#ifndef OrbitalInfoStruct_h #define OrbitalInfoStruct_h #include #include struct cOrbitalInfo { ULong64_t abstime; //< Absolute Time // EM: added On Board Time and CPU Packet Number ULong64_t obt; //< On Board Time ULong64_t pkt_num; //< CPU packet number // Position Float_t lon; // degree from -180 to 180 Float_t lat; // degree from -90 to 90 Float_t alt; // meters TVector3 V; // Velocity TMatrixD Iij; Float_t londip; Float_t latdip; // Magnetic field // components (gauss) Float_t Bnorth; Float_t Beast; Float_t Bdown; // abs value (guass) Float_t Babs; //Earth dipole moment Float_t M; // Minimum along the field line (that is at the magnetic equator) Float_t BB0; // Distance of the magnetic equator in earth radii Float_t L; Float_t cutoffsvl; // Quaternions Float_t q0, q1, q2, q3; // Euler angles (nadir reference frame) Float_t theta, phi, etha; // quality of orientation information Int_t mode; Int_t qkind; Int_t errq; Int_t azim; Int_t rtqual; void InitcOrbitalInfo(){ abstime = 0; obt = 0; pkt_num = 0; } }; #endif