/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/CHANGELOG
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Contents of /DarthVader/CHANGELOG

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Revision 1.8 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Apr 7 08:46:54 2015 UTC (9 years, 10 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.7: +6 -1 lines
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
New OI and DV versions, small bugs in OI fixed by VM

1 v10r17 : used for processing at NA and MEPHI
2 v10r18 : BUG FIXED: crash (ToF, probably also CALO and ORB) when reprocessing full file (probably any reprocessing) without extended tracks
3 New methods for tracks retrieving added in CaloLevel2.h, ToFLevel2.h and OrbitalInfo.h
4 v10r19 : testing purpose (ExtTrack processing only)
5 v10r20 : BUG FIXED: crash due to new default in MySQL >=5.5.5,
6 The query that is failing is something like:
7 select ID_ROOT_L0, FROM_TIME, TO_TIME, EV_ROOT from GL_CALO_CALIB where SECTION=0 and VALIDATION=1 ORDER BY ABS(1322051607-FROM_TIME) asc limit 1
8 this issue and it seems that is related to the "NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION" mode of MySQL.
9 "As of MySQL 5.5.5, overflow during numeric expression evaluation results in
10 an error. For example, the largest signed BIGINT value is
11 9223372036854775807, so the following expression produces an error."
12 You can find other infos about this here
13 http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/server-sql-mode.html
14 essentialy now, by default, subtraction between integer operands produces an
15 UNSIGNED result if any operand isUNSIGNED. This is something that I think is
16 weird and in the code there is not such an assumption of course, I expect
17 that the subtraction between two unsigned integer COULD result in a negative number...
18 v10r21 : BUG FIXED: sync lost between CAL/TOF in TrkCore when skipping events outside
19 time window
20 v10r22 : Bug fixed: mysql api does not support multiple queries (introduce to fix MySQL
21 >=5.5.5 bug, see v10r20).
22 v10r23 : Bug fixed: NaN in IGRF F77 routine in rare situations
23 v10r24 : Bug fixed: wrong IGRF interpolation, new IGRF field maps (IGRF12), new IGRF
24 coding for GM_XXX routines, bug in rotation table code fixed
25 v10r25 : Bug in ToFLevel2::GetdEdx method fixed, overloading of ToFLevel2::GetdEdx method
26 implemented with a better construction
27 v10r26 : News in OrbitalInfo
28 v10r27 : New ToF versions (Elena's methods), BUG in ORB reprocessing fixed
29 v10r28 : Bugs in OrbitalInfo fixed

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