/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/CalorimeterLevel2/inc/CaloLevel2.h |
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Revision Log
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Links to v6r00: | (view) (download) (annotate) |
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New method CaloLevel2::IsGood(Bool_t strict) and new error-code treatment
Bugs related to plane shifting fixed, added CaloLevel2::nsatstrip variable
Wrong TObject methods overloading fixed everywhere but in tracker code
Added headers to compile with ROOT v5.16/x
Calorimeter: added selfdelay variable
New method CaloLevel2::GetCaloStoredTrack(int) added
Renamed CaloProcessing into CaloLevel0, added method to calorimeter level0 retrieving, fixed OrbitalInfo class doxygen bug
Calorimeter selftrigger extensions upgrade
memory-leak bug fixed
Calorimeter major upgrade, Level1 branch + CaloStrip class
Major calorimeter release, some news in DarthVader main
Added unpackError in all classes, ToF .rz bug fixed, install_GL_PARAM time screw bug fixed
Adapted to the new profiler
Small memory leaks fixed
modified for C3PO
Memory leak bug fixed
Added GetTrackArray method
Small change in the calculation of qlast and nlast variables
Initial revision
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