/** * \file src/CaloLevel1.cpp * \author Emiliano Mocchiutti * **/ #include // ClassImp(CaloStrip); ClassImp(CaloLevel1); Float_t CaloStrip::UXal = CTX; Float_t CaloStrip::UYal = CTY; Float_t CaloStrip::UZal = CTZ; Bool_t CaloStrip::paramload = false; /** * CaloStrip default constructor **/ CaloStrip::CaloStrip() { c1 = 0; this->Clear(); }; /** * CaloStrip default constructor **/ CaloStrip::CaloStrip(Bool_t mechalig) { c1 = 0; this->Clear(); if ( mechalig ){ ismech = true; paramload = true; UXal = MECHCTX; UYal = MECHCTY; UZal = MECHCTZ; } else { ismech = false; UseStandardAlig(); }; }; /** * CaloStrip default constructor **/ CaloStrip::CaloStrip(CaloLevel1 *calo) { c1 = calo->GetCaloLevel1(); this->Clear(); ismech = false; UseStandardAlig(); }; /** * CaloStrip default constructor **/ CaloStrip::CaloStrip(CaloLevel1 *calo, Bool_t mechalig) { c1 = calo->GetCaloLevel1(); this->Clear(); if ( mechalig ){ ismech = true; paramload = true; UXal = MECHCTX; UYal = MECHCTY; UZal = MECHCTZ; } else { ismech = false; UseStandardAlig(); }; }; /** * Clear variables **/ void CaloStrip::Clear(Option_t *t) { fE = 0.; fX = 0.; fY = 0.; fZ = 0.; fView = 0; fPlane = 0; fStrip = 0; }; /** * Connect to the DB and retrieve alignement parameters **/ void CaloStrip::UseStandardAlig(){ // if ( !paramload ){ // paramload = true; ismech = false; // stringstream aligfile; Int_t error = 0; FILE *f = 0; ifstream badfile; GL_PARAM *glparam = new GL_PARAM(); // TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod"; TString user = "anonymous"; TString psw = ""; const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST"); const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER"); const char *pamdbpsw=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW"); if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = ""; if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = ""; if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = ""; if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost; if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser; if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) psw = pamdbpsw; TSQLServer *dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); // UXal = 0.; UYal = 0.; UZal = 0.; // if ( dbc ){ // // determine where I can find calorimeter ADC to MIP conversion file // printf(" Querying DB for calorimeter parameters files...\n"); // // // error = 0; error = glparam->Query_GL_PARAM(1000,102,dbc); if ( error >= 0 ){ // aligfile.str(""); aligfile << glparam->PATH.Data() << "/"; aligfile << glparam->NAME.Data(); // printf("\n Using parameter file: \n %s \n",aligfile.str().c_str()); f = fopen(aligfile.str().c_str(),"rb"); if ( f ){ // fread(&UXal,sizeof(UXal),1,f); fread(&UYal,sizeof(UYal),1,f); fread(&UZal,sizeof(UZal),1,f); // fclose(f); }; // }; dbc->Close(); delete dbc; dbc = 0; }; if ( !UXal ){ // printf(" No able to query DB for calorimeter parameters files\n Using hard-coded parameters \n"); UXal = CTX; UYal = CTY; UZal = CTZ; }; // }; // }; /** * Given a strip returns its position in the PAMELA reference system **/ void CaloStrip::Set(Int_t view, Int_t plane, Int_t strip) { // this->Clear(); // if ( view < 0 || view > 1 ){ printf(" ERROR: 0 =< view =< 1 \n"); return; }; if ( plane < 0 || plane > 21 ){ printf(" ERROR: 0 =< plane =< 21 \n"); return; }; if ( strip < 0 || strip > 95 ){ printf(" ERROR: 0 =< strip =< 95 \n"); return; }; // Float_t lShift = 0.; Float_t lPos = 0.; extern struct shift shift_; // // Find MIPs for that strip // if ( c1 ) fE = c1->GetEstrip(view, plane, strip); // fView = view + 1; fPlane = plane + 1; fStrip = strip + 1; // if ( fPlane%2 ){ lShift = +0.5; } else { lShift = -0.5; }; // shift_.shift = lShift; // Float_t zplane[22]; zplane[0] = 0.; Int_t ii = 0; for ( Int_t i = 2; i < 23; i++){ ii = i-1; if ( i%2 ){ zplane[ii] = zplane[ii-1] - 10.09; } else { zplane[ii] = zplane[ii-1] - 8.09; }; }; // millim_(&fStrip,&lPos); // if ( fView == 1 ){ // // X view // fX = (lPos - UXal)/10.; fY = 0.; fZ = (zplane[fPlane-1] - 5.81 + UZal)/10.; // } else { // // Y view // fX = 0; fY = (lPos - UYal)/10.; fZ = (zplane[fPlane-1] + UZal)/10.; }; // }; /** * Given a point in the space (PAMELA ref system) returns the closest strip **/ void CaloStrip::Set(Float_t X, Float_t Y, Float_t Z) { // fX = X; fY = Y; fZ = Z; // Float_t zplane[22]; zplane[0] = 0.; Int_t ii = 0; for ( Int_t i = 2; i < 23; i++){ ii = i-1; if ( i%2 ){ zplane[ii] = zplane[ii-1] - 10.09; } else { zplane[ii] = zplane[ii-1] - 8.09; }; }; // Float_t dzx[22]; Float_t dzy[22]; for ( Int_t i=0; i < 22; i++){ dzx[i] = fabs(fZ*10. - (zplane[i] - 5.81 + UZal)); dzy[i] = fabs(fZ*10. - (zplane[i] + UZal)); }; // Float_t minx = TMath::MinElement(22,dzx); Float_t miny = TMath::MinElement(22,dzy); // // find view // if ( minx < miny ){ fView = 1; } else { fView = 2; }; // // find plane // Float_t pos = 0.; // for ( Int_t i=0; i < 22; i++){ if ( fView == 1 ){ if ( dzx[i] == minx ){ fPlane = i+1; pos = fX*10. + UXal; }; } else { if ( dzy[i] == miny ){ fPlane = i+1; pos = fY*10. + UYal; }; }; }; // // find strip // Float_t dxy[96]; Float_t stpos = 0.; // CaloStrip *ca = new CaloStrip(); // for ( Int_t i=0; i < 96; i++){ ca->Set(fView-1,fPlane-1,i); if ( fView == 1 ){ stpos = ca->GetX()*10. + UXal; } else { stpos = ca->GetY()*10. + UYal; }; dxy[i] = fabs(pos - stpos); }; // delete ca; // Float_t mins = TMath::MinElement(96,dxy); // for ( Int_t i=0; i < 96; i++){ if ( dxy[i] == mins ) fStrip = i+1; }; }; /** * Given a point in the space or a strip it returns the Silicon sensor number. Numbering goes like this: * * y ^ * | * | 6 7 8 * | 3 4 5 * | 0 1 2 * | -----------> x * **/ Int_t CaloStrip::GetSiSensor() { // // fX fY fZ // fView fPlane // Float_t deadsi = 0.096; Float_t dead = 0.05; Float_t sidim = 8.00; // Float_t stripdim = 0.244; Float_t sensitarea = 7.808; // Float_t xoffset = 0.; Float_t yoffset = 0.; // if ( (fView-1) == 0 && !((fPlane-1)%2) ){ xoffset = +0.05; yoffset = 0.0; }; if ( (fView-1) == 0 && ((fPlane-1)%2) ){ xoffset = -0.05; yoffset = -0.20; }; if ( (fView-1) == 1 && !((fPlane-1)%2) ){ xoffset = +0.10; yoffset = -0.05; }; if ( (fView-1) == 1 && ((fPlane-1)%2) ){ xoffset = -0.10; yoffset = -0.15; }; // Int_t iind = -1; Int_t jind = -1; // for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++){ if ( (fX+xoffset+12.1) >= (deadsi+(sidim+dead)*i) && (fX+xoffset+12.1) <= (sensitarea+deadsi+(sidim+dead)*i) ){ iind = i; break; }; }; // for (Int_t j = 0; j < 3; j++){ if ( (fY+yoffset+12.1) >= (deadsi+(sidim+dead)*j) && (fY+yoffset+12.1) <= (sensitarea+deadsi+(sidim+dead)*j) ){ jind = j; break; }; }; // Int_t sensor = -1; if ( iind != -1 && jind != -1 ){ sensor = iind + jind * 3; }; // // printf(" View %i Plane %i x %f y %f z %f xoffset %f yoffset %f iind %i jind %i \n",fView,fPlane,fX,fY,fZ,xoffset,yoffset,iind,jind); // return(sensor); // }; /** * CaloLevel1 constructor **/ CaloLevel1::CaloLevel1() { // estrip = TArrayI(0,NULL); // this->Clear(); // }; /** * Clear the CaloLevel1 object **/ void CaloLevel1::Clear(Option_t *t) { // istrip = 0; estrip.Reset(); // }; /** * Returns the detected energy for the given strip once loaded the event **/ Float_t CaloLevel1::GetEstrip(Int_t sview, Int_t splane, Int_t sstrip){ Int_t view = -1; Int_t plane = -1; Int_t strip = -1; Float_t mip = 0.; // if ( istrip == 0 ) return(0.); // for (Int_t i = 0; i sstrip ) return(0.); if ( view == sview && plane > splane ) return(0.); if ( view > sview ) return(0.); // }; return(0.); }; /** * Given estrip entry returns energy plus view, plane and strip numbers **/ Float_t CaloLevel1::DecodeEstrip(Int_t entry, Int_t &view, Int_t &plane, Int_t &strip){ Bool_t sat = false; Float_t mip=this->DecodeEstrip(entry,view,plane,strip,sat); return(mip); }; /** * Given estrip entry returns energy plus view, plane, strip numbers and saturation info **/ Float_t CaloLevel1::DecodeEstrip(Int_t entry, Int_t &view, Int_t &plane, Int_t &strip, Bool_t &saturated){ // if ( entry>istrip ){ // printf(" ERROR: problems decoding entry %i, it seems that number of entries is %i\n",entry,istrip); // return(0.); }; // // printf(" num lim %f \n",std::numeric_limits::max()); // printf(" estrip.At(%i) = %i \n",entry,estrip.At(entry)); // Int_t eval = 0; if ( estrip.At(entry) > 0. ){ view = 0; eval = estrip.At(entry); } else { view = 1; eval = -estrip.At(entry); }; // Int_t fbi = 0; fbi = (Int_t)truncf((Float_t)(eval/1000000000)); // Int_t plom = 0; plom = (Int_t)truncf((Float_t)((eval-fbi*1000000000)/10000000)); // Float_t tim = 100000.; plane = plom; if ( fbi == 1 ) tim = 10000.; if ( plom > 21 ){ plane = plom - 22; if ( fbi == 1 ){ tim = 1000.; } else { tim = 100.; }; }; if ( plom > 43 ){ plane = plom - 44; tim = 10.; }; if ( plom > 65 ){ plane = plom - 66; tim = 1.; }; // strip = (Int_t)truncf((Float_t)((eval - fbi*1000000000 -plom*10000000)/100000)); // Double_t mip = (Double_t)(((Float_t)(eval - fbi*1000000000 -plom*10000000 -strip*100000))/tim); // saturated = false; if ( mip > 5000. ){ mip -= 5000.; saturated = true; }; if ( mip > 0. && mip < 99999. ) return((Float_t)mip); // printf(" ERROR: problems decoding value %i at entry %i \n",estrip.At(entry),entry); // view = -1; plane = -1; strip = -1; return(0.); } /* * Returns energy released on plane nplane (where 0<= nplane <= 43, 0 = 1Y, 1 = 1X, 2 = 2Y, 3 = 2X, etc. etc.). */ Float_t CaloLevel1::qtotpl(Int_t nplane){ Bool_t sat = false; Float_t mip = this->qtotpl(nplane,sat); return(mip); }; /* * Returns energy released on plane nplane (where 0<= nplane <= 43, 0 = 1Y, 1 = 1X, 2 = 2Y, 3 = 2X, etc. etc.). */ Float_t CaloLevel1::qtotpl(Int_t nplane, Bool_t &sat){ // sat = false; Int_t sview = 1; if ( nplane%2 ) sview = 0; // // Int_t splane = nplane-(sview+1)/2; Int_t splane = (nplane+sview-1)/2; // Float_t totmip = qtotpl(sview,splane,sat); // return(totmip); // }; /* * Returns energy released on view "view" (0 = X, 1 = Y) and plane "plane" ( 0 <= plane <= 21 ). */ Float_t CaloLevel1::qtotpl(Int_t sview, Int_t splane){ Bool_t sat = false; Float_t mip = this->qtotpl(sview,splane,sat); return(mip); }; /* * Returns energy released on view "view" (0 = X, 1 = Y) and plane "plane" ( 0 <= plane <= 21 ). */ Float_t CaloLevel1::qtotpl(Int_t sview, Int_t splane, Bool_t &sat){ // Int_t view = -1; Int_t plane = -1; Int_t strip = -1; Bool_t lsat = false; sat = false; // Float_t mip = 0.; Float_t totmip = 0.; // if ( istrip == 0 ) return(0.); // for (Int_t i = 0; i splane ) return(totmip); if ( view > sview ) return(totmip); // }; // return(totmip); // };