26 |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
27 |
#include <math.h> |
#include <math.h> |
28 |
// |
// |
29 |
// RunInfo header |
30 |
// |
31 |
#include <RunInfo.h> |
32 |
#include <GLTables.h> |
33 |
// |
34 |
// YODA headers |
// YODA headers |
35 |
// |
// |
36 |
#include <PamelaRun.h> |
#include <PamelaRun.h> |
39 |
#include <EventHeader.h> |
#include <EventHeader.h> |
40 |
#include <physics/neutronDetector/NeutronEvent.h> |
#include <physics/neutronDetector/NeutronEvent.h> |
41 |
#include <physics/neutronDetector/NeutronRecord.h> |
#include <physics/neutronDetector/NeutronRecord.h> |
//#include <yodaUtility.h> |
42 |
// |
// |
43 |
// RunInfo header |
// RunInfo header |
44 |
// |
// |
45 |
#include <RunInfo.h> |
//#include <RunInfo.h> |
46 |
#include <GLTables.h> |
//#include <GLTables.h> |
47 |
// |
// |
48 |
// This program headers |
// This program headers |
49 |
// |
// |
58 |
// |
// |
59 |
// |
// |
60 |
int NDCore(UInt_t run, TFile *file, TSQLServer *dbc, Int_t NDargc, char *NDargv[]){ |
int NDCore(UInt_t run, TFile *file, TSQLServer *dbc, Int_t NDargc, char *NDargv[]){ |
// |
Int_t i = 0; |
// |
TString processFolder = "NDFolder"; |
61 |
// |
// |
62 |
// Set these to true to have a very verbose output. |
// Set these to true to have a verbose output. |
63 |
// |
// |
64 |
Bool_t debug = false; |
Bool_t debug = false; |
// |
65 |
Bool_t verbose = false; |
Bool_t verbose = false; |
66 |
// |
// |
67 |
// Output directory is the working directoy. |
68 |
// |
69 |
const char* outDir = gSystem->DirName(gSystem->DirName(file->GetPath())); |
70 |
// |
71 |
Int_t i = 0; |
72 |
TString processFolder = "NDFolder_"+run; |
73 |
if ( NDargc > 0 ){ |
if ( NDargc > 0 ){ |
74 |
i = 0; |
i = 0; |
75 |
while ( i < NDargc ){ |
while ( i < NDargc ){ |
90 |
}; |
}; |
91 |
}; |
}; |
92 |
// |
// |
93 |
const char* outDir = gSystem->DirName(gSystem->DirName(file->GetPath())); |
94 |
// Variables for level2 |
// Variables for level2 |
95 |
// |
// |
96 |
TTree *NDtr = 0; |
TTree *NDtr = 0; |
97 |
UInt_t nevents = 0; |
UInt_t nevents = 0; |
98 |
// |
// |
99 |
// variables needed to reprocess data |
// Variables needed to reprocess data |
100 |
// |
// |
101 |
TString NDversion; |
TString NDversion; |
102 |
ItoRunInfo *runinfo = 0; |
ItoRunInfo *runinfo = 0; |
121 |
Int_t code = 0; |
Int_t code = 0; |
122 |
Int_t sgnl; |
Int_t sgnl; |
123 |
// |
// |
124 |
Long64_t maxsize = 10000000000LL; |
125 |
TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(maxsize); |
126 |
// |
127 |
// |
128 |
// ND level2 classes |
// ND level2 classes |
129 |
// |
// |
130 |
NDLevel2 *nd = new NDLevel2(); |
NDLevel2 *nd = new NDLevel2(); |
247 |
} |
} |
248 |
} else { |
} else { |
249 |
// |
// |
250 |
NDtrclone->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
251 |
// |
252 |
// tree exists, we are reprocessing data. Are we reprocessing a single run or all the file? |
// tree exists, we are reprocessing data. Are we reprocessing a single run or all the file? |
253 |
// |
// |
254 |
reproc = true; |
reproc = true; |
295 |
// |
// |
296 |
file->cd(); |
file->cd(); |
297 |
NDtr = new TTree("NeutronD-new","PAMELA Level2 NeutronD data"); |
NDtr = new TTree("NeutronD-new","PAMELA Level2 NeutronD data"); |
298 |
NDtr->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
299 |
NDtr->Branch("NDLevel2","NDLevel2",&nd); |
NDtr->Branch("NDLevel2","NDLevel2",&nd); |
300 |
// |
// |
301 |
if ( reproc && !reprocall ){ |
if ( reproc && !reprocall ){ |
304 |
// |
// |
305 |
tempfile = new TFile(tempname.str().c_str(),"READ"); |
tempfile = new TFile(tempname.str().c_str(),"READ"); |
306 |
NDtrclone = (TTree*)tempfile->Get("NeutronD-old"); |
NDtrclone = (TTree*)tempfile->Get("NeutronD-old"); |
307 |
NDtrclone->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL); |
308 |
NDtrclone->SetBranchAddress("NDLevel2",&ndclone); |
NDtrclone->SetBranchAddress("NDLevel2",&ndclone); |
309 |
// |
// |
310 |
if ( nobefrun > 0 ){ |
if ( nobefrun > 0 ){ |