#ifndef OrbitalInfoCore_h #define ObitalInfoCore_h #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include extern void initize_(Int_t *, Char_t *,Int_t *,Char_t *,Int_t *); // 10RED BUG: wrong extra/interpolation of Earth magnetic field extern void feldcof_(Float_t *, Float_t *); extern void feldg_(Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *); extern void shellg_(Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *); extern void findb0_(Float_t *, Float_t *, Bool_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *); /* //INITIZE(YEAR,DIMO) */ /* extern void initize_(char[], int*, char[], int*, char[], int*); */ /* //FELDCOF(YEAR,DIMO) */ /* extern void feldcof_(float*, float*); */ /* //FELDG(LATI,LONGI,HEIGHT,BNORTH,BEAST,BDOWN,BABS) */ /* extern void feldg_(float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*); */ /* //SHELLG(LATI,LONGI,HEIGHT,DIMO,XL,ICODE,BAB1) */ /* extern void shellg_(float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*); */ /* //FINDB0(STPS,BDEL,VALUE,BEQU,RR0) */ /* extern void findb0_(float*, float*, bool*, float*, float*); */ } /* struct Sine{ Double_t A; Double_t b; Double_t c; Double_t startPoint; Double_t finishPoint; Bool_t NeedFit; }; */ // Parameters to calculate geomagnetic coordinates Int_t GM_STARTYEAR = 1900; typedef struct { int Day; int Month; int Year; double DecimalYear; int DayNumber; } GMtype_Date; typedef struct { double lambda;// longitude double phi; // geodetic latitude double HeightAboveEllipsoid; // height above the ellipsoid (HaE) } GMtype_CoordGeodetic; typedef struct { double r; //radial distance double phig; //latitude double lambda; //longitude } GMtype_CoordSpherical; typedef struct { double lambda; double phi; } GMtype_CoordDipole; typedef struct { double x; double y; double z; } GMtype_CoordCartesian; typedef struct { double a; /*semi-major axis of the ellipsoid*/ double b; /*semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid*/ double fla; /* flattening */ double epssq; /*first eccentricity squared */ double eps; /* first eccentricity */ double re;/* mean radius of ellipsoid*/ } GMtype_Ellipsoid; typedef struct { int degree; double coef[30]; } GMtype_Polynomial; typedef struct { double h1; double g1; double g0; } GMtype_Model; typedef struct { double M; /*Magnetic Moment*/ double phi; double lambda; } GMtype_Pole; typedef struct{ int size; double element[30]; } GMtype_Data; extern int OrbitalInfoCore(UInt_t run, TFile *file, GL_TABLES *glt, Int_t orbitalargc, char *orbitalargv[]); cCoordGeo getCoo(UInt_t atime, UInt_t tletime, cTle *tle); void CopyQ(Quaternions *Q1, Quaternions *Q2); void CopyAng(InclinationInfo *A1, InclinationInfo *A2); UInt_t holeq(Double_t lower,Double_t upper,Quaternions *Qlower, Quaternions *Qupper, UInt_t f); void inclresize(vector&, vector&, vector&, vector&, vector&, vector&, vector&, vector&, vector&); //void sineparam(vector&, vector&, vector&, vector&, vector&, Float_t); //void GM_ScanIGRF(TString PATH, GMtype_Data *G0, GMtype_Data *G1, GMtype_Data *H1); void GM_ScanIGRF(TSQLServer *dbc, GMtype_Data *G0, GMtype_Data *G1, GMtype_Data *H1); void GM_SetIGRF(Int_t isSecular,TString iFile1,TString iFile2, GMtype_Data *G0, GMtype_Data *G1, GMtype_Data *H1); void GM_SetEllipsoid(GMtype_Ellipsoid *Ellip); void GM_GeodeticToSpherical(GMtype_Ellipsoid Ellip, GMtype_CoordGeodetic CoordGeodetic, GMtype_CoordSpherical *CoordSpherical); void GM_SphericalToCartesian(GMtype_CoordSpherical CoordSpherical, GMtype_CoordCartesian *CoordCartesian); void GM_TimeAdjustCoefs(Float_t year, Float_t jyear, GMtype_Data g0d, GMtype_Data g1d, GMtype_Data h1d, GMtype_Model *Model); void GM_PoleLocation(GMtype_Model Model, GMtype_Pole *Pole); void GM_EarthCartToDipoleCartCD(GMtype_Pole Pole, GMtype_CoordCartesian EarthCoord, GMtype_CoordCartesian *DipoleCoords); void GM_CartesianToSpherical(GMtype_CoordCartesian CoordCartesian, GMtype_CoordSpherical *CoordSpherical); double GM_LinearInterpolation(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double x); #endif