/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/inc/OrbitalInfoCore.h
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Contents of /DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/inc/OrbitalInfoCore.h

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Revision 1.10 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Mar 28 20:47:14 2014 UTC (10 years, 11 months ago) by pam-mep
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v10RED, v10REDr01
Changes since 1.9: +79 -1 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
new OrbitalInfo code

1 #ifndef OrbitalInfoCore_h
2 #define ObitalInfoCore_h
3 #include <TSQLServer.h>
4 #include <TTimeStamp.h>
5 #include <InclinationInfo.h>
6 #include <OrientationInfo.h>
7 #include <ToFLevel2.h>
9 #include <sgp4.h>
11 extern "C" {
12 #include <dirent.h>
13 extern void initize_(Char_t *,Int_t *,Char_t *,Int_t *,char *,Int_t *);
14 extern void feldcof_(Float_t *, Double_t *);
15 extern void feldg_(Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *);
16 extern void shellg_(Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Double_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *);
17 extern void findb0_(Float_t *, Float_t *, Bool_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *);
20 /* extern void initize_(char[], int*, char[], int*, char[], int*); */
22 /* extern void feldcof_(float*, float*); */
24 /* extern void feldg_(float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*); */
26 /* extern void shellg_(float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*); */
28 /* extern void findb0_(float*, float*, bool*, float*, float*); */
29 }
31 /*
32 struct Sine{
33 Double_t A;
34 Double_t b;
35 Double_t c;
36 Double_t startPoint;
37 Double_t finishPoint;
38 Bool_t NeedFit;
39 };
40 */
42 // Parameters to calculate geomagnetic coordinates
44 Int_t GM_STARTYEAR = 1900;
46 typedef struct {
47 int Day;
48 int Month;
49 int Year;
50 double DecimalYear;
51 int DayNumber;
52 } GMtype_Date;
54 typedef struct {
55 double lambda;// longitude
56 double phi; // geodetic latitude
57 double HeightAboveEllipsoid; // height above the ellipsoid (HaE)
58 } GMtype_CoordGeodetic;
60 typedef struct {
61 double r; //radial distance
62 double phig; //latitude
63 double lambda; //longitude
64 } GMtype_CoordSpherical;
65 typedef struct {
66 double lambda;
67 double phi;
68 } GMtype_CoordDipole;
70 typedef struct {
71 double x;
72 double y;
73 double z;
74 } GMtype_CoordCartesian;
76 typedef struct {
77 double a; /*semi-major axis of the ellipsoid*/
78 double b; /*semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid*/
79 double fla; /* flattening */
80 double epssq; /*first eccentricity squared */
81 double eps; /* first eccentricity */
82 double re;/* mean radius of ellipsoid*/
83 } GMtype_Ellipsoid;
85 typedef struct {
86 int degree;
87 double coef[30];
88 } GMtype_Polynomial;
90 typedef struct {
91 double h1;
92 double g1;
93 double g0;
94 } GMtype_Model;
96 typedef struct {
97 double M; /*Magnetic Moment*/
98 double phi;
99 double lambda;
100 } GMtype_Pole;
102 typedef struct{
103 int size;
104 double element[30];
105 } GMtype_Data;
108 extern int OrbitalInfoCore(UInt_t run, TFile *file, GL_TABLES *glt, Int_t orbitalargc, char *orbitalargv[]);
109 cCoordGeo getCoo(UInt_t atime, UInt_t tletime, cTle *tle);
110 void CopyQ(Quaternions *Q1, Quaternions *Q2);
111 void CopyAng(InclinationInfo *A1, InclinationInfo *A2);
112 UInt_t holeq(Double_t lower,Double_t upper,Quaternions *Qlower, Quaternions *Qupper, UInt_t f);
113 void inclresize(vector<Double_t>&, vector<Float_t>&, vector<Float_t>&, vector<Float_t>&, vector<Float_t>&, vector<Int_t>&, vector<Float_t>&, vector<Float_t>&, vector<Float_t>&);
114 //void sineparam(vector<Sine>&, vector<Double_t>&, vector<Float_t>&, vector<Float_t>&, vector<Float_t>&, Float_t);
115 //void GM_ScanIGRF(TString PATH, GMtype_Data *G0, GMtype_Data *G1, GMtype_Data *H1);
116 void GM_ScanIGRF(TSQLServer *dbc, GMtype_Data *G0, GMtype_Data *G1, GMtype_Data *H1);
117 void GM_SetEllipsoid(GMtype_Ellipsoid *Ellip);
118 void GM_GeodeticToSpherical(GMtype_Ellipsoid Ellip, GMtype_CoordGeodetic CoordGeodetic, GMtype_CoordSpherical *CoordSpherical);
119 void GM_SphericalToCartesian(GMtype_CoordSpherical CoordSpherical, GMtype_CoordCartesian *CoordCartesian);
120 void GM_TimeAdjustCoefs(Float_t year, Float_t jyear, GMtype_Data g0d, GMtype_Data g1d, GMtype_Data h1d, GMtype_Model *Model);
121 void GM_PoleLocation(GMtype_Model Model, GMtype_Pole *Pole);
122 void GM_EarthCartToDipoleCartCD(GMtype_Pole Pole, GMtype_CoordCartesian EarthCoord, GMtype_CoordCartesian *DipoleCoords);
123 void GM_CartesianToSpherical(GMtype_CoordCartesian CoordCartesian, GMtype_CoordSpherical *CoordSpherical);
124 double GM_LinearInterpolation(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double x);
126 #endif

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