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Small bug in Makefiles fixed, crash if tle is missing converted to exit with error
OrbitalInfo updated, small changes in calo code
Calorimeter selftrigger extensions upgrade
Calorimeter selftrigger extensions upgrade
cpp optimization from -O to -O4
Calorimeter: added methods to get released energy on any plane
Rollback of the modification in elio.for
qmean variable is now calculated only using planes with one cluster not all planes
Calorimeter major upgrade, Level1 branch + CaloStrip class
Benchmark test option added, 64bit compilation bug fixed
Major calorimeter release, some news in DarthVader main
Adapted to the new profiler
THIS VERSION IS NOT COMPILING, start the adapting to the new profiler
ToF bug fixed + new calo/tracker alignement
modified for C3PO
Upgrade to v1r00 to be linked to YODA 6_3/00
Small change in the calculation of qlast and nlast variables
impx and impy were not in the PAMELA ref. system, fixed
Initial revision
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