/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/AnticounterLevel2/src/AcLevel2.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/AnticounterLevel2/src/AcLevel2.cpp

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Revision 1.6 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Feb 12 08:17:21 2007 UTC (18 years ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v3r01
Changes since 1.5: +89 -0 lines
New method added in AcLevel2

1 #include <TObject.h>
2 #include <AcLevel2.h>
4 ClassImp(AcLevel2);
6 AcLevel2::AcLevel2() {
7 this->Clear();
8 }
10 void AcLevel2::Clear(){
11 status[0]=0;
12 hitmap[0]=0;
13 hitstatus[0]=0;
14 trigger[0]=0;
15 status[1]=0;
16 hitmap[1]=0;
17 hitstatus[1]=0;
18 trigger[1]=0;
19 unpackError=0;
20 }
22 bool AcLevel2::IsHit(TString what){
24 char* cabl[] = {"CARD4","CAT2","CAS1","ND","CARD2","CAT4","CAS4","ND",
25 "CARD3","CAT3","CAS3","ND","CARD1","CAT1","CAS2","ND"};
27 bool answer = false;
28 for(Int_t ibit=0; ibit<16; ibit++){
29 if( what.Contains( cabl[ibit], TString::kIgnoreCase ) ){
30 if( what.Contains( "M" , TString::kIgnoreCase ) )
31 answer = (Bool_t)((hitmap[0]>>ibit)&1) & (Bool_t)((hitstatus[0]>>ibit)&1);
32 else if( what.Contains( "E" , TString::kIgnoreCase ) )
33 answer = (Bool_t)((hitmap[1]>>ibit)&1) & (Bool_t)((hitstatus[1]>>ibit)&1);
34 return answer;
35 };
36 };
37 return answer;
39 }
41 bool AcLevel2::CAShit(TString card)
42 {
43 if(card.Contains("main") || card.CompareTo("")==0 )
44 {
45 if( this->IsHit("CAS1-M") )return true;
46 if( this->IsHit("CAS2-M") )return true;
47 if( this->IsHit("CAS3-M") )return true;
48 if( this->IsHit("CAS4-M") )return true;
49 }
50 if(card.Contains("extra") || card.CompareTo("")==0)
51 {
52 if( this->IsHit("CAS1-E") ) return true;
53 if( this->IsHit("CAS2-E") ) return true;
54 if( this->IsHit("CAS3-E") ) return true;
55 if( this->IsHit("CAS4-E") ) return true;
56 }
58 return false;
59 }
61 bool AcLevel2::CAThit(TString card)
62 {
63 if(card.Contains("main") || card.CompareTo("")==0 )
64 {
65 if( this->IsHit("CAT1-M") )return true;
66 if( this->IsHit("CAT2-M") )return true;
67 if( this->IsHit("CAT3-M") )return true;
68 if( this->IsHit("CAT4-M") )return true;
69 }
70 if(card.Contains("extra") || card.CompareTo("")==0)
71 {
72 if( this->IsHit("CAT1-E") ) return true;
73 if( this->IsHit("CAT2-E") ) return true;
74 if( this->IsHit("CAT3-E") ) return true;
75 if( this->IsHit("CAT4-E") ) return true;
76 }
78 return false;
79 }
81 bool AcLevel2::CARDhit(TString card)
82 {
83 if(card.Contains("main") || card.CompareTo("")==0 )
84 {
85 if( this->IsHit("CARD1-M") )return true;
86 if( this->IsHit("CARD2-M") )return true;
87 if( this->IsHit("CARD3-M") )return true;
88 if( this->IsHit("CARD4-M") )return true;
89 }
90 if(card.Contains("extra") || card.CompareTo("")==0)
91 {
92 if( this->IsHit("CARD1-E") ) return true;
93 if( this->IsHit("CARD2-E") ) return true;
94 if( this->IsHit("CARD3-E") ) return true;
95 if( this->IsHit("CARD4-E") ) return true;
96 }
98 return false;
99 }
101 bool AcLevel2::AChit(TString card)
102 {
103 if(this->CAThit(card) || this->CARDhit(card) || this->CAShit(card)) return true;
105 return false;
106 }
109 /**
110 * Fills a struct cAcLevel2 with values from a AcLevel2 object (to put data into a F77 common).
111 */
112 void AcLevel2::GetLevel2Struct(cAcLevel2 *l2) const{
113 for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
114 l2->status[i] = status[i];
115 l2->hitmap[i] = hitmap[i];
116 l2->hitstatus[i] = hitstatus[i];
117 l2->trigger[i] = trigger[i];
118 }
119 }
121 void AcLevel2::SetFromLevel2Struct(cAcLevel2 *l2){
122 for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
123 status[i] = l2->status[i];
124 hitmap[i] = l2->hitmap[i];
125 hitstatus[i] = l2->hitstatus[i];
126 trigger[i] = l2->trigger[i];
127 }
128 }

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