/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/Makefile |
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Revision Log
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New version numbers
New OI and DV versions, small bugs in OI fixed by VM
OI: icode bug fixed
New ToF versions (Elena's methods), BUG in ORB reprocessing fixed
new oi and dv versions
Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory leaks, Rotation tables bug + new IGRF12 parameters added
10RED bug: NaN in IGRF F77 routines, patched
10RED: lost sync bug fixed
10RED: NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION bug in MySQL >=5.5.5 fixed
10RED bug fixed: crash when reprocessing without one of the extended tracks
DV and ORB versions updated
Small SL6 compilation bug fixed
More processing/reprocessing bugs fixed
Tracker-new bug + OrbitalInfo warnings fixed
New extended algorithm track-related added to CALO, TOF and ORB
Conflict during new code merging fixed
new OrbitalInfo code
Reprocessing bug in OrbitalInfoCore fixed
IGRF fortran code runtime inf-loop fixed
Compilation warnings using GCC4.7 fixed
New code for retracking + small bug on run reprocessing fixed
Reprocessing bugs fixed, ToF bugs fixed, new software versions, new quaternions, IGRF bug fixed, code cleanup
Some warning fixed.
Changed to work with GCC 4.x (gfortran) + ROOT >= 5.24
Version updated
New OrbitalInfoCore, now take more files for inclination Mcmds (should fix some holes)
New cutoff calculation, important changes to the class
Clean compilation bug fixed
Compilation variables changed to speed up execution
Orientation infos added to OrbitalInfo, OrbitalInfo class changed, small changes in the Makefile
InclinationInfo library added to libDarthVader.so, header installed in /gpfs/wizard/flight/production//installed/pamela_software_devel//inc
OrbitalInfo crashing on some runs, fixed
Added -m32 flag to enable cross compilation
Added -m32 flag for cross compilation on 64bit machines
Infinite loop bug in OrbitalInfo fixed
OrbitalInfo mcmds bug fixed
Inclination variables added
Added inclination classes
Small bug in Makefiles fixed, crash if tle is missing converted to exit with error
OrbitalInfo updated, small changes in calo code
Benchmark test option added, 64bit compilation bug fixed
_NOT_ COMPILING yet, fixed AC, ND, S4, RunInfo, OrbitalInfo and Trigger
THIS VERSION IS NOT COMPILING, start the adapting to the new profiler
modified for C3PO
Upgrade to v1r00 to be linked to YODA 6_3/00
Added OBT and pkt_num variables
Corrected small bug in the RunInfo and OrbitalInfo Makefiles
Initial revision
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