--- DarthVader/CalorimeterLevel2/inc/CaloLevel2.h 2011/09/02 14:49:02 1.22 +++ DarthVader/CalorimeterLevel2/inc/CaloLevel2.h 2014/09/16 08:10:14 1.23 @@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ Float_t impx(Int_t tr); ///< the x impact position on the first plane as determined by the track fitted in the calorimeter ( tr = 0 calo fit, tr = 1 selftrigger fit) Float_t impy(Int_t tr); ///< the y impact position on the first plane as determined by the track fitted in the calorimeter ( tr = 0 calo fit, tr = 1 selftrigger fit) + TClonesArray** GetPointerToTrackArray(){return &CaloTrk;}///< returns pointer to pointer to the track array + // void GetElectronEnergy(Float_t &energy, Float_t &sigma); ///< returns energy and sigma using qtot and assuming the particle being an electron //