixt mode in lower quaternions array
2536 // Bool_t mxtmu = false; // Sign of mixt mode in upper quaternions array
2537 Bool_t npasm = false; // Sign of normall pass between R10 and non R10 or between non R10 and R10
2538 UInt_t NCQl = 6; // Number of correct quaternions in lower array
2539 // UInt_t NCQu = 6; // Number of correct quaternions in upper array
2540 if (f>0){
2541 insm = true;
2542 if(Qupper->time[f]-Qupper->time[f-1]==30) R10u = false;
2543 if(Qupper->time[f]-Qupper->time[f-1]<1) R10u = true;
2544 }else{
2545 insm = false;
2546 if((Qlower->time[5]-Qlower->time[0]<2)&&(Qlower->time[1]-Qlower->time[0]<2)) R10l = true;
2547 if((Qupper->time[5]-Qupper->time[0]<2)&&(Qupper->time[1]-Qupper->time[0]<2)) R10u = true;
2548 if((Qlower->time[5]-Qlower->time[0]==150)&&(Qlower->time[1]-Qlower->time[0]==30)) R10l = false;
2549 if((Qupper->time[5]-Qupper->time[0]==150)&&(Qupper->time[1]-Qupper->time[0]==30)) R10u = false;
2550 if((Qlower->time[5]-Qlower->time[0]<2)&&(Qlower->time[1]-Qlower->time[0]==30)){
2551 // mxtml = true;
2552 for(UInt_t i = 1; i < 6; i++){
2553 if(Qlower->time[i]-Qlower->time[0]==30*i) NCQl=i;
2554 }
2555 }
2556 // if((Qupper->time[5]-Qupper->time[0]<2)&&(Qupper->time[1]-Qupper->time[0]==30)){
2557 // mxtmu = true;
2558 // for(UInt_t i = 1; i < 6; i++){
2559 // if(Qupper->time[i]-Qupper->time[0]==30*i) NCQu=i;
2560 // }
2561 // }
2562 }
2564 if(((upper-lower==1.5)||(upper-lower==3.)||(upper-lower==30.)||(upper-lower==31.5)||(upper-lower==33.)||(upper-lower==181.5)||(upper-lower==210.)||(upper-lower==211.5))&&!insm) npasm = true;
2567 if (R10u&&insm) hole=0; // best event R10
2568 if ((upper-lower<=5)&&(!insm)&&R10l&&R10u) hole = 1; // when first of 6 quaternions in array is correct
2569 if (((!R10u)&&insm)||((!insm)&&(!R10u)&&(!R10l)&&((upper-lower==210+(6-NCQl)*30)||(upper-lower==30)))) hole = 2; //non R10
2570 if (npasm&&(!insm)&&((R10l&&!R10u)||(R10u&&!R10l))) hole = 3; //normall pass from R10 to non R10 or from non R10 to R10
2571 if ((!npasm)&&(upper-lower<=300)&&(!insm)&&((R10l&&!R10u)||(R10u&&!R10l))) hole = 4; // eliminable hole between R10 and non R10 or between non R10 and R10
2572 if ((upper-lower>=300)&&(!insm)&&((R10l&&!R10u)||(R10u&&!R10l))) hole = 5; //uneliminable hole between R10 and non R10 or between non R10 and R10
2573 if ((upper-lower>5)&&(upper-lower<=300)&&R10u&&R10l) hole = 6; // eliminable hole inside R10
2574 if ((upper-lower>300)&&R10u&&R10l) hole = 7; //uneliminable hole inside R10
2575 if ((upper-lower>210)&&(upper-lower<=1200)&&(!R10u)&&(!R10l)) hole = 8; //eliminable hole inside non R10
2576 if ((upper-lower>1200)&&!R10u&&!R10l) hole = 9; // uneliminable hole inside non R10
2577 return hole;
2578 }
2580 void inclresize(vector<Double_t>& t,vector<Float_t>& q0,vector<Float_t>& q1,vector<Float_t>& q2,vector<Float_t>& q3,vector<Int_t>& mode,vector<Float_t>& Roll,vector<Float_t>& Pitch,vector<Float_t>& Yaw){
2581 Int_t sizee = t.size()+1;
2582 t.resize(sizee);
2583 q0.resize(sizee);
2584 q1.resize(sizee);
2585 q2.resize(sizee);
2586 q3.resize(sizee);
2587 mode.resize(sizee);
2588 Roll.resize(sizee);
2589 Pitch.resize(sizee);
2590 Yaw.resize(sizee);
2591 }
2593 // geomagnetic calculation staff
2595 void GM_ScanIGRF(TSQLServer *dbc, GMtype_Data *G0, GMtype_Data *G1, GMtype_Data *H1)
2596 {
2597 GL_PARAM *glp = new GL_PARAM();
2598 Int_t parerror=glp->Query_GL_PARAM(1,304,dbc); // parameters stored in DB in GL_PRAM table
2599 if ( parerror<0 ) {
2600 throw -902;
2601 }
2602 /*This function scans inputs G0, G1, and H1 of the IGRF table into 3 data arrays*/
2603 // TString SATH="/data03/Malakhov/pam9Malakhov/installed10/calib/orb-param/";
2604 int i;
2605 double temp;
2606 char buffer[200];
2607 FILE *IGRF;
2608 IGRF = fopen((glp->PATH+glp->NAME).Data(), "r");
2609 // IGRF = fopen(PATH+"IGRF.tab", "r");
2610 G0->size = 25;
2611 G1->size = 25;
2612 H1->size = 25;
2613 for( i = 0; i < 4; i++)
2614 {
2615 fgets(buffer, 200, IGRF);
2616 }
2617 fscanf(IGRF, "g 1 0 %lf ", &G0->element[0]);
2618 for(i = 1; i <= 22; i++)
2619 {
2620 fscanf(IGRF ,"%lf ", &G0->element[i]);
2621 }
2622 fscanf(IGRF ,"%lf\n", &temp);
2623 G0->element[23] = temp * 5 + G0->element[22];
2624 G0->element[24] = G0->element[23] + 5 * temp;
2625 fscanf(IGRF, "g 1 1 %lf ", &G1->element[0]);
2626 for(i = 1; i <= 22; i++)
2627 {
2628 fscanf( IGRF, "%lf ", &G1->element[i]);
2629 }
2630 fscanf(IGRF, "%lf\n", &temp);
2631 G1->element[23] = temp * 5 + G1->element[22];
2632 G1->element[24] = temp * 5 + G1->element[23];
2633 fscanf(IGRF, "h 1 1 %lf ", &H1->element[0]);
2634 for(i = 1; i <= 22; i++)
2635 {
2636 fscanf( IGRF, "%lf ", &H1->element[i]);
2637 }
2638 fscanf(IGRF, "%lf\n", &temp);
2639 H1->element[23] = temp * 5 + H1->element[22];
2640 H1->element[24] = temp * 5 + H1->element[23];
2641 if ( glp ) delete glp;
2642 /*
2643 printf("############################## SCAN IGRF ######################################\n");
2644 printf(" G0 G1 H1\n");
2645 printf(" size %10i %10i %10i \n",G0->size,G1->size,H1->size);
2646 for ( i = 0; i < 30; i++){
2647 printf("%5i %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f \n",i,G0->element[i],G1->element[i],H1->element[i]);
2648 }
2649 printf("###############################################################################\n");
2650 */
2651 } /*GM_ScanIGRF*/
2656 void GM_SetIGRF(Int_t isSecular, TString ifile1, TString ifile2, GMtype_Data *G0, GMtype_Data *G1, GMtype_Data *H1)
2657 {
2658 /*This function scans inputs G0, G1, and H1 of the IGRF table into 3 data arrays*/
2659 int i;
2660 double temp,temp2;
2661 int it1,it2;
2662 char buffer[200];
2663 FILE *IGRF;
2664 G0->size = 2;
2665 G1->size = 2;
2666 H1->size = 2;
2668 for( i = 0; i < 30; i++){
2669 G0->element[i] = 0.;
2670 G1->element[i] = 0.;
2671 H1->element[i] = 0.;
2672 }
2674 IGRF = fopen(ifile1.Data(), "r");
2675 for( i = 0; i < 2; i++){
2676 fgets(buffer, 200, IGRF);
2677 }
2678 fscanf(IGRF, "%3i%3i%12lf%11lf",&it1,&it2, &G0->element[0],&temp);
2679 fscanf(IGRF, "%3i%3i%12lf%11lf",&it1,&it2, &G1->element[0],&H1->element[0]);
2680 fclose(IGRF);
2682 IGRF = fopen(ifile2.Data(), "r");
2683 for( i = 0; i < 2; i++){
2684 fgets(buffer, 200, IGRF);
2685 }
2686 if ( isSecular ){
2687 fscanf(IGRF, "%3i%3i%12lf%11lf",&it1,&it2,&temp,&temp2);
2688 G0->element[1] = temp * 5. + G0->element[0];
2689 fscanf(IGRF, "%3i%3i%12lf%11lf",&it1,&it2,&temp,&temp2);
2690 G1->element[1] = temp * 5. + G1->element[0];
2691 H1->element[1] = temp2 * 5. + H1->element[0];
2692 } else {
2693 fscanf(IGRF, "%3i%3i%12lf%11lf",&it1,&it2, &G0->element[1],&temp);
2694 fscanf(IGRF, "%3i%3i%12lf%11lf",&it1,&it2, &G1->element[1],&H1->element[1]);
2695 }
2696 fclose(IGRF);
2697 /*
2698 printf("############################## SCAN IGRF ######################################\n");
2699 printf(" G0 G1 H1\n");
2700 printf(" size %10i %10i %10i \n",G0->size,G1->size,H1->size);
2701 for ( i = 0; i < 30; i++){
2702 printf("%5i %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f \n",i,G0->element[i],G1->element[i],H1->element[i]);
2703 }
2704 printf("###############################################################################\n");
2705 */
2706 } /*GM_ScanIGRF*/
2708 void GM_SetEllipsoid(GMtype_Ellipsoid *Ellip)
2709 {
2710 /*This function sets the WGS84 reference ellipsoid to its default values*/
2711 Ellip->a = 6378.137; /*semi-major axis of the ellipsoid in */
2712 Ellip->b = 6356.7523142;/*semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid in */
2713 Ellip->fla = 1/298.257223563;/* flattening */
2714 Ellip->eps = sqrt(1- ( Ellip->b * Ellip->b) / (Ellip->a * Ellip->a )); /*first eccentricity */
2715 Ellip->epssq = (Ellip->eps * Ellip->eps); /*first eccentricity squared */
2716 Ellip->re = 6371.2;/* Earth's radius */
2717 } /*GM_SetEllipsoid*/
2720 void GM_EarthCartToDipoleCartCD(GMtype_Pole Pole, GMtype_CoordCartesian EarthCoord, GMtype_CoordCartesian *DipoleCoords)
2721 {
2722 /*This function converts from Earth centered cartesian coordinates to dipole centered cartesian coordinates*/
2723 double X, Y, Z, CosPhi, SinPhi, CosLambda, SinLambda;
2724 CosPhi = cos(TMath::DegToRad()*Pole.phi);
2725 SinPhi = sin(TMath::DegToRad()*Pole.phi);
2726 CosLambda = cos(TMath::DegToRad()*Pole.lambda);
2727 SinLambda = sin(TMath::DegToRad()*Pole.lambda);
2728 X = EarthCoord.x;
2729 Y = EarthCoord.y;
2730 Z = EarthCoord.z;
2732 /*These equations are taken from a document by Wallace H. Campbell*/
2733 DipoleCoords->x = X * CosPhi * CosLambda + Y * CosPhi * SinLambda - Z * SinPhi;
2734 DipoleCoords->y = -X * SinLambda + Y * CosLambda;
2735 DipoleCoords->z = X * SinPhi * CosLambda + Y * SinPhi * SinLambda + Z * CosPhi;
2736 } /*GM_EarthCartToDipoleCartCD*/
2738 void GM_GeodeticToSpherical(GMtype_Ellipsoid Ellip, GMtype_CoordGeodetic CoordGeodetic, GMtype_CoordSpherical *CoordSpherical)
2739 {
2740 double CosLat, SinLat, rc, xp, zp; /*all local variables */
2741 /*
2742 ** Convert geodetic coordinates, (defined by the WGS-84
2743 ** reference ellipsoid), to Earth Centered Earth Fixed Cartesian
2744 ** coordinates, and then to spherical coordinates.
2745 */
2747 CosLat = cos(TMath::DegToRad()*CoordGeodetic.phi);
2748 SinLat = sin(TMath::DegToRad()*CoordGeodetic.phi);
2750 /* compute the local radius of curvature on the WGS-84 reference ellipsoid */
2752 rc = Ellip.a / sqrt(1.0 - Ellip.epssq * SinLat * SinLat);
2754 /* compute ECEF Cartesian coordinates of specified point (for longitude=0) */
2756 xp = (rc + CoordGeodetic.HeightAboveEllipsoid) * CosLat;
2757 zp = (rc*(1.0 - Ellip.epssq) + CoordGeodetic.HeightAboveEllipsoid) * SinLat;
2759 /* compute spherical radius and angle lambda and phi of specified point */
2761 CoordSpherical->r = sqrt(xp * xp + zp * zp);
2762 CoordSpherical->phig = TMath::RadToDeg()*asin(zp / CoordSpherical->r); /* geocentric latitude */
2763 CoordSpherical->lambda = CoordGeodetic.lambda; /* longitude */
2764 } /*GM_GeodeticToSpherical*/
2766 void GM_PoleLocation(GMtype_Model Model, GMtype_Pole *Pole)
2767 {
2768 /*This function finds the location of the north magnetic pole in spherical coordinates. The equations are
2769 **from Wallace H. Campbell's Introduction to Geomagnetic Fields*/
2771 Pole->phi = TMath::RadToDeg()*-atan(sqrt(Model.h1 * Model.h1 + Model.g1 * Model.g1)/Model.g0);
2772 Pole->lambda = TMath::RadToDeg()*atan(Model.h1/Model.g1);
2773 } /*GM_PoleLocation*/
2775 void GM_SphericalToCartesian(GMtype_CoordSpherical CoordSpherical, GMtype_CoordCartesian *CoordCartesian)
2776 {
2777 /*This function converts spherical coordinates into Cartesian coordinates*/
2778 double CosPhi = cos(TMath::DegToRad()*CoordSpherical.phig);
2779 double SinPhi = sin(TMath::DegToRad()*CoordSpherical.phig);
2780 double CosLambda = cos(TMath::DegToRad()*CoordSpherical.lambda);
2781 double SinLambda = sin(TMath::DegToRad()*CoordSpherical.lambda);
2783 CoordCartesian->x = CoordSpherical.r * CosPhi * CosLambda;
2784 CoordCartesian->y = CoordSpherical.r * CosPhi * SinLambda;
2785 CoordCartesian->z = CoordSpherical.r * SinPhi;
2786 } /*GM_SphericalToCartesian*/
2788 void GM_TimeAdjustCoefs(Float_t year, Float_t jyear, GMtype_Data g0d, GMtype_Data g1d, GMtype_Data h1d, GMtype_Model *Model)
2789 {
2790 /*This function calls GM_LinearInterpolation for the coefficients to estimate the value of the
2791 **coefficient for the given date*/
2792 int index;
2793 double x;
2794 index = (year - GM_STARTYEAR) / 5;
2795 x = (jyear - GM_STARTYEAR) / 5.;
2796 Model->g0 = GM_LinearInterpolation(index, index+1, g0d.element[index], g0d.element[index+1], x);
2797 Model->g1 = GM_LinearInterpolation(index, index+1, g1d.element[index], g1d.element[index+1], x);
2798 Model->h1 = GM_LinearInterpolation(index, index+1, h1d.element[index], h1d.element[index+1], x);
2799 } /*GM_TimeAdjustCoefs*/
2801 double GM_LinearInterpolation(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double x)
2802 {
2803 /*This function takes a linear interpolation between two given points for x*/
2804 double weight, y;
2805 weight = (x - x1) / (x2 - x1);
2806 y = y1 * (1. - weight) + y2 * weight;
2807 // printf(" x1 %f x2 %f y1 %f y2 %f x %f ==> y %f \n",x1,x2,y1,y2,x,y);
2808 return y;
2809 }/*GM_LinearInterpolation*/
2811 void GM_CartesianToSpherical(GMtype_CoordCartesian CoordCartesian, GMtype_CoordSpherical *CoordSpherical)
2812 {
2813 /*This function converts a point from Cartesian coordinates into spherical coordinates*/
2814 double X, Y, Z;
2816 X = CoordCartesian.x;
2817 Y = CoordCartesian.y;
2818 Z = CoordCartesian.z;
2820 CoordSpherical->r = sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z);
2821 CoordSpherical->phig = TMath::RadToDeg()*asin(Z / (CoordSpherical->r));
2822 CoordSpherical->lambda = TMath::RadToDeg()*atan2(Y, X);
2823 } /*GM_CartesianToSpherical*/

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