/** * \file src/CaloLevel2.cpp * \author Emiliano Mocchiutti * **/ #include #include // ClassImp(CaloTrkVar); ClassImp(CaloLevel2); /** * CaloTrkVar constructor **/ CaloTrkVar::CaloTrkVar() { this->Clear(); } /** * Clear variables **/ void CaloTrkVar::Clear(Option_t *t) { //void CaloTrkVar::Clear() { trkseqno = 0; noint = 0; ncore = 0; qcore = 0.; ncyl = 0; qcyl = 0.; qtrack = 0.; qtrackx = 0.; qtracky = 0.; dxtrack = 0.; dytrack = 0.; qlast = 0.; nlast = 0; qpre = 0.; npre = 0; qpresh = 0.; npresh = 0; qtr = 0.; ntr = 0; planetot = 0; qmean = 0.; qlow = 0.; nlow = 0; dX0l = 0.; memset(tbar, 0, 2*22*sizeof(Float_t)); memset(tibar, 0, 2*22*sizeof(Int_t)); } /** * Copies from t to this **/ CaloTrkVar::CaloTrkVar(const CaloTrkVar &t){ trkseqno = t.trkseqno; noint = t.noint; ncore = t.ncore; qcore = t.qcore; ncyl = t.ncyl; qcyl = t.qcyl; qtrack = t.qtrack; qtrackx = t.qtrackx; qtracky = t.qtracky; dxtrack = t.dxtrack; dytrack = t.dytrack; qlast = t.qlast; nlast = t.nlast; qpre = t.qpre; npre = t.npre; qpresh = t.qpresh; npresh = t.npresh; qtr = t.qtr; ntr = t.ntr; planetot = t.planetot; qmean = t.qmean; dX0l = t.dX0l; qlow = t.qlow; nlow = t.nlow; memcpy(tibar,t.tibar,sizeof(tibar)); memcpy(tbar,t.tbar,sizeof(tbar)); } /** * CaloLevel2 constructor **/ CaloLevel2::CaloLevel2() { // // CaloTrk = new TClonesArray("CaloTrkVar",1); //ELENA CaloTrk = 0; //ELENA // this->Clear(); // } /** * Create the TClonesArray **/ void CaloLevel2::Set(){//ELENA if(!CaloTrk)CaloTrk = new TClonesArray("CaloTrkVar",1); //ELENA }//ELENA /** * Clear the CaloLevel2 object **/ void CaloLevel2::Clear(Option_t *t ) { // // CaloTrk->Clear(); //ELENA if(CaloTrk)CaloTrk->Delete(); //ELENA // nstrip = 0; nsatstrip = 0; qtot = 0.; // impx = 0.; // impy = 0.; qmax = 0.; nx22 = 0; qx22 = 0.; elen = 0.; selen = 0.; memset(perr, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(swerr, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(crc, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(qq, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(varcfit, 0, 4*sizeof(Float_t)); memset(npcfit, 0, 4*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(tanx, 0, 2*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(tany, 0, 2*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(fitmode, 0, 2*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(planemax, 0, 2*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(selfdelay, 0, 4*7*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(cibar, 0, 2*22*sizeof(Int_t)); memset(cbar, 0, 2*22*sizeof(Float_t)); good = 0; selftrigger = 0; // } /** * Delete the CaloLevel2 object **/ void CaloLevel2::Delete(Option_t *t) { //ELENA if(CaloTrk){ //ELENA CaloTrk->Delete(); //ELENA delete CaloTrk; //ELENA } //ELENA } //ELENA /** * Fills a struct cCaloLevel2 with values from a CaloLevel2 object (to put data into a F77 common). */ void CaloLevel2::GetLevel2Struct(cCaloLevel2 *l2) const { l2->good = good; l2->selftrigger = selftrigger; l2->nstrip = nstrip; l2->nx22 = nx22; l2->qtot = qtot; l2->qx22 = qx22; l2->qmax = qmax; // l2->impx = impx; // l2->impy = impy; // l2->tanx = tanx; // l2->tany = tany; l2->elen = elen; l2->selen = selen; for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++){ l2->planemax[i] = planemax[i]; l2->varcfit[i] = varcfit[i]; l2->npcfit[i] = npcfit[i]; } for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++){ l2->perr[i] = perr[i]; l2->swerr[i] = swerr[i]; l2->calcrc[i] = crc[i]; l2->qq[i] = qq[i]; } if(CaloTrk){ //ELENA l2->calntrk = CaloTrk->GetEntries(); for(Int_t i=0;icalntrk;i++){ l2->caltrkseqno[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->trkseqno; l2->ncore[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->ncore; l2->noint[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->noint; l2->ncyl[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->ncyl; l2->nlast[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->nlast; l2->npre[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->npre; l2->npresh[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->npresh; l2->ntr[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->ntr; l2->planetot[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->planetot; l2->nlow[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->nlow; l2->qcore[i] =((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qcore ; l2->qcyl[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qcyl; l2->qlast[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qlast; l2->qpre[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qpre; l2->qpresh[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qpresh; l2->qtr[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qtr; l2->qtrack[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qtrack; l2->qtrackx[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qtrackx; l2->qtracky[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qtracky; l2->dxtrack[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->dxtrack; l2->dytrack[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->dytrack; l2->qmean[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qmean; l2->qlow[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->qlow; l2->dX0l[i] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->dX0l; for (Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ for (Int_t k=0; k<22; k++){ l2->tbar[i][k][j] = ((CaloTrkVar *)CaloTrk->At(i))->tbar[k][j]; }; }; } } //ELENA } /** * Returns the impact position on the top of the calorimeter as determined by the calorimeter itself. * @param tr : if tr = 0 use the calorimeter "normal" fit, if 1 use the calorimeter "selftrigger" fit (if any!) **/ Float_t CaloLevel2::impx(Int_t tr){ if ( tr == 0 ) return(cbar[0][0]); if ( tr == 1 ) { if ( !CaloTrk ) return(-110.); TClonesArray &t = *(CaloTrk); for (Int_t itrk=0; itrktrkseqno == -1 ) return(calotrack->tbar[0][0]); }; }; if ( tr !=0 && tr !=1 ){ printf(" Cannot get impx for other than calo or selftrigger tracks!\n"); } else { printf(" Cannot find selftrigger block\n"); }; return(-100.); } /** * Returns the impact position on the top of the calorimeter as determined by the calorimeter itself. * @param tr : if tr = 0 use the calorimeter "normal" fit, if 1 use the calorimeter "selftrigger" fit (if any!) **/ Float_t CaloLevel2::impy(Int_t tr){ if ( tr == 0 ) return(cbar[0][1]); if ( tr == 1 ) { if ( !CaloTrk ) return(-110.); TClonesArray &t = *(CaloTrk); for (Int_t itrk=0; itrktrkseqno == -1 ) return(calotrack->tbar[0][1]); }; }; if ( tr !=0 && tr !=1 ){ printf(" Cannot get impy for other than calo or selftrigger tracks!\n"); } else { printf(" Cannot find selftrigger block\n"); }; return(-100.); } /** * Should return the energy in GeV if the particle would be an electron * using a parametrization taken from Monte Carlo simulation **/ void CaloLevel2::GetElectronEnergy(Float_t &energy, Float_t &sigma){ if ( nstrip == 0 ) return; energy = qtot * 260.; // energy = qtot * 40.82 * 0.000106; sigma = 0.; if ( energy > 0. ) sigma = energy * (0.01183 + 0.121/sqrt(energy)); return; } /** * Returns pointer to the set of track-related variables "itrk" **/ CaloTrkVar *CaloLevel2::GetCaloTrkVar(Int_t itrk){ // if(itrk >= ntrk()){ printf(" CaloLevel2 ERROR: track related variables set %i does not exists! \n",itrk); printf(" stored track related variables = %i \n",ntrk()); return(NULL); } if(!CaloTrk)return 0; //ELENA TClonesArray &t = *(CaloTrk); CaloTrkVar *calotrack = (CaloTrkVar*)t[itrk]; return calotrack; } /** * Retrieves the calorimeter track matching the seqno-th tracker stored track. * (If seqno = -1 retrieves the self-trigger calorimeter track) */ CaloTrkVar *CaloLevel2::GetCaloStoredTrack(int seqno){ if( ntrk()==0 ){ printf("CaloLevel2::GetCaloStoredTrack(int) : requested tracker SeqNo %i but no Calorimeter tracks are stored\n",seqno); return NULL; }; CaloTrkVar *c = 0; Int_t it_calo=0; do { c = GetCaloTrkVar(it_calo); it_calo++; } while( c && seqno != c->trkseqno && it_calo < ntrk()); if(!c || seqno != c->trkseqno){ c = 0; if(seqno!=-1 && seqno !=-2 && seqno!=-3 ) printf("CaloLevel2::GetCaloStoredTrack(int) : requested tracker SeqNo %i does not match Calorimeter stored tracks\n",seqno); }; return c; }