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#Orbital Information for flight analysis software |
#Orbital Information for flight analysis software |
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VER= v2r04 |
VER= v2r05 |
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# An almost general purpouse Makefile for PAMELA repository |
# An almost general purpouse Makefile for PAMELA repository |
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# Let's start with some usefull definition for colorize the echo |
# Let's start with some usefull definition for colorize the echo |
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RED='\E[1;31;40m' |
RED='\E[1;31;40m' |
95 |
# -- directory where to find tracker headers needed to compile |
# -- directory where to find tracker headers needed to compile |
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#TRKHEAD=${DIRTOP}/../tracker/inc |
#TRKHEAD=${DIRTOP}/../tracker/inc |
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SUBDIR=../RunInfo |
SUBDIR=../RunInfo ../ToFLevel2 ../TrackerLevel2 ../TriggerLevel2 |
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SUBINC=$(shell for dir in `echo ${SUBDIR}`; do echo -I$${dir}/inc; done) |
SUBINC=$(shell for dir in `echo ${SUBDIR}`; do echo -I$${dir}/inc; done) |
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# List of all libraries we want to install |
# List of all libraries we want to install |