/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/CalorimeterLevel2/inc/CaloLevel0.h |
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New extended algorithm track-related added to CALO, TOF and ORB
New code for retracking
Calorimeter: plane 18X now is on by default, variable CaloLevel2::selftrigger meaning changed, bug in selftrigger delay fixed
Calo optimization + bug fixed, ToF errors -315/6/7 fixed
New calorimeter calibration
New method in CaloStrip + cross-talk bugs fixed
CaloLevel0 class number updated
More corrections on baselines calculation
Wrong baseline calculation fixed (?)
Wrong TObject methods overloading fixed everywhere but in tracker code
Calorimeter crosstalk code changed in order to use flight calibrations
Changed core routines to open themselves the DB connection
Bug in CaloStrip/Level0 fixed + new alignement parameters added
Renamed CaloProcessing into CaloLevel0, added method to calorimeter level0 retrieving, fixed OrbitalInfo class doxygen bug
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