/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/Make.def
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Contents of /DarthVader/Make.def

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Nov 5 14:02:02 2013 UTC (11 years, 4 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v10REDr01, v10RED, HEAD
Changes since 1.3: +1 -1 lines
New code for retracking

1 # An almost general purpouse Makefile for PAMELA repository
2 # Let's start with some usefull definition for colorize the echo
3 export RED='\E[1;31;40m'
4 export GREEN='\E[1;32;40m'
5 export YELLOW='\E[1;33;40m'
6 export BLUE='\E[1;34;40m'
7 export WHITE='\E[1;37;40m'
8 export VIOLET='\E[1;35;40m'
9 export CYAN='\E[1;36;40m'
10 # Here the echo definition to use them
11 export EVIOLET=echo -e ${VIOLET}
12 export ECYAN=echo -e ${CYAN}
13 export ERED=echo -e ${RED}
14 export EGREEN=echo -e ${GREEN}
15 export EYELLOW=echo -e ${YELLOW}
16 export EBLUE=echo -e ${BLUE}
17 export EWHITE=echo -e ${WHITE}
18 # Reset the terminal
19 export RESET=tput sgr0
20 # Enviroment:
21 export GCCVER=`gcc --version | head -1`
22 export UNAMEA=`uname -a`
23 export TODAY=`date`
24 #
25 ifeq ($(GCC4),)
26 export GCCVERS=$(shell echo `gcc -dumpversion | sed 's/\./\ /g'`)
27 export GCCVERMAJ=$(word 1,$(GCCVERS))
28 export GCC4=$(shell echo `echo "${GCCVERMAJ} > 3" |bc -l`)
29 endif
30 #
31 # Here the variables used to override the standard make flags
32 # C
33 export CC=gcc
34 #CFLAGS=-Wall -O -fPIC -pthread -g ${PAM_BIT}
35 export CFLAGS=-Wall -Wshadow -g -O3 -funroll-loops -fPIC -pthread ${PAM_BIT}
36 # F77
37 ifeq ($(GCC4),1)
38 export F77=gfortran
39 export LG2C=-lgfortran
40 export EXTRAOPT=
41 else
42 export F77=g77
43 export LG2C=-lg2c
44 export EXTRAOPT=-Wno-globals -fvxt
45 endif
46 #F77FLAGS= -Wall -Wno-globals -fvxt -fno-automatic -fbounds-check -g -extend_source -static -fno-backslash ${PAM_BIT}
47 export F77FLAGS= -Wall -funroll-loops -fPIC $(EXTRAOPT) -fbounds-check -fno-automatic -extend_source -static -fno-backslash ${PAM_BIT}
48 # C++
49 export CXX=g++
50 #export CXXFLAGS=-Wall -O -fPIC -pthread -g ${PAM_BIT}
51 export CXXFLAGS=-Wall -O3 -funroll-loops -fPIC -pthread ${PAM_BIT}
53 export ROOTCINT=rootcint

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