/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/inc/OrbitalInfo.h |
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New version numbers
Bug related to events before first quaternions packet fixed
New Rotation Table; small code correction
*** empty log message ***
*** empty log message ***
new OrbitalInfo code
Earth magnetic dipole
New TrigLevel2, ToFLevel2, OrbitalInfo classes, new order in DV processing (trigger first), ToF bugs fixed, new tof calibration, new variables in ToF and OrbitalInfo
Final inclination code after pre-reduction
New inclination code, added new ToF calibration files
Track bug in orbitalinfo fixed
New cutoff calculation, important changes to the class
Compilation variables changed to speed up execution
Orientation infos added to OrbitalInfo, OrbitalInfo class changed, small changes in the Makefile
Wrong TObject methods overloading fixed everywhere but in tracker code
Added headers to compile with ROOT v5.16/x
Inclination variables added
Problems with classes streamerinfo fixed
Renamed CaloProcessing into CaloLevel0, added method to calorimeter level0 retrieving, fixed OrbitalInfo class doxygen bug
Added inclination classes
Added some doxygen comment.
OrbitalInfo updated, small changes in calo code
Modified OrbitalInfo class and structure to hold magnetic and quaterions stuff.
_NOT_ COMPILING yet, fixed AC, ND, S4, RunInfo, OrbitalInfo and Trigger
modified for C3PO
Memory leak bug fixed
Upgrade to v1r00 to be linked to YODA 6_3/00
Added OBT and pkt_num variables
Imported sources
Initial revision
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