/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/CalorimeterLevel2/src/CaloLevel2.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/CalorimeterLevel2/src/CaloLevel2.cpp

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Revision 1.13 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Jul 20 09:13:07 2007 UTC (17 years, 7 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.12: +27 -0 lines
New method CaloLevel2::GetCaloStoredTrack(int) added

1 /**
2 * \file src/CaloLevel2.cpp
3 * \author Emiliano Mocchiutti
4 *
5 **/
6 #include <TObject.h>
7 #include <CaloLevel2.h>
9 //
10 ClassImp(CaloTrkVar);
11 ClassImp(CaloLevel2);
13 /**
14 * CaloTrkVar constructor
15 **/
16 CaloTrkVar::CaloTrkVar() {
17 this->Clear();
18 };
20 /**
21 * Clear variables
22 **/
23 void CaloTrkVar::Clear() {
24 trkseqno = 0;
25 noint = 0;
26 ncore = 0;
27 qcore = 0.;
28 ncyl = 0;
29 qcyl = 0.;
30 qtrack = 0.;
31 qtrackx = 0.;
32 qtracky = 0.;
33 dxtrack = 0.;
34 dytrack = 0.;
35 qlast = 0.;
36 nlast = 0;
37 qpre = 0.;
38 npre = 0;
39 qpresh = 0.;
40 npresh = 0;
41 qtr = 0.;
42 ntr = 0;
43 planetot = 0;
44 qmean = 0.;
45 qlow = 0.;
46 nlow = 0;
47 dX0l = 0.;
48 memset(tbar, 0, 2*22*sizeof(Float_t));
49 memset(tibar, 0, 2*22*sizeof(Int_t));
50 }
52 /**
53 * Copies from t to this
54 **/
55 CaloTrkVar::CaloTrkVar(const CaloTrkVar &t){
56 trkseqno = t.trkseqno;
57 noint = t.noint;
58 ncore = t.ncore;
59 qcore = t.qcore;
60 ncyl = t.ncyl;
61 qcyl = t.qcyl;
62 qtrack = t.qtrack;
63 qtrackx = t.qtrackx;
64 qtracky = t.qtracky;
65 dxtrack = t.dxtrack;
66 dytrack = t.dytrack;
67 qlast = t.qlast;
68 nlast = t.nlast;
69 qpre = t.qpre;
70 npre = t.npre;
71 qpresh = t.qpresh;
72 npresh = t.npresh;
73 qtr = t.qtr;
74 ntr = t.ntr;
75 planetot = t.planetot;
76 qmean = t.qmean;
77 dX0l = t.dX0l;
78 qlow = t.qlow;
79 nlow = t.nlow;
80 memcpy(tibar,t.tibar,sizeof(tibar));
81 memcpy(tbar,t.tbar,sizeof(tbar));
82 }
84 /**
85 * CaloLevel2 constructor
86 **/
87 CaloLevel2::CaloLevel2() {
88 //
89 // CaloTrk = new TClonesArray("CaloTrkVar",1); //ELENA
90 CaloTrk = 0; //ELENA
91 //
92 this->Clear();
93 //
94 };
95 /**
96 * Create the TClonesArray
97 **/
98 void CaloLevel2::Set(){//ELENA
99 if(!CaloTrk)CaloTrk = new TClonesArray("CaloTrkVar",1); //ELENA
100 }//ELENA
102 /**
103 * Clear the CaloLevel2 object
104 **/
105 void CaloLevel2::Clear() {
106 //
107 // CaloTrk->Clear(); //ELENA
108 if(CaloTrk)CaloTrk->Delete(); //ELENA
109 //
110 nstrip = 0;
111 qtot = 0.;
112 // impx = 0.;
113 // impy = 0.;
114 qmax = 0.;
115 nx22 = 0;
116 qx22 = 0.;
117 elen = 0.;
118 selen = 0.;
119 memset(perr, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t));
120 memset(swerr, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t));
121 memset(crc, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t));
122 memset(qq, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t));
123 memset(varcfit, 0, 4*sizeof(Float_t));
124 memset(npcfit, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t));
125 memset(tanx, 0, 2*sizeof(Int_t));
126 memset(tany, 0, 2*sizeof(Int_t));
127 memset(fitmode, 0, 2*sizeof(Int_t));
128 memset(planemax, 0, 2*sizeof(Int_t));
129 memset(cibar, 0, 2*22*sizeof(Int_t));
130 memset(cbar, 0, 2*22*sizeof(Float_t));
131 good = 0;
132 selftrigger = 0;
133 //
134 };
136 /**
137 * Delete the CaloLevel2 object
138 **/
139 void CaloLevel2::Delete() { //ELENA
140 if(CaloTrk){ //ELENA
141 CaloTrk->Delete(); //ELENA
142 delete CaloTrk; //ELENA
143 } //ELENA
144 } //ELENA
146 /**
147 * Fills a struct cCaloLevel2 with values from a CaloLevel2 object (to put data into a F77 common).
148 */
149 void CaloLevel2::GetLevel2Struct(cCaloLevel2 *l2) const {
151 l2->good = good;
152 l2->selftrigger = selftrigger;
153 l2->nstrip = nstrip;
154 l2->nx22 = nx22;
155 l2->qtot = qtot;
156 l2->qx22 = qx22;
157 l2->qmax = qmax;
158 // l2->impx = impx;
159 // l2->impy = impy;
160 // l2->tanx = tanx;
161 // l2->tany = tany;
162 l2->elen = elen;
163 l2->selen = selen;
165 for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++){
166 l2->planemax[i] = planemax[i];
167 l2->varcfit[i] = varcfit[i];
168 l2->npcfit[i] = npcfit[i];
169 }
170 for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++){
171 l2->perr[i] = perr[i];
172 l2->swerr[i] = swerr[i];
173 l2->calcrc[i] = crc[i];
174 l2->qq[i] = qq[i];
175 }
177 if(CaloTrk){ //ELENA
178 l2->calntrk = CaloTrk->GetEntries();
179 for(Int_t i=0;i<l2->calntrk;i++){
180 l2->caltrkseqno[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->trkseqno;
181 l2->ncore[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->ncore;
182 l2->noint[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->noint;
183 l2->ncyl[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->ncyl;
184 l2->nlast[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->nlast;
185 l2->npre[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->npre;
186 l2->npresh[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->npresh;
187 l2->ntr[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->ntr;
188 l2->planetot[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->planetot;
189 l2->nlow[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->nlow;
190 l2->qcore[i] =((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qcore ;
191 l2->qcyl[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qcyl;
192 l2->qlast[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qlast;
193 l2->qpre[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qpre;
194 l2->qpresh[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qpresh;
195 l2->qtr[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qtr;
196 l2->qtrack[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qtrack;
197 l2->qtrackx[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qtrackx;
198 l2->qtracky[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qtracky;
199 l2->dxtrack[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->dxtrack;
200 l2->dytrack[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->dytrack;
201 l2->qmean[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qmean;
202 l2->qlow[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qlow;
203 l2->dX0l[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->dX0l;
204 for (Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){
205 for (Int_t k=0; k<22; k++){
206 l2->tbar[i][k][j] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->tbar[k][j];
207 };
208 };
209 }
210 } //ELENA
211 }
213 /**
214 * Returns the impact position on the top of the calorimeter as determined by the calorimeter itself.
215 * @param tr : if tr = 0 use the calorimeter "normal" fit, if 1 use the calorimeter "selftrigger" fit (if any!)
216 **/
217 Float_t CaloLevel2::impx(Int_t tr){
218 if ( tr == 0 ) return(cbar[0][0]);
219 if ( tr == 1 ) {
220 if ( !CaloTrk ) return(-110.);
221 TClonesArray &t = *(CaloTrk);
222 for (Int_t itrk=0; itrk<ntrk(); itrk++){
223 CaloTrkVar *calotrack = (CaloTrkVar*)t[itrk];
224 if ( calotrack->trkseqno == -1 ) return(calotrack->tbar[0][0]);
225 };
226 };
227 if ( tr !=0 && tr !=1 ){
228 printf(" Cannot get impx for other than calo or selftrigger tracks!\n");
229 } else {
230 printf(" Cannot find selftrigger block\n");
231 };
232 return(-100.);
233 };
235 /**
236 * Returns the impact position on the top of the calorimeter as determined by the calorimeter itself.
237 * @param tr : if tr = 0 use the calorimeter "normal" fit, if 1 use the calorimeter "selftrigger" fit (if any!)
238 **/
239 Float_t CaloLevel2::impy(Int_t tr){
240 if ( tr == 0 ) return(cbar[0][1]);
241 if ( tr == 1 ) {
242 if ( !CaloTrk ) return(-110.);
243 TClonesArray &t = *(CaloTrk);
244 for (Int_t itrk=0; itrk<ntrk(); itrk++){
245 CaloTrkVar *calotrack = (CaloTrkVar*)t[itrk];
246 if ( calotrack->trkseqno == -1 ) return(calotrack->tbar[0][1]);
247 };
248 };
249 if ( tr !=0 && tr !=1 ){
250 printf(" Cannot get impy for other than calo or selftrigger tracks!\n");
251 } else {
252 printf(" Cannot find selftrigger block\n");
253 };
254 return(-100.);
255 };
256 /**
257 * Should return the energy in GeV if the particle would be an electron
258 * using a parametrization taken from Monte Carlo simulation
259 **/
260 void CaloLevel2::GetElectronEnergy(Float_t &energy, Float_t &sigma){
261 if ( nstrip == 0 ) return;
262 energy = qtot * 40.82 * 0.000106;
263 sigma = 0.;
264 if ( energy > 0. ) sigma = energy * (0.01183 + 0.121/sqrt(energy));
265 return;
266 };
268 /**
269 * Returns pointer to the set of track-related variables "itrk"
270 **/
271 CaloTrkVar *CaloLevel2::GetCaloTrkVar(Int_t itrk){
272 //
273 if(itrk >= ntrk()){
274 printf(" CaloLevel2 ERROR: track related variables set %i does not exists! \n",itrk);
275 printf(" stored track related variables = %i \n",ntrk());
276 return(NULL);
277 }
278 if(!CaloTrk)return 0; //ELENA
279 TClonesArray &t = *(CaloTrk);
280 CaloTrkVar *calotrack = (CaloTrkVar*)t[itrk];
281 return calotrack;
282 }
284 /**
285 * Retrieves the calorimeter track matching the seqno-th tracker stored track.
286 * (If seqno = -1 retrieves the self-trigger calorimeter track)
287 */
288 CaloTrkVar *CaloLevel2::GetCaloStoredTrack(int seqno){
290 if( ntrk()==0 ){
291 printf("CaloLevel2::GetCaloStoredTrack(int) : requested tracker SeqNo %i but no Calorimeter tracks are stored\n",seqno);
292 return NULL;
293 };
295 CaloTrkVar *c = 0;
296 Int_t it_calo=0;
298 do {
299 c = GetCaloTrkVar(it_calo);
300 it_calo++;
301 } while( c && seqno != c->trkseqno && it_calo < ntrk());
303 if(!c || seqno != c->trkseqno){
304 c = 0;
305 if(seqno!=-1 && seqno !=-2 && seqno!=-3 ) printf("CaloLevel2::GetCaloStoredTrack(int) : requested tracker SeqNo %i does not match Calorimeter stored tracks\n",seqno);
306 };
307 return c;
309 };

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