57 |
58 |
// |
// |
59 |
// |
// |
60 |
int NDCore(UInt_t run, TFile *file, TSQLServer *dbc, Int_t NDargc, char *NDargv[]){ |
int NDCore(UInt_t run, TFile *file, GL_TABLES *glt, Int_t NDargc, char *NDargv[]){ |
61 |
// |
// |
62 |
// Set these to true to have a verbose output. |
// Set these to true to have a verbose output. |
63 |
// |
// |
173 |
NDfolder << tempname.str().c_str(); |
NDfolder << tempname.str().c_str(); |
174 |
tempname << "/NDtree_run"; |
tempname << "/NDtree_run"; |
175 |
tempname << run << ".root"; |
tempname << run << ".root"; |
176 |
UInt_t totnorun = 0; |
177 |
// |
// |
178 |
// DB classes |
// DB classes |
179 |
// |
// |
234 |
// |
// |
235 |
// |
// |
236 |
// |
// |
237 |
UInt_t totnorun = runinfo->GetRunEntries(); |
totnorun = runinfo->GetRunEntries(); |
238 |
// |
// |
239 |
// Try to access the S4 tree in the file, if it exists we are reprocessing data if not we are processing a new run |
// Try to access the S4 tree in the file, if it exists we are reprocessing data if not we are processing a new run |
240 |
// |
// |
323 |
} |
} |
324 |
for (UInt_t j = 0; j < nobefrun; j++){ |
for (UInt_t j = 0; j < nobefrun; j++){ |
325 |
// |
// |
326 |
NDtrclone->GetEntry(j); |
if ( NDtrclone->GetEntry(j) <= 0 ) throw -36; |
327 |
// |
// |
328 |
// copy ndclone to mydec |
// copy ndclone to mydec |
329 |
// |
// |
381 |
// |
// |
382 |
// prepare the timesync for the db |
// prepare the timesync for the db |
383 |
// |
// |
384 |
// if ( !dbc->IsConnected() ) throw -604; |
TString host = glt->CGetHost(); |
385 |
TString user = glt->CGetUser(); |
386 |
TString psw = glt->CGetPsw(); |
387 |
TSQLServer *dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
388 |
if ( !dbc->IsConnected() ) throw -604; |
389 |
stringstream myquery; |
390 |
myquery.str(""); |
391 |
myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00'"; |
392 |
dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
393 |
dbtime = new GL_TIMESYNC(runinfo->ID_ROOT_L0,"ID",dbc); |
dbtime = new GL_TIMESYNC(runinfo->ID_ROOT_L0,"ID",dbc); |
394 |
// |
// |
395 |
// Search in the DB the path and name of the LEVEL0 file to be processed. |
// Search in the DB the path and name of the LEVEL0 file to be processed. |
412 |
printf(" %i events to be processed for run %u: from %i to %i \n\n",totevent,idRun,runinfo->EV_FROM,runinfo->EV_FROM+totevent); |
printf(" %i events to be processed for run %u: from %i to %i \n\n",totevent,idRun,runinfo->EV_FROM,runinfo->EV_FROM+totevent); |
413 |
} |
} |
414 |
// |
// |
415 |
// if ( !totevent ) goto closeandexit; |
416 |
// |
417 |
// Open Level0 file |
// Open Level0 file |
418 |
// |
// |
419 |
l0File = new TFile(fname.Data()); |
l0File = new TFile(fname.Data()); |
450 |
// |
// |
451 |
nevents = l0ND->GetEntries(); |
nevents = l0ND->GetEntries(); |
452 |
// |
// |
453 |
if ( nevents < 1 ) { |
if ( nevents < 1 && totevent ) { |
454 |
if ( debug ) printf(" ND - ERROR: Level0 file is empty\n\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" ND - ERROR: Level0 file is empty\n\n"); |
455 |
l0File->Close(); |
l0File->Close(); |
456 |
code = -11; |
code = -11; |
457 |
goto closeandexit; |
goto closeandexit; |
458 |
}; |
}; |
459 |
// |
// |
460 |
if ( runinfo->EV_TO > nevents-1 ) { |
if ( runinfo->EV_TO > nevents-1 && totevent ) { |
461 |
if ( debug ) printf(" ND - ERROR: too few entries in the tree\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" ND - ERROR: too few entries in the tree\n"); |
462 |
l0File->Close(); |
l0File->Close(); |
463 |
code = -12; |
code = -12; |
477 |
// |
// |
478 |
if ( procev%1000 == 0 && procev > 0 && verbose ) printf(" %iK \n",procev/1000); |
if ( procev%1000 == 0 && procev > 0 && verbose ) printf(" %iK \n",procev/1000); |
479 |
// |
// |
480 |
l0head->GetEntry(re); |
if ( l0head->GetEntry(re) <= 0 ) throw -36; |
481 |
// |
// |
482 |
// absolute time of this event |
// absolute time of this event |
483 |
// |
// |
486 |
// |
// |
487 |
// paranoid check |
// paranoid check |
488 |
// |
// |
489 |
if ( (atime > runinfo->RUNTRAILER_TIME) || (atime < runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME) ) { |
if ( (atime > (runinfo->RUNTRAILER_TIME+1)) || (atime < (runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME-1)) ) { |
490 |
if (verbose) printf(" ND - WARNING: event at time outside the run time window, skipping it\n"); |
if (verbose) printf(" ND - WARNING: event at time outside the run time window, skipping it\n"); |
491 |
goto jumpev; |
goto jumpev; |
492 |
}; |
}; |
497 |
// |
// |
498 |
nd->Clear(); |
nd->Clear(); |
499 |
// |
// |
500 |
l0ND->GetEntry(re); |
if ( l0ND->GetEntry(re) <= 0 ) throw -36; |
501 |
tmpSize = l0ne->Records->GetEntries(); |
tmpSize = l0ne->Records->GetEntries(); |
502 |
if ( tmpSize && l0ne->unpackError == 0 ){ |
if ( tmpSize && l0ne->unpackError == 0 ){ |
503 |
for (Int_t j = 0; j < tmpSize; j++){ |
for (Int_t j = 0; j < tmpSize; j++){ |
547 |
// |
// |
548 |
// Get entry from old tree |
// Get entry from old tree |
549 |
// |
// |
550 |
NDtrclone->GetEntry(j); |
if ( NDtrclone->GetEntry(j) <= 0 ) throw -36; |
551 |
// |
// |
552 |
// copy ndclone to nd |
// copy ndclone to nd |
553 |
// |
// |