/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/CalorimeterLevel2/inc/CaloProcessing.h
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Contents of /DarthVader/CalorimeterLevel2/inc/CaloProcessing.h

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Aug 4 10:31:25 2006 UTC (18 years, 7 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +1 -6 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Small memory leaks fixed

1 /**
2 * \file inc/CaloProcessing.h
3 * \author Emiliano Mocchiutti
4 **/
5 #ifndef CaloProcessing_h
6 #define CaloProcessing_h
7 #include <TObject.h>
8 #include <TROOT.h>
9 //
10 // YODA headers
11 //
12 #include <PamelaRun.h>
13 #include <RegistryEvent.h>
14 #include <physics/calorimeter/CalorimeterEvent.h>
15 #include <CalibCalPedEvent.h>
16 //
17 #include <CaloCore.h>
18 #include <CaloLevel2.h>
20 /**
21 * \brief Class needed to calibrate calorimeter data.
22 *
23 * Calibrates data and connects to fortran routines using structures.
24 *
25 **/
26 class CaloProcessing : public TObject {
28 private:
29 Bool_t debug; ///< debugging flag
30 Bool_t verbose; ///< verbose flag
31 //
32 // variables in which it is stored the calibration information for the four sections
33 //
34 ULong64_t idcalib[4]; ///< ID of root file containing calibrations (one per section)
35 ULong64_t fromtime[4]; ///< lower validity time limit
36 ULong64_t totime[4]; ///< upper validity time limit
37 Int_t calibno[4]; ///< entry of the file
38 TString fcalname[4]; ///< filename of calibrations
39 //
40 // variables needed to open level0 files
41 //
42 TTree *l0tr; ///< level0 tree
43 TBranch *l0calo; ///< level0 calorimeter branch
44 pamela::calorimeter::CalorimeterEvent *de; ///< level0 calorimeter object
45 //
46 //
47 // variables from the calorimeter online calibration
48 //
49 Float_t calped[2][22][96]; ///< pedestals
50 Float_t calgood[2][22][96]; ///< used or not in the common noise calculation
51 Float_t calthr[2][22][6]; ///< thresholds
52 Float_t calrms[2][22][96]; ///< rms
53 Float_t calbase[2][22][6]; ///< baselines (common noise) during calibration
54 Float_t calvar[2][22][6]; ///< variance
55 Float_t cstwerr[4]; ///< status word
56 Float_t cperror[4]; ///< unpacking error flag
57 //
58 // variables needed to calibrate the calorimeter event by event basis
59 //
60 Float_t dexy[2][22][96]; ///< compressed ADC data
61 Float_t dexyc[2][22][96]; ///< RAW ADC data
62 Float_t base[2][22][6]; ///< baselines for this event
63 Float_t sbase[2][22][6]; ///< saved baselines from previous events
64 //
65 // Energy vector
66 //
67 Int_t istrip; ///< number of strip above threshold
68 Float_t svstrip[4224]; ///< saved calibrated energy
69 //
70 // Variables needed to handle parameters files
71 //
72 Bool_t calopar1; ///< boolean, is true if parameter set number 1 has already been loaded
73 Bool_t calopar2; ///< boolean, is true if parameter set number 2 has already been loaded
74 ULong64_t ftcalopar1; ///< parameter set 1 lower limit validity
75 ULong64_t ttcalopar1; ///< parameter set 1 upper limit validity
76 ULong64_t ftcalopar2; ///< parameter set 2 lower limit validity
77 ULong64_t ttcalopar2; ///< parameter set 2 upper limit validity
78 //
79 // private methods
80 //
81 /**
82 * \param s calorimeter section.
83 **/
84 void ClearCalibVals(Int_t s); ///< clear calibration values for section s
85 void ClearCommonVar(); ///< clear common variables
86 void ClearTrkVar(); ///< clear track-related variables
87 void FindBaseRaw(Int_t l, Int_t m, Int_t pre); ///< calculate baselines starting from RAW data
88 Int_t Update(TSQLServer *dbc, ULong64_t atime, Int_t s); ///< update calibration for this event
89 Int_t LoadCalib(Int_t s); ///< load calibrations
91 public:
92 //
93 // ADC to MIP conversion values
94 //
95 Float_t mip[2][22][96]; ///< ADC to MIP conversion values
96 Float_t emin; ///< Offline threshold to separate noise from signal
97 //
98 // Structures to pass data from/to F77
99 //
100 struct FlCaLevel1 *clevel1; ///< input structure
101 struct FlCaLevel2 *clevel2; ///< output structure
102 //
103 //
104 //
105 Int_t trkseqno; ///< tracker track sequential number (-1 if calorimeter selftrigger)
106 //
107 // useful methods
108 //
109 Int_t ChkParam(TSQLServer *dbc, ULong64_t runheader); ///< check and load parameters data
110 Int_t ChkCalib(TSQLServer *dbc, ULong64_t atime); ///< check and load calibration data
111 Int_t Calibrate(Int_t ei); ///< perform data calibration
112 void GetCommonVar(); ///< call fortran common variables program
113 void GetTrkVar(); ///< call fortran track-related variables program
114 void ClearStructs(); ///< clear input and output structures
115 void FillCommonVar(CaloLevel2 *ca); ///< copy common variables from structure to class
116 void FillTrkVar(CaloLevel2 *ca, Int_t nutrk); ///< copy track-related variables from structure to class
117 void RunClose(); ///< clear variables which could change from one run to another
118 //
119 // constructor
120 //
121 CaloProcessing(); ///< contructor
122 void ProcessingInit(TSQLServer *dbc, ULong64_t hs, Int_t &sgnl, TTree *l0tree, Bool_t debug, Bool_t verbose); ///< initialize caloprocessing object
123 //
124 // virtual destructor
125 //
126 virtual ~CaloProcessing();
127 //
128 };
130 #endif

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