This package provides: 1) the ROOT-able library and the symbolic link ; 2) the header MyDect2Level2.h ; 3) the executable MyDetector2Level2 ; 4) a parameter file called MyDect2Parameters.dat . The program comply to all required specifications (processing, reprocessing, etc.). This program looks for parameters file each time it process a run. It opens and reads LEVEL2 tracker tree. It generates two set of output variables for each event: - variables related to a track; - other variables. Track-related variables are stored in a dynamic way, such as if there are no tracks no space is wasted while if there are multiple tracks multiple set of these variables are stored in the output file. In case of track image given by the tracker the program assume that the detector is able to solve the ambiguity and tag the track which has been used to process data. If the ambiguity cannot be solved the program uses the "main" track and tag the situation as ambigous. This program calls external fortran routines to process data.