1 |
# DarthVader flight analysis software |
# DarthVader flight analysis software |
2 |
3 |
VER= v2r00 |
VER= v3r01 |
4 |
# An almost general purpouse Makefile for PAMELA repository |
# An almost general purpouse Makefile for PAMELA repository |
5 |
# Let's start with some usefull definition for colorize the echo |
# Let's start with some usefull definition for colorize the echo |
6 |
RED='\E[1;31;40m' |
RED='\E[1;31;40m' |
34 |
# F77 |
# F77 |
35 |
F77=g77 |
F77=g77 |
36 |
#F77FLAGS= -Wall -Wno-globals -fvxt -fno-automatic -fbounds-check -g -extend_source -static -fno-backslash |
#F77FLAGS= -Wall -Wno-globals -fvxt -fno-automatic -fbounds-check -g -extend_source -static -fno-backslash |
37 |
F77FLAGS= -Wall -Wno-globals -fvxt -fno-automatic -fbounds-check -extend_source -static -fno-backslash |
F77FLAGS= -Wall -Wno-globals -fPIC -fvxt -fno-automatic -fbounds-check -extend_source -static -fno-backslash |
38 |
# C++ |
# C++ |
39 |
CXX=g++ |
CXX=g++ |
40 |
#CXXFLAGS=-Wall -O -fPIC -pthread -g |
#CXXFLAGS=-Wall -O -fPIC -pthread -g |
41 |
CXXFLAGS=-Wall -O -fPIC -pthread |
CXXFLAGS=-Wall -O4 -fPIC -pthread |
42 |
43 |
ROOTCINT=rootcint |
ROOTCINT=rootcint |
44 |
45 |
CERNLIB=./docs/cernlib_pam |
46 |
#CERNLIB=cernlib |
47 |
48 |
# Here the variables definig the local directories |
# Here the variables definig the local directories |
49 |
DIRTOP=${shell pwd} |
DIRTOP=${shell pwd} |
50 |
#DIRLIB=../lib/${ARCH} |
#DIRLIB=../lib/${ARCH} |
90 |
91 |
CXXEXELIBS:=DarthVader |
CXXEXELIBS:=DarthVader |
92 |
93 |
# -- list of tracker objects needed to link |
# -- list of objects needed to link |
94 |
#TRKOBJS=${DIRTOP}/../lib2/libTrkLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/../lib2/libtrack.so |
##OBJS=$(shell cd ${DIRLIB}&>/dev/null;for file in `ls *.*`; do if [ $${file} != "" ] && [ $${file} != "DarthVader.o" ] && [ $${file} != "R2-D2.o" ]; then echo ${DIRLIB}/$${file}; fi; done) |
95 |
#TRKOBJS=$(shell for lib in `ls ${DIRLIB}`; do echo ${lib}; done) |
OBJS=$(shell cd ${DIRLIB}&>/dev/null;for file in `ls lib*.so`; do if [ $${file} != "" ]; then echo ${DIRLIB}/$${file}; fi; done) ${CPPOBJS} |
#OBJS=${DIRLIB}/*.* |
OBJS=$(shell cd ${DIRLIB}&>/dev/null;for file in `ls *.*`; do if [ $${file} != "" ] && [ $${file} != "DarthVader.o" ] && [ $${file} != "R2-D2.o" ]; then echo ${DIRLIB}/$${file}; fi; done) |
96 |
DARTHVLIB=${DIRLIB}/libDarthVader_${VER}.so |
DARTHVLIB=${DIRLIB}/libDarthVader_${VER}.so |
97 |
98 |
# -- directory where to find tracker headers needed to compile |
# -- directory where to find tracker headers needed to compile |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
CALIBFILES=${DIRCALIB}/trk-param ${DIRCALIB}/cal-param ${DIRCALIB}/tof-param |
CALIBFILES=${DIRCALIB}/trk-param ${DIRCALIB}/cal-param ${DIRCALIB}/tof-param ${DIRCALIB}/orb-param |
117 |
118 |
119 |
208 |
@ln -sf ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/$(@F) ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/$(patsubst %_${VER}.so,%.so,$(@F)) |
@ln -sf ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/$(@F) ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/$(patsubst %_${VER}.so,%.so,$(@F)) |
209 |
210 |
@${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -Xlinker -soname=libDarthVader_${VER}.so -shared -o ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libDarthVader_${VER}.so -lg2c ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libAcLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libCaloLevel2.so ${PAM_LIB}/libsgp4.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libNDLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libS4Level2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libToFLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libTrigLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libTrkLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libTrkLevel1.so ${PAM_LIB}/libGLTables.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libRunInfo.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libOrbitalInfo.so |
211 |
@(${EGREEN} "Creating exec file: "${WHITE} "$@"; ${RESET}) |
@(${EGREEN} "Creating exec file: "${WHITE} "$@"; ${RESET}) |
212 |
@${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o ${DIRBIN}/$@ ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/$@.o ${OBJS} ${PAM_LIB}/libGLTables.so ${PAM_LIB}/libsgp4.so ${PAM_YODA}/lib/libyoda.so -lThread `root-config --cflags --glibs` `cernlib mathlib` |
@${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o ${DIRBIN}/$@ ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/$@.o ${OBJS} ${PAM_LIB}/libGLTables.so ${PAM_LIB}/libsgp4.so ${PAM_YODA}/lib/libyoda.so -lThread `root-config --cflags --glibs` `${CERNLIB} mathlib` |
213 |
@${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -Xlinker -soname=libDarthVader_${VER}.so -shared -o ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libDarthVader_${VER}.so -lg2c ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libAcLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libCaloLevel1.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libCaloLevel2.so ${PAM_LIB}/libsgp4.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libNDLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libS4Level2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libToFLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libTrigLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libTrkLevel2.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libTrkLevel1.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libTrkHough.so ${PAM_LIB}/libGLTables.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libRunInfo.so ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/libOrbitalInfo.so `${CERNLIB} mathlib` |
214 |
215 |
# @${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o ${DIRBIN}/$@ ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/$@.o ${OBJS} ${PAM_YODA}/lib/libyoda.so ${PAM_YODA}/lib/libutils.so -lThread `root-config --cflags --glibs` `cernlib mathlib` |
# @${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o ${DIRBIN}/$@ ${DIRTOP}/${DIRLIB}/$@.o ${OBJS} ${PAM_YODA}/lib/libyoda.so ${PAM_YODA}/lib/libutils.so -lThread `root-config --cflags --glibs` `cernlib mathlib` |
216 |
217 |
# A small target to check environmental variables |
# A small target to check environmental variables |
270 |
locupgrade: FORCE=-u |
locupgrade: FORCE=-u |
271 |
locupgrade: locinstall |
locupgrade: locinstall |
272 |
273 |
upgradenc: |
274 |
@for dir in `echo ${SUBDIR}`; do \ |
275 |
echo "Making upgrade in $${dir}"; \ |
276 |
(cd $${dir} && ${MAKE} upgrade); \ |
277 |
done; make locupgradenc |
278 |
279 |
locupgradenc: FORCE=-u |
280 |
locupgradenc: locinstallnc |
281 |
282 |
install: |
install: |
283 |
@for dir in `echo ${SUBDIR}`; do \ |
@for dir in `echo ${SUBDIR}`; do \ |
284 |
echo "Making install in $${dir}"; \ |
echo "Making install in $${dir}"; \ |
287 |
288 |
locinstall: installlib installinc installmacros installcalib installdoc installexe installcmacro |
locinstall: installlib installinc installmacros installcalib installdoc installexe installcmacro |
289 |
290 |
locinstallnc: installlib installinc installmacros installdoc installexe installcmacro |
291 |
292 |
installlib: LINK=y |
installlib: LINK=y |
293 |
installlib: TOBEMOVED= $(FULLLIBS:${DIRLIB}%=${PAM_LIB}%) |
installlib: TOBEMOVED= $(FULLLIBS:${DIRLIB}%=${PAM_LIB}%) |
294 |
installlib: ORIGIN=${DIRLIB} |
installlib: ORIGIN=${DIRLIB} |