/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/inc/OrbitalInfo.h
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Annotation of /DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/inc/OrbitalInfo.h

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Revision 1.27 - (hide annotations) (download)
Tue Mar 3 10:57:59 2015 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by malakhov
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.26: +7 -2 lines
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New Rotation Table; small code correction

1 mocchiut 1.1 #ifndef OrbitalInfo_h
2 mocchiut 1.2 #define OrbitalInfo_h
3 mocchiut 1.1
4     #include <TObject.h>
5 mocchiut 1.14 #include <algorithm> // EMILIANO
6 pam-fi 1.5 #include <OrbitalInfoStruct.h>
7 mocchiut 1.16 #include <TClonesArray.h>
8 mocchiut 1.18 #include <TMatrixD.h>
9 pam-mep 1.24 #include <TVector3.h>
10 pam-fi 1.26 #include <string.h>//ELENA
11 mocchiut 1.16
12     class OrbitalInfoTrkVar : public TObject {
13     private:
15     public:
16     //
17     Int_t trkseqno; // tof sequ. number: -1=ToF standalone, 0=first Tracker track, ...
18     //
19 mocchiut 1.18 Float_t pitch; ///< Pitch angle
20 pam-mep 1.24 Float_t sunangle;
21     Float_t sunmagangle;
22 mocchiut 1.18 //
23     TMatrixD Eij; ///< vector of incoming particle respect to cartesian geographic coordinates
24     TMatrixD Sij; ///< vector of incoming particle respect to flight coordinates
25     //
26     Float_t cutoff; ///< Calculated cutoff for the incoming particle taking into account particle direction
27 mocchiut 1.16 //
28     OrbitalInfoTrkVar();
29 mocchiut 1.19 OrbitalInfoTrkVar(const OrbitalInfoTrkVar&);
30 mocchiut 1.16 OrbitalInfoTrkVar* GetOrbitalInfoTrkVar(){return this;};
31     //
32     void Clear(Option_t *t="");
33 mocchiut 1.18 void Delete(Option_t *t=""); //ELENA
34 mocchiut 1.16 //
35 mocchiut 1.19 ClassDef(OrbitalInfoTrkVar, 3);
36 mocchiut 1.16 //
37     };
40 mocchiut 1.1
41 pam-rm2 1.9 /**
42     * Class that stores position, time, inclination, magnetic field and
43     * cutoff informations.
44     */
45 mocchiut 1.1 class OrbitalInfo : public TObject {
46 mocchiut 1.16 private:
48 mocchiut 1.1 public:
49 mocchiut 1.16 TClonesArray *OrbitalInfoTrk;
50 mocchiut 1.1
51 mocchiut 1.11 UInt_t absTime; ///< Absolute Time (seconds)
52     UInt_t OBT; ///< On Board Time (ms)
53     UInt_t pkt_num; ///< CPU packet number
55     Float_t lon; ///< degrees from -180 to 180
56     Float_t lat; ///< degrees from -90 to 90
57     Float_t alt; ///< meters asl
58 pam-rm2 1.9
59 pam-mep 1.24 TVector3 V; /// velocity
61 pam-rm2 1.9 // B components.
62 mocchiut 1.11 Float_t Bnorth; ///< gauss
63     Float_t Beast; ///< gauss
64     Float_t Bdown; ///< gauss
65 pam-rm2 1.9
66 mocchiut 1.11 Float_t Babs; ///< abs value (guass)
67 pam-rm2 1.9
68 pam-mep 1.23 Float_t M; ///< M
70 mocchiut 1.11 Float_t BB0; ///< B abs over the B minimum on this field line
71 pam-rm2 1.9
72 mocchiut 1.11 Float_t L; ///< McIlwain's L shell (in earth radii)
73 pam-rm2 1.9
74 mocchiut 1.18 /* // Dipolar magnetic coordinates (not used). */
75 pam-mep 1.24 Float_t londip; ///< degrees from -180 to 180
76     Float_t latdip; ///< degrees from -90 to 90
77 pam-rm2 1.7
78 mocchiut 1.18 // Float_t cutoff[17];
79     Float_t cutoffsvl;
80 mocchiut 1.22 Float_t igrf_icode;
81 pam-rm2 1.7
82 mocchiut 1.21 // linear Quaternions
83 mocchiut 1.13 Float_t q0; ///< Quaternion 0
84     Float_t q1; ///< Quaternion 1
85     Float_t q2; ///< Quaternion 2
86     Float_t q3; ///< Quaternion 3
88     // Euler angles (Resurs velocity reference frame)
89     Float_t theta; ///< Euler angle theta in the velocity reference frame (pitch)
90     Float_t phi; ///< Euler angle phi in the velocity reference frame (yaw)
91     Float_t etha; ///< Euler angle etha in the velocity reference frame (roll)
92 pam-rm2 1.7
93 mocchiut 1.16 // Pitch angles
94 pam-mep 1.24
95 mocchiut 1.18 //
96     TMatrixD Iij; ///< Angle between PAMELA Z direction and cartesian geographic coordinates
97 mocchiut 1.16
98 mocchiut 1.13 /**
99     * The variable mode means a character time distant between two quaternions, inside which stay every events
100     */
101     Int_t mode; // 0 - means that time different pair of quaternions exuals to 0.25 seconds in R10 mode
102     // (it mean that all quaternions in array is correct)
103     // 1 - means that we have R10 mode and use just first value of quaternions array
104     // 2 - means that we have non R10 mode and use every quaternions from array.
105     // 3 - means normal transition from R10 to non R10 or from non R10 to R10.
106     // 4 - means that we have eliminable hole between R10 and non R10 or between non R10 and R10
107     // 5 - means that we have uneliminable hole between R10 and non R10 or between non R10 and R10
108     // 6 - means that we have eliminable hole inside R10 (in such keys eliminable depends from other factors also)
109     // 7 - means that we have uneliminable hole inside R10
110     // 8 - means that we have eliminable hole inside non R10
111     // 9 - means that we have uneliminable hole inside non R10
112 mocchiut 1.16 // 10 - means other unknown problems
113 mocchiut 1.20 // -10 - means we use recovered quaternions
115 pam-mep 1.24 Int_t qkind; // How matrix Qij was got.
116     // 0 means that it was calculated from flight quaternion
117     // 1 means that it was calculated from Euler angles from Rotation Table
118 mocchiut 1.20
119     Float_t TimeGap; //Time gap between two points where interpolation have done.
120 pam-mep 1.24
121     Int_t errq; // flag, if errq == 1 then real flight quaternion (not interpolated) incorrect
122     Int_t azim; // 0 - means everything is ok
123     // 1 - means azimutal rotations were performed in this moment and in case of absense of flight quaternions orientation calculated here incorrect
124 malakhov 1.27 // >1 - No flight quaternions, no azimuthal rotations, no adequate data from RotationTable, unaccuracy equals to Bank angle of rotetion in this moment
125     // -1 - Very Strange flight data, I don't know how to understand them
127     Int_t rtqual; // 0 - means orientation data for period whe this event registered is in agreement with fligh orioentation data, one can fully trust such event when it calculated using Rotation Table (qkind=1)
128     // 1 - means orientation data was not compared with flight data (during of absence of them), one should check them somehow
129     // 2 - means orientation data calculated with flight data has disagreement with rotation table data and thre were not enough of flight data to correct RT.
130 mocchiut 1.16
131     Int_t ntrk(){return OrbitalInfoTrk->GetEntries();};
132 pam-rm2 1.9 /**
133     \return Returns the B minimum along the field line.
134     */
135 mocchiut 1.8 Float_t GetB0() { return Babs/BB0; };
137 pam-rm2 1.9 /**
138     \return Returns the Stormer vertical cutoff using L shell:
139     14.9/L^2 (GV/c).
140     */
141 mocchiut 1.18 Float_t GetCutoffSVL() { return cutoffsvl; };
142 pam-rm2 1.7
143 pam-fi 1.5 void SetFromLevel2Struct(cOrbitalInfo *l2);
144     void GetLevel2Struct(cOrbitalInfo *l2) const;
145 mocchiut 1.17 OrbitalInfoTrkVar *GetOrbitalInfoTrkVar(Int_t notrack);
146 pam-fi 1.26 OrbitalInfoTrkVar * GetOrbitalInfoStoredTrack(Int_t seqno);///< returns pointer to the track set related to the seqno number
148 mocchiut 1.16 //
149     OrbitalInfo();
150     ~OrbitalInfo(){Delete();}; //ELENA
151     //
152     OrbitalInfo* GetOrbitalInfo(){return this;}; // Elena
153     void Delete(Option_t *t=""); //ELENA
154     void Set();//ELENA
155     //
156     //
157 pam-ts 1.25 TClonesArray *GetTrackArray(){return OrbitalInfoTrk;} ///< returns a pointer to the track related variables array
158     TClonesArray** GetPointerToTrackArray(){return &OrbitalInfoTrk;}///< returns pointer to pointer to the track array
159 pam-fi 1.26 void SetTrackArray(TClonesArray *track);///<set pointer to the track array
160 pam-fi 1.5
161 mocchiut 1.15 void Clear(Option_t *t=""); // emiliano
162 mocchiut 1.4 //
163 malakhov 1.27 ClassDef(OrbitalInfo, 11);
164 mocchiut 1.1 };
165     #endif

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